Sixth Race [6th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-17

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SIXTH HACK 1 1-145 Mil«- . :t- onr-«ililK and upnanl, laimiiiu. l.lune 4. 1916 1 :4."i ■ 11«». I HEAD OYER HEELS, ch. m, 8 111 By Celt— Belle Fleur, by Eon. Trainer, F. W, xorunt. ownc. Bisbee Stable. MtM Tijuana 3-4 l:WAnlop 12-5 114 1 I 3 3- 2s R CmHer 7 -lolinlr.. J.ofTrumps 60.00 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14 %fnat S-S 112 1 . 3 8*| 4-3 R Carter I Q.ofTmps. Dan.tiirl. Kir.sCul 69951 Tijuina 3-4 l:K%bvy 9-5 109 1 2 2 P f *i T Wilson 10 Il.Blosm, Lit. Romper, Hlerch HM6 Tijuana 51 f 1 :08Jislop 32 104 6 7 8 5* 6«1 A Jacobs 8 MotorCop, Bui t Proof, Sis.Susie 59836 Tijuana 5-8 l:01%fast 19-f. 110 t 3 I I : *% R B Bwer S Huron II., Shifty. .Mayflower 59748 Tijuana 3-4 1 :1344fast 19-5 112 4 4 4 4* 4» T Murray 7 Motor Cop, Sister Susie, Sedan DAINTY LADY, b. m, « M By Celt— Albertela, by Albert. Traintr. C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. ■MM Tijuana 1 l-M 1:MiA« *"1 Ml 148 1 I M 4» H Long 8 Psl.Wal*. W.Haraar, BbonOin iOK«8 Tijuina 1 1-s 1 :57=.-.slov 16 M 4 I 3 4; C StMfT 7 Ch".eyBoy. FannieNail. Ulivmcr MM Tijuana 8-4 1 :16~.slop 8 113 E 4 4 4« 3 P Martinez 7 John Jr., H.O. Heels. Q.ofTiups WM.92 Tijuana 1 1 -16 l:49*tfast 56 M 4 5 5 ■ 63 911 D Huri, | Vic. Don Jose, Nellie Harper MM Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fa«t 22 111 8 7 « 6- 9" P Martinez 9 Trusty, Don Jose. Dancing Girl 60575 Tijuana 1 l:45%slow 1 105 1 6 7 7 5»1 4«i C Studer 7 Bill Head, Vic. Montpeni 6*H74 Tijuana S-4 1:17%slop 8 M 8 8 8 6-1 221 C BtnMaT 8 Lit. Romper, Meljuie. Don Jose DOUBLE VAN, ch. g, 5 105 By Vandergrift — Lady Vandergrift, by Star Shoot Trainer, 7. D. Heard. Owner. G. H Abbott. «.08i;r Tijuaiiii 3-1 ll4T»alnW 17 M i .5 ! 1 1J M J Htamer s Stiletto. Lylone. LnuraCochran MM Tijuana 6-8 l:07%hvy 23-10 1 9 8 H 4 41 2-1 Bj Uusan 8 Dorothy. Sqnasti. Josenia 592::l Tijuana 6-8 1:04%slop 7 105 8 8 8 7» 7S1 R Duggan 8 Mannchen. Tillotsou, Thrills 68547 MapleH 61 f 1 M%t aet 21 106 8 8 7 6i 5« R Duggan 8 Frenchy, St. Just. Rex Gaiety 68491 MapleH. 5-8 1:08 hvy 8-2 108 4 3 3 31 2" R Duggan 7 Bonstelle, KittyM., KingWortl 58481 MapleH 5-8 l:«9%hvy 6 104 2 2 2 2* 21 R Duggan 6 Huron 1 1., Hilldale. Viola Part NELLIE HARPER, b. f, 8 83 By Harrigan— Beatrice Soule, by Peep oDay. Trainer, H. Tullett. Owner, Tam o Shanter Stable. itlSK! Tijuana l 1-16 l:48-igood i 94 1 3 2*1 2i T Wilson 8 PM.Wale, BlxintJtri. Dtyljuiy MM Tijuana 1 l:43%fast 4 M S 7 6 6 ft* 32J D Hum 9 Kath. Rankin, Poacher, Char.Bov t..758 Tiiuana 1 1-16 l:4»jfaat 29 93 2 6 5 5 |*| 2"* D Hurn 8 Franklin, D.Jose, Sans Peur II 6"HT 2 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:49%fast 8 si 2 3 I 3 23 31 P Hum • Vic. Don Jose. Peerless One • 0679 Tijuana H t l*S%Caa* 21 97 9 9 9 71 8»J D Hum M BlackTop, ThirtySeven. Review MBtTtf«MM 3-4 1:19 hvy 31 OS 6 6 6 31 3* T Wilson 9 Poacher. Czardom. Sample BEES WING, blk. m, 5 107 By Buckhorn— Natalie D.. by Ben Strome. Trainer, A. E. Smith. Owner, A. E. Smith. MM Tiiuana 3-4 lMlSsgoo.l S3 101 In M 10 S; M Fator 10 K.Kankin. M.MaiiNby. Trustv C ,.,S Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :49M fast S M 1 I I I 7* 7« V Hurn S Franklin, Nel. Harper, Don Jose MCBS Vijuaria 1 1-14 l:i4Waa 12-5 I* 1 2 1 Z 2= IIP Hurn ■ Phedodeii, Deckhand, W. Willow M641 Tijuana ::-4 1:16 slow 2 111 I 5 I 4J3 C Thpson % Or.lii.lKiug, Billil.-ad, M.Byng BIK Tljaan* tlfl:M%HjtM 14 10» 4 6 6 51 4» U Parke tt L. Romper, Il.Blosm, Mad.Byug MMS K.tlndM 3-4 1:17 hvy 11-5 M 1 8 8 M* M9* A Wilson 11 IVopair, BrownBill, ServiceSfar L98_o i/n ls 2-4 118 hvy 10 lo2 I 3 3 8J 2"» A Wilson VZ Rustler, Helen Atkin, Ragaxsa POACHER, ch. »f 7 109 By Star Shoot— Partridge, by Longfellow. Trainer, 8. Polk. Owner, J. Price. MM Tijuana 1 l:4S%fna4 14 loS 14 7 7 41 2?J M Fator 9 K.Rankin, Ncl. Harper. Char. Boy MM H l:08*ii*ast 24 105 8 9 7 9-1 7*1 M lator 11 HuzelDuIe. Trum.Cnll. Rubberll. Wi 2.; Tijuana :;-4 1:19 hvy 7 107 2 2 2 2!J l1 M Fator 9 Czanh.m, Nellie Harper, Sample MM Tijuana 1 3-16 2:03%fast 22 104 3 6 6 6 61 6»3 M Fator 8 Ci.mder, Bueville, W.H.Pearve I 60265 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:51ftgood 9 M 1 t 4 I 31 6«1 E Fator 7 Rouen. P.Blossom. Buckhorn II i MM Tijuana 1 l-M I MM«« 5 9S688 8 716«M Fator 9 Franklin, BobBaker, FkFogarty I THRILLER, ch. f, 8 93 By Burtoasville— Thrill, by McGee. i Traiuer. J. tt. Black. Owaer, 3. M. Blaok. MMS Tijuana 5. f 1 :10.-,slop 9 1 • 7 7 7 5s 5- H Long 7 I.iitleLoss. Tabloid. KyeBrisrht i i.h.55 Tijuana 8-4 1 :15igoodi:M0 IM C 4 4 3 I* .1 Htamer 83 Torsi-la. N.MeKitfy, L.Floreuce | CMS7 Tijuana 3-4 1 :152tfast 6 M9 6 4 I1 MJ Htamer 11 apt. Clover. P. Wale, N.McKuej I 69733 Tijuana 1 1 :43" 33-10 104 6 4 4 3 U 11 J Htamer i Cap. Clover. PI Steel. L.Florence I 69689 Tiiuana 3-4 1 :154%fast 13-10 M 7 I 5 V% M J Hunmer 7 Mam, PlowSteol, TrumpetCall MM Tijuana 51 f l:J9%fast 18-5 106 1 4 i S" 2" B Parke 7 PI. Steel. TrumpetCall, N.Harpw MANNIKIB II., ch. h, 5 108 By Fitz Herbert or Gretry— Manzanita, by Meddler. Trainer. H. A. Lott. Owner, H. A. Lett. i.i »T. Tlfomaa 1 1-8 28 .". s p... 2 2 1 1 l*| S* W D Miller 4 Mist. Polly. PwSfpel. Shenandh | MM Tijuana 1 1 :424ifast 5.» 1"S 7 6 6 6 B| 6J 1! B Rwer 7 H.lltirgnyiie, Phedoden, Y.I.;i~sie ; U062W Tijuana lm70v 1 :55hvy 12-3 M 111 1 I" I1 .1 Htaiier 7 Ietlar. Mistress Polly, Sippara i l,..:.-... Tijuana liuioy 1 .