Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-30


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. TUESDAY. MARCH 28. 1922. - Cue mil.. On. lniit ir l and seventh «l;i.v. Tiyaaja J Jockey Ciub. Winier Meeting «f U"i r mi*re day-. Weather clear: temperature 8T . " Presiding Steward. F;;nui Keteem. Associate Stewards, I. W. Cufin.tii and Eon Wing. Starter, Harry Marrbpsey. Racing secretary. Mas Wins. " Racing starts at 1 :.V p. m. Chicago tini" 3;.".."i p. ml. W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fig- • .7 ures in pareatbe m following tin- distance of each ran indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. a££~B Aft FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11*3— 3— 110. Purr.e 00. 3-year-olds and JJ OLlLffjft npwarii. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. S1C0: third. 0. _ index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Vz *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 3 ;104» NICK KLEIN w C US 1 1 1 19 1*1 l3 T Rm C J Gamble 210-100 _ . ~ M*9.S: l..UV [ONE wis .". IDS 10 ?, ?. I* ;: 2i C Studer M Snsone .MO-lOO MMf*pOOD ENOEOH wb C 110 :, :, P 2? ?,-l 3U J Hunmcr J O Arvin ::00-10 £ Klbl.V-osTENTATlUCS w 13 tf3 .1 2 7 ft1 Q 41 E Petxgeld R Wilson 710-1*J«» * x3 €104 i INDIAN BRIGADE .s 9 110 .s SI S* -V 4 : iV; T Wilson A Wright 184.o-l.uu -. «|0455W. II. PEARCH w S 115 2 7 !• 10 H* 6:; I, Hall H Basmussen SGO-100 »»0ha.r *M. TILGHMAN wsb 13 110 !i S V finv .V 7- II Long M Morrison M# HO ~ 01041 AS1ITON OIBL W 7 113 6 10 10 kh 8- I] E Taylor E Anderson 12CS0-100 ■ »V»«5*T iM CARO wn! 110 7-1 47 4 7?. 9; W Davis P A Snndidge RN40-10a ■ «0984*REENE FRY w 4 101 4 I H 7 10 10 M F.itur W E Hunter ROP-MO ■ Time. 24. 48. l:tt%. Track fast. » nintuels paid. Nick Klein. BL30 straight, 14.80 placr. .S3. 21 show; Lady lone. .20 place. .00 ■ show: Oaed nuagi. .«::. ;o shew. " Equivalent beehiaaj sBMs TTli ■ Klein. 210 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show: Lady lone. 2 !0 to 100 pEco. 100 to 100 show: Cood Enough. 80 to 100 show. Winner -fit. g. by Abe Frank — Negligee, by Maria Santa trained by S. Daggett; bred by Mr. George sl C. Bennett. Went to peat at 1 :." .". At post I minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- ■ 30 lug. NICK KLEIN began fast on the inside and. showing much the most speed, set a good pace from Hie shut nuil won iu a canter. I.ADY IONK was prominent from the start and made a game finish. ;i oi RNOI7GH ran well and had no mishaps. OSTENTATIOUS dosed a gap and made a fast finish, s ns also ill. I WAl.TII! H. lEAR E. Overweight,*— -0 1 Enough. 5 pounds. f* "I and6CK. SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Doc. 20. 1916— l:ll-j— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds „ on UJ.vO«J and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vfc % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt _ 61028 • UolPIHR w 4 in r, :, gk l »» 15 J Majestic .T Iidgoon Biu-ltm , «1042*MARY JAY WttlMI 1 4 2 1» lJ S» T Wilson C Tyltr ;10-K!0 f" «il041*Ri:D Wll.l.IAM we. I 110 2 7 7 P ."L p* E Petxgoh] Matthews tc Dunlap 74K0-10O MftB3*METEOR wf. :i K .". Z 1; 21 :;; 4:l H Kong .M:ii le Leaf Stable 1420-100 BIMS:* BITTERN w ;; »r, 7 « 41 :;- 4 -j ." .• P Hum .1 C Holmes 109-100 j «ilOI3 LARIAT w f It 4 :: C,« 7 7 JP E Taylor W Sims 3K9MM v.ukc: PINK TEWY wsaCiafl 3 i r.i :,-• * 7 o Wtiama G Lyons H4HM Time. 23*;, 4825, 1:H%. Track fast. mutii.l; paid, rotipier. ,.S0 -ttaighl. Bft.00 place, .BB show: Mary Jay. 1922.sh.00 place, .20 show: Red William. 2.20 show. i:,iuivalent Looking mlds— Croupier. 