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I f 1 I t I • I I i i i I Ill-TIl RACK 1 1-IG utiles. 1 |lll aldla ami »ijn :i:-«I. hi ii:i i uu. June 34, loidj — i:tr» — :;-iio. 0AINTT LADT. b. m, 6 105 By Celt— Albertola, by Albert. Trainer. C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. 0I01- Tijuana ImMy ii7-fast t US 2 I V 1*| D ilurn 10 Hickeryaat, Bweasaa, Near. Lad iO!M 2 Tijuana 1 S-16 2:02., fast M IM 2 6 bi 4 H Lont; 11 Fannie.Nail, Bas.Boy, Babjeerge •BMM Tijuana 1 1-16 lS2%hvy Mf Vi 7 5 51 4" W Davis 9 BeesWtetr, H.O.Heels, N.Hpef BOMB Tijuana 1 l-l I 1 1 M -.-.-rood in 1112 6 6 Be 4» H Lon« s Pol.Wsle, N.Harper, B*aeaOr*a 60X08 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:57-..slow 16 M 4 4 l 47 C 7 ChleyKoy, FannieNail. Kliyuier BMM TUaaaa 8-4 l:l6~.slop 8 til I 4 4 44 3T p Hfirtftam T lekali . H.O.Beefta, lkafT*6spa .0692 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:4$%faat 66 N9 4 5 5 5 6J • • 1 Hum 9 Vic. Don Jose. .Nellie Harper 60621 Tijuana 3-4 l:M%faat 22 HI 8 7 6 6» 911 P Martinez 9 Treaty, Don Jose. Daneint; Girl ■50675 Tijuana 1 IHSftesaai 1 105 1 5 7 7 B*J 4Pt C Studer 7 Bill Head, Vie, Montperrl f£0T FOOT, b. m. 6 112 By Ildrlm— Hot Bird, by Dry Monopole. Trainer, C. P. Kelly. Owner, J. Edwards. I101S Tijuana 1 l:43%faat E II" • I 12 1- C Thpaoa 8 Kit.Cktbam, XIrkKlein, Kimono 00970 Tijuana. 5-8 148 fast 12 110 3 I 4* 1*1 C Thpson 7 W.illitanl. NoWonder. Kiaiono BOMB Tijuana 1 l:44%good - 105 6 C, 6- 31 T Wilson 11 Divlam!, Littleiointer. Caamano MMS TUaaaa 1 l:44%faat 9 lor. I I 4 3 1*1 4*1 J Htamer in Mteeeate, IlowSteel, NoWonder •MB TUaaaa 1 l:4B%aaad 4 105 6 SB 5 51 SjT Wilson 8 Pltaaaaat, OaaraaVk, Mistake 10442 TUaaaa l l:G6%atop 12-5 105 1 l 2 2 2» 2» T Wilson .8 Bratltaaa, Bwaasaa, Jewel City *,03S1 TUaaaa 1 l:M1hfaat 7 m 15 2 3 3 33 T Wilson 12 PecMartte, JewelClty, Montona MBH Tijuana 51 f l:09,ifast 5 K»6 7 6 6 S1 33 J Hunmer 8 JulyFly. TySeven. W.Whitaker •W179 Tijuana 3-4 lJB%BM»d 13 105 4 3 3 41 4* T Wilson 7 Mistake. Dora. Al Porter MONTONA, oh. g. 5 114 By Montsomery — Itatnna. by Scarborough. Trainer W. Plnkstaff. Owner, W. Ptnkstaff. 