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, ■ • « i i FiRE AT GENTLEMENS DRIVING PARK ! BALTTMOBK, Md . March IT riisaiia at 3 oclock this ruing were Itill pouring water on the blackened ruins of the clubhouse, cottage-. has st:1|is .,,,,] mter tank at the Gentlemens Driving Park, BetrMera avenue ami Iimlico road, part of which was sarept by a spectai ular blase , Bull stalled shortly alter 1 a. m. today. Not until the list spark was extinguished and the charred debris dripping with water did the fireies ! relinquish their task. There were about fifty horses quartered in barfta on the P. dvidere side of tie park ale! more than 100 horses in training for : a the spring meetings quartered at Plastics just across the void. It uas ts prevent the remotest . possibility of the tire spreading to adjacent stables that the men of tiie fire department stayed on the | job so long. The blase started in the rlabhoase from a cause •is v.t nadetenained at 1:20. and was discovered i by Jacob Da. i- and Jesse K.iynoiid. negro stable atteadaats. The interior of the whole building was I ablaze ami an alarm was aOMBfltSl, to tie followed i shortly by second and thiru alarms. By the time the first piece of apparatus arrived the whole building was ablaze, s iniing -moke high in the I sky and spreading an intense heat that could be felt two squares aw a v. Twa snath hatsss in near-by tmxstalls were removed ami the Stable men in charge of the race . horses in the Helvidere side of the park made mc-paralions to remove their valuable Charges should 1 the lire cine nearer. Jockeys, trainers and bays with buckets of water i ilinbed to the roofs of the stables to extinguish -parks which weie falling over a wide area to the j Sufth and o.t! of tl.e blaze. t