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LOUISVILLE TRACKS LIVELY . » Warm Weather and Better Going Brings Active Training. ! ♦ No Especially Noteworthy Moves — St. Henry Attracts Attention — Jockey Wilsons Predicament. ■ ■ LOTIsVILLR. K.r.. March 23.— Regular spring weather prevailed here today unil :is :i result the Churchill Dwii and Beastee Park mee tra.ks fairly swarmed with horses for KWwl hours this morning. Tlie two tracks had dried out completely and some of the trainers sent their charges along at the fast- i est clip that they have asked of them this season to date. Judging from the large niuuher of two-year-olds seen on both tracks there will l c no scarcity of juvenile racing material in these parts. Most of them ate members of italhl which plan to re-niain on the Kentucky circuit until the windup at I.a Ionia. Most of the eligibles for the Kentucky Derby which were in action today were given only brisk exercise gallops, chiefly at short distances. St. Henry, Mont fort .Tones" Derby and 1reakness candidate, came in for a close scmtiny on the part of holseim -11 and turf ex]ierts when trainer "Chuck" Walker sent him five-eighths of a mile at a "two minute clip." The half brother of Sir Barton is hlill in the John K. Madden -table and will in all probability be campaigned by this turfman for his owner in the Fast. The Madden establishment was further augmented by four more horses which came in from his farm at lVxington, Ky.. this morning. One of them is a Ihlec-.vear-old and others are two-year-old-. 1at Ktielelkainp today sent his brother K 1 to Detroit in an effort to adjust the differences between Inited States immigration officers and jockey Albeit Wilson, which are preventing the rider returning to this country fioui Windsor. Onl.. his home city. A -oiious precedent for Canudiau boy-riding oil American tracks will be set if Wilson is not allowed to re-enter the States. The whale question hinges upon whether or not the occupation of jockey shall be classified as a profession and. in the event that it is, it will not come under the head of contract labor. Wilson has been detained for a week already. J. 0. KEENE A VISITOR. .1. O. Keene. member of the Kentucky State facing oiumis-ion. came over from Lexington this morning and was among the early visitor- at the two local Hack-. The division of his stable racing in Havana, which includes Llewellyn, a Cuban and Kentucky Derby eligible, will be brought here neit week by his brother G. H Keene. Tiailie.- .lames Mi Kinney had tile filing irons applied to Cut Ip during the ariater and Bhe is again training soundly. He la- six of the II. 1. Marshall horses at Churchill Downs. Tom .lone- i- trail. ii.g the Harned l.ros. -table, which Mas loriiieih under the care of C. C. Van Meter. li includes Coyne. Marjorie Myites. Lina Clark and 1iisr Col, :■■ tare-year-eM son of Faux-Coi Mabel Dulwr bber. Liaa Clark wa- purchased from I former Inited States Senator .1. W. Bailey late in annum.. W. W. Datdeit came up freaa his home in Nashville. Tenn.. to look ocer the hor-.s at the Downs loday V.. C. Arnold of Cincinnati, owner of Brother Match, also was numbered atneng the isitor-. He named his her at for all of the Mere important stake, on tiie Kentucky circuit for the .-...ning -tiling and Mimmer meetings. EXERCISE SCHOOL TO BE PERMANENT. The exercise -chool for boy-, which lias been in ses-ioii -ince last Nov ember at Churchill Downs, will lie dismissed on March -*** for the -imimer. Its work has been prai-cl in letters received by the Ken, inky Jockey Club from all section- of the country. It will be a peimaneut institution. Cnrydon. owned by Pat Knebelkamp; leading star, the preaerti at fanaer lackey Charles Kaeraar, and Baby Kvalyn. which races for T. Doyle, came in from Mobile, Ala., t Lis uiornii.g. Bay Brown brought My Roae from the same places. Ilims for the "Old Kentucky !lou-e." to be built with a donation of .sj.YimiO from the Kentucky i | Jockey Club, arere perfected at .t meeting of the directors of the Kentucky Stale Fair he I* yesteiday. In addition to this the racing a— ociation annually add- a -urn of money to the running race piogram at the fairs. Sway, which was turned out at I,exington all winter, will !«• taken up by trainer Ccorge V. ! r.aine- of the C. W. -table within the next lew day-. Whether Cobweb another member of j this stable, which has been running out during the 1 • old months, will In- lr.iiind again depends apoal j his condition, a- hi- underpinning ha- lieen bad for i some tine j Schooling of two .j ear-old- will be conducted at both of the local track- beginning April 1. On the -anie date one of starter A. K. Dade-- a-si-tant-will ; begin a similar ta-k at Lexington.