00988 TUaaaa lm70v l:i6--fast 6 117 B 3 8« 21 P Martinez 8 s.J.Vercne. T.Braaka, By Biaat 00919 Tijuana l 1-8 l:56%OOd 22 5 110 6 1 1* 1« H Molters 7 Wliitellavea. AlmaB.. B.Sjsi.-r BMM Tijuana 1 1-M lSUftfaat 20 108 10 6 6 6 4i l"k ji Molters 11 Bdin«Tlin.nh, AteaaB., Cobrita •10723 Tijuana 11:11 fast 28 100 5 7 5 4 6?. 74 H Molters B Jos. Gorman, NoWond.-r. Kimono BBMI Tijuana 51 f I ItTfcrtaW 10 113 9 8 9 % 62 D Hum 11 Niek Klein. Squash. Blue Van MMtTljuaaa ll:4T%atop 4 112 5 4 4 4 4* 4;» P Caron I Capt.Kvans, Fond Hope, Ispiiam VV184 Tininna 1 l:i4fefast 8 111 9 9 7 4 4J ft*] M Taylor 12 Fen. Martin. JewelCity, UofFoot ai1n0 Tijuana 1 IzftMjEJaat 13-E 104 8 9 8 8 «* 6*1 A Jacobs 9 liiSmoke, CI. the Way, lavage r.OTTA SPEED, b. f, 4 103 By Vou XroroD— Lotta Greed, by HtmiiM. fTrsJmer. H. Parrell. Owner. K. FerreU. 61B3S Tijuana 3-4 ! :i, 1v.- 18 IBS 8 I 4; I P 1 M Patpr 7 July Fly. Charmant. LakcBfl 00915 Tijuana 1 1:44 good 13-5 Ml I 1 1»1 P* t Wils.m : CastleCrawa, Beatfat, UOrpkaa 00880 Tijuana 8-4 l:16%COOd IM 106 7 9 11« ll15 C Studer 12 W.Whitaker, J.Cman, M.Dbar M1M Ttjaaaa 61 f l:09%fast 5 ME 6 3 4 1" 14 C Studer 10 J.D .SayjC, Bet. Stuart, In.ptiecy SOS73 Tijuana 3-4 l:l5%fast I M8 1 4 4 35 t*ft ■ Fator B I.toloint. S Hawkins. Istfttis MM0 Tljaaaa I l:40%taat M Ml 7 8 7 7 7| 7*1 .1 Htamer 9 BkjBaaeka, CI. the Way. fafasa MM Tijuana 11:45 faat M 104 5 8 4 4 5!" 6«» J Htamer 9 Wise.I11.lge, View, OldHomestd 59794 Tijuana lm70y l:49%fast 37 lo.i 2 3 3 10 102 II11 C Stu-ler 11 Zamloeb, Mrs. Pat. Petiar ZETETIC, ch. m, 10 110 By Abe Frank — Joaies eJewl, by Bauoooas. CTrauier, W. L. Stanf.eld. Owner W. L. BtanfielU , 00901 Tijaana 1 1-tt 1:0 faat S IM I 1 lj V-_ T Wlteaa B MtesKrater, TeaBrlca, kaasleck 89704 Tijuana 11 16 l:48%faat SS-10 107 111 1 l3 l1 T Wilson 8 Balgaerce, Mlsa Krater, Cteafta KM8 Tljaaaa ImMy l:4T4ftfaat I] IM 6 8 8 8 41 C J Majestic M Mr .Haruan. C.B*kley, M7M Tijuana 1 1-8 ICHfaM H 1-»9 6 6 7 7 ob ii K Dnnhue 7 Fan. Nail. WhiteHaven, Ioaeher 59732 Tijuana 1 1-tt 1 :50 /-ra:;t 22-5 117 4 11 1 1ft 3 B Donhue 7 AudreyK.. Buneeraft. T.Braaka 591«6 Tijuana 1 1-tt l:4B%faat SS-M ltt 2 2 2 3 3-i lj B Tarke 8 Cli.i.a: kley. Catn.Muller, Ilerrot 58384 Tijuana lm70y l:i8V5fa3t 6-5 110 3 3 3 5 6* 5*i ii Parke 8 T.Brooks. Shenandoah. Balanms LAVAGA, br. m, 6 110 By Frosparo — Charleys Aunt, by St. Floriaa. Trainer. G. W. Crippen. Owner. Blackwell and Crippcn. BBMI Tijuana 1 1-tt 1:0 fast 121 lb» 7 4 ft* 5s. II Leaf B Zetetie, MtesKrater, ToaiBroeks 008:!9 Tijuana 1 1-tt 1 :."4v.