190 1o 100 stniight. SO to 100 place, SO to 100 show; Mary Jay. s LOll lo 100 place, llo to lOO show: Bea William. MO to ]0O show. to It WiniM-i — l:lk. g. by olinet Marie Hyde, by Handcuti trained by W. U. Sperling; bred by Mr. J. W. c; Fuller. I Went to pest at 2:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and Blew. Won driving: second ami third the A Mate. CROPPIKR gained steadily after rounding the last turn and. linisliimc with a great rush, wore v MARY JAY down and area drawing leaf. MA1IV JAY. after raeing METKOR into deefat. drew away t into a clear lead in the stretch, but gave way la the winner in the last seventy yards. BSD WILLIAM I rjaeea ■ gap ill a f;.-t Lnisli. MKTF.OU showed the most speed until well into the stretch, where he 1 tired, kit i i:i: bled. I Bcratehea -4ttC4 1=0 race Trimble. 113; 00919 Plash of Steel. 115; 01011 Capon. 103. Overweight! -Lariat, ■• paaaaia. ■ f*~t a" 8,1* £2 TKIRD RACE— 3-i Mile. Dec. 20, 1916— 1:1125— 2— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-oids • * JL"yJO and upward. CUiniin. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. N Judex Horsen AWtPPSt V4 M % Str Fiu Jockeys Owners Erjnlv. Odds Strt fi«80.VI„rRA CCHRAN w 4 106 Z 1 !■ E 1* Y T Wilson W I. Stanfiebl 80-100 • i.HfiU BILLY JOE ivt! 10 IE. :. II 2" 2" It Dority W 1. Sctjaefer 9DO-10O 6IB8i*AL WICK w I lo: 7 2 IS V J »* i Wliauis a If Gray 103#-tt CMS7 CHROME WB ". Ui 9 I S* •* •"! 4; E Eator .1 Uainbolh Eu.i-loo ClB4C*6tTR LEADER w 13 Ui 1 • - ": 45 ■"■- J Noonan II WaH.rs 5Sft-iM ■ 2 COJl.", OALWAT Wat i Ui S S 7" 7. O 6 E Taylor W Harvey llLti-ltm er 11041 DALWOOD Bp 7 Ui S 7 8 84 71 7h T Rae J Kern IP.HO-loo -no42 MAID Of ANSEL wb • U3 4 y :» • *i B1 J Hanraer i: McCown BJP-MI t.ioi ; MBDFORD BOT w 11 no t; .", E* B* s1 ■ .1 Defood C Turner lo::iio-ioo B Time, 24 "5, 48:!5, 1:15. Track fast. W H mutuels paid. I.aura Coel;raii, Bt.fB stiaight. .*0 place. .40 show: Itilly Joe. $.".00 place. 10 E show: Al Wiek. 13.80 show. £ 9 Enuivalcnt booking odds -Eanra Viehraii. So to 100 straight. r.O to 100 place. 20 to 100 show: I.illy £ Joe. 1.-.0 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show: Al Wiek. !,0 to 100 show. £ t Winner IE f, by Leonid— Helen Print, by Argyle drained by W. I.. SlanOeld; bred by Mr. Charles Pt B3 P.. HanielsE U-nt. to iiost at 2:43. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. LAURA COCHKAX set a good pace from the start and. withstanding repeated challenges, drew f away lata I dfecaarae lead midway at the stretch and won as her rider pleased. BILLY JOE moved up j With a great rush after rounding the far turn and drew up on even terms with the winner midway of the streteh. but tired and had to be hard ridden to save second place. AL WICK finished gamely after j experiencing a rouga rae,-. CHROMB was also interfered with jn the stretch. |eaa tahed — 4MBKS»Btilett», 113. I d~t ADI7 FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17, 1810—1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and I 0x1/0 4 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third, 0. ; / Index Horses AWtPPSt V* A % Str Pin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt r B1W1 KAFFEP.TY ws S 112 1 1 1" PI f 13 1" P Hurn H Walters 1070-100 ».0"«03r*IiARDOKA WS a 106 I « « 4- 2» Is t* • Wii:.ms J A Parson 120-100 ;l012,NEt;U.A.SKA LAD w 4 105 :: 2 41. I»J 7:l •= i-l .1 Hunmer Iinneg.ir and Lee LfiO-lOO 1,1012 GEN. liVNC wa I 104 7 t Ej 71 6 5 4 R Moss J W Tate 12:ir*-100 MIKE. • iKilR MASTER wit 7 112 ." 4 :;"! V2 4- i- :.- M Eutor J Kern 11140-100 liOOCO* LITTLE INTER w 4 MS S ". 21 2"k I1 B* CI H Long W Maltby 220-100 01043KITTY CHTHAM W S M6 4 :i 5» i1 6 7" 73 T V.ilson H T Palmer 4»0-lo0 •idlSMODISTE W i 102 I 7 I 9 I ! Sl E Petzgold AY A Wright Mil MB . «,1018 HUG . iE ws 7 110 2 I 7? I V" » L Hall H Rasmussen UBM-MB I Time. 25. 49V 1:15. 1:1-2%. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid, Rafferty. 3.10 stiitight. BU.BB place, Bwdt show: Bardora, .00 place. .00 ahew; Nehraaka End. .10 show. i E.p.ivalent booking odds -Rafferty. 1070 to 100 straight. 4."iO to 100 place, 220 to 100 show: Rardora. *, loo to loo place. SB to iin» show: Nehraaka Lad. 120 to loo -how. Winner B. g. by Harrigan — Pickaninny, by Cesