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SEAGRAM HORSES HELD UP AT BORDER BIFFAKO. X. Y ., March 10 Custom effictahl Bl the international briohre Wednesday night s,.jz...| fifteen horses en route from Waterloo. Out., to Maryland « hen they .Ii-. ..v.i cd several laeMl of whiskey .■ eale.l in the cats in whi. h the heis,- arere heiasj -hipped. The horses arc owned by Sea gram Brothers, win. also own a distiller at Waterloo. Out. Trainer William Bringloe. who was in charge of the horses, was taken lata custody by the government official* on a charge of unlawfully importing liquor into this coaatry. He was later arraigned before Federal Coatatfaiabsaer Klein and was released on 11,000 bond. i lie beraea that are being held pending tie hearing of Maine: Riingloe are: Golden Sphere. Rull- ■ iog Diiimmon.i Ladj Meaee, Brill iaal Jester, P.. li-ian Diamond. Mode. Kentish Boy, Wakefield. Re.l ■tope, OJaaatak, Ciceroaian, Arraooaa, Nirkaaase, Bouquet and Gallipot.