■,-•....,. ..,1 1- 1 S 4 4 3 3 3 3s W IJ Miller 8 Cli Barkley, Yklassie, I ewisB | MM Tiiuana 1 1-S1:£S fast 16 K* 2 3 4 3 4 If W D Miller 8 Dr. Samuel, Gi %eC Jr., K.ofSteel , MM lijuaiia ImToy 1 :492fgo.,d 32 115 2 C 6 6 6= 6,u B McKwen 8 Phedoden. t Wilson, iJeorgeC.Jr. DON JOSE, ch. ff, 7 111 By Ballot — Micaela, by Watercress. Trainer, C. E. Groves. Owner, C. E. Groves. t Ciimi Tijuana 1 l-M l::2-.-.mud 6 1 »; 2 2 V 4** P Hum « Rifle, Rouen. Bill Head 60x06 Tijuana 1 1 11 116 I .". I I M S7 C Thpson • K Rankin. Pa n.-lu-r. Nel. Harper ; MM Tijuana 1 l-M l:4t%fant 7 IM 5 11 1 l*| I J .1 Hunmer 8 Frklin, Nel. Harper, S. Peur II. ; MM Tijuana 1 l-M l:4t%faa4 17-5 ni 111 1 2l 2J J Htamer 9 fie, NeMfeHarawr, iVerlessOne I I 1 Tijuana 2-1 l:14%faal 5 112 3 1111 I" J Hunmer 9 Trusty, Dancint OM, John Jr MS78 Tijuana H t IM slow 11 M 7 7 4 4i 41 T Wilson 8 Shifty. Ike Mills, Dancing Girl . VIC. b. f. 4 109 By Watervale — Eastern Shore, by Tbo Bard. Trainer, C. Berry. Owner, Thompson ft Berryl. 40758 Tijuana 1 1-14 6 "4 2 7 7 7 B| 5*? C fllMlir 8 Franklin. Nel. Harper. Don.lose | MMS Tijuana 1 1-14 1 19* .fast 7 K 1 5 4 4 4 11 11 R 1..-ih:e «i Don.lose, N. Harper. PeerlessOne f M 75 Tiiuana 1 1 :4"=:.hIow 7 1 » 4 7 6 4 2 2i C Ralls 7 BillHead. Moiitperri. D.iintyLady . M474 Tiiuana 3 4 I :17%slop 9 97 7 7 7 61 If C Hal.s 8 Lit. Romper. Dty Lady. Mcl.aue M74 Tijuana 1-4 l:15*f.good 1 M 6 « 6 i 4i Balls 7 T. Craven, Tabloid, H. Burgoyne MM! Tiiuana 1 1 8-6 97 0 4 4 2 21 2» C Ralls « Nel. Harper, Pueblo, Hal Wright WALTER H. PEARCE, b. g, I 109 By Sain— Loyalirta. by Loyalist. Trainer. R. Thompson. Owner. H, Rasmussen MI889 Tijuana 1 l-M l:48%c*od 12:. M 4 I 7-1 7 v Davia s Iol.Waie. N.Harper, BtanaOra ■MM Tijuana 1 l-v 1 :5h ..pood 27 112 4 I I I 4» 4-,l L Hail I FNail. B. Green, Verm.iU HOI* Tijuana 1 1-I2:i: sl..w 16 111 I I 6 *i 7-17" L Hail 8 Bkhoinll.. Botir.tirn. Fan. Nail M473 Tijuana 1 1-14 I :n ijjMon 14 111 5 3 3 3 3- If L Hall 7 O.Weil, "cadourll.. Bhornll. *35h Tijuana 1 3-16 20.1*4fast 27-10 l«»7 1 2 I I l1 S| J Htamer 8 Commander. Booneville. Rhymer . MSB Tiiuana 1 1-S 2:00%slop 6 109 4 2 2 2 21 1" J Hunmer 8 Ye.mak. Boone* ille, MtainGlrl MM7 Tijuana 3-4 1 :20aMilow 7-5 L2 3 8 7 65 6-» L Hall 8 Dora. Nebraska. Pink Tenuy PEERLESS ONE, br. f, 7 109 By Jack Atkin — Same Pareil II., by Irquois. Trainer, S. Polk. Owner, S. Polk. «.088» Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :4X-..good .. 1-4 I 1 4 I" M Kator S Pol Wale. N Harper, Bl«u:;in | MMSTUanuna 1 l-M l;M*4fHM 7 P7 122 2 4* l!E Fator 9 Vic. Dm Jose. Nellie Harper , 1 .1 H Tiiuana lm7nv l:47%xaat 17 N 5 6 6 6 6 "." M Kator 7 Gath, Regreso, Rouen Mill Tijuana 3-4 1:16 slow 45 M 9 8 8 8» 7" M Falor « Orck.Klua , BillHead, BeesWing 60077 Tijuana 3-4 lH»sfast 77f lp ; 10 10 10 10 10" ■ Fator 10 Fireplace, Bob. Allen. OrchidKlng ,

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Local Identifier: drf1922031701_8_2
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