-.mud 33 ltt M S ii6-"H fmmg 10 Bateaorge, Iinecresi, Mist. I..|ly BOOK Tijaana 3-1 1:15 ..Tast I llOll I 7 7-i 6", II B Bwer ll W.Whakcr. IMIYan. .Master M4B8 Tijuana 3-i 1:1s slop 9 110 4 fi I 3 I*] T Wilson 10 Happy Valley. Bed Man. Iuehlo MBS Tljaaaa 1 1 :49%hvy 29 -10 107 7 7 6 2 a"* la M Fator B Pltageaet, Mistake. NeosholMle notTijuaaa 1 14B%faat ft| Mill 5 4*ftS| ■ Noble B BteMaseka, Cl.tkeWay, Aiiorter MMS TUaaaa 8-4 l:18%atear»-W Ml 7 8 6 4S1 31 B Fator B E.Hitrjran, WteeJdaa, Ptacenet 59928 Tijuana 51 f 1 :liy6slop 41-10 108 8 4 4 2* l1 B Noble 8 MissKruter,, T.Uero 3ALAH0SA. br. k, 6 112 By 0!ar"bala— Motrosa, by Plaudit. Trainer. C. Manley. Owner, H. T. Palmer. 8MS8 Tijuana 5ft f lH8%fast .C 112 I 7 8*17*10 Studer 9 C. Murphy. Charmt. OTIom ..d BOOM Tijuana 8-4 1:15 ■■.-.good 123 119 12 12 12 12,aT Bae 12 W. Wliitaker. J.Ctii.-in, M.Dbar 60702 Tijuana 51 f l:08Ufast 22f 117 5 7 7 8 SllT Bae BB.L.Owaa, O.I.Murphv, JulvFly MBMTUaaaa 1 1-8 9 112 2 2 4 7 7h 71J T Wilson S Yermak. Mike Daly. BMM TUaaaa Eft f lM%faat 14 115 6 6 6 5 4« T Bae T D.deGatee, PeguMartia, Gadlias M M Tijuana 2-4 1:76 fast 16 117 4 3 3 31 I* T 12 BadieD., BTa.Har*caB, B«teadat MMI Tijuana 1 1-13 l:0%faat 11 112 2 4 6 7 8 8»1 C Studer 8 Yermak. Madtaaa, Rhymer «ISTKESS POLLT. b. m, 7 110 By Bval— Pally Prim, by Pirate of Peaxano*. Trainer. D. S. Fountain. Owner, D. 8. Fountain. 00839 Tijuana 1 1-tt l:54V.mud 5 110 9 5 3- 2" J fftaaarr 10 Balgeerce. Pine rest, Audr -r K. ■ Tijuana 1 1-8 2:o2 slop 22-10 MS 5 I I 5 3- 1 J Htamer S Mannikiiill.. IM. Steel. Bheadeak MBMTUaaaa 1 I -8 8:18%faat 20 90 6 7 7 7 7 !•• P Hara 7 B.Greea, Fan. Nail. WUteHarea M50 Tljaaaa 11-4 2:1:: slow 7 96 8 7 7 7 64 B * H i-aor B Bkiioniil., Bear.Greea, F.Nail 5O520 Tijuana lm7y 1 :".:%hvy 8-5 110 7 7 7 7 ?. 3*1 T Wilson 7 Mannikin II.. Petter, Sippara 60170 Tijuana 1 1-S 2:U,s!op 12-5 100 6 6 6 6 5» V J llunmcr I Bcearga, Audrey K., B. Sister