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I I I A , ■ CUBAN RACiNG ENDS TODAY I Derby Feature of Closing Program — Last One Beats Fast Sprinters. HAVANA. Cuba. March LT . — The winter racing season of MS1-M22 at Oriental Iaik will terminate ti morrow. The Ion:: meeting is closing in a pro verbial blaze of glory. »!ood judges pronoiii cc lie field that has been named to participate in Sundays renewal of the Darby as the best from the sanilpoint of unifoim ajaalitjr in the history of the event. Therefore a good contest is antici Bated. Truly, it is ;i field to enthuse over. The following .io W.y- will have the mounts: Cnerry Tioo. I.. Ienm.iii: I.lewellyn. 1.. Kennedy: Qnesada, A. McLaughlin: Oeatfaraa. II. tinnier: Ixghorn. G. Carey; Tomahoi. c BaMaaaa; Bebake, W. Ketaay; I.ady Astoi. B. Scheffol; Olynthus. T. Nolan. On the eve of the race there is no outstanding favorite, the ceiilest bears an open one. which condition should insure diversified speculation with ;, | ! price against the winner. Cherry Tree and Ltewellya, baarerer, have ■ slight call over tin-others and are regarded with most favor. F. . Iaul furnished the winner of todays feature, the Sobre Kl Mar Handicap, in the fast little splinter Last One. whicli defeated his opponents in convincing fashion. Me led all the way and held the OaMMatt pair. Ouvnor and Ararat, safe at all stages. The winner set a fast and early pace and ran the half in 47. The majority of todays finishes were close enough to arouse much enthusiasm, the MCaai race particularly so « li"ii Ave |. beat Meadoworth by the smallest of margin. The Itelgian II. beat Primitive by three parts of a length in his race, while Stonewall won in runaway fashion. linen made all the pace in the fifth and out-gamed Whippooi will in a driving finish. The following lioises were shipped to the Ouayabal Ranch to be I iinied out until next fall: Felix M., M is -i iconic. Lullaby, MisS Hope, Kcntmcn and Invincible. The following will be sent Sunday: lark M.. Scinlillaie. Frascitclo. Major Parke. Sun loirl. Orris. Pamline, Position, Wise Man. Kiiddles, I aimilo. Forge Ahead. Included in the above are Ihree belonging to Prank Weir, who ha- decided not to take any horses north this spring. Williams I trot hers are leaving four horses from their stable. It is believed that a long rest will fit the animals for racing next fall. II. K. I»ait has been notifei by the management of the Florida State Fair, conducting the spring tiicciing at Jacksonville, that it has been decided to curtail the meeting one day. The meeting will last s"en days, o|iening Saturday. Apiil 1. and closing Saturday, April H. The curtailment is due to th- fact that the week liegltining April i» is holy week and religions sentiment in Jacksonville iN opposed to racing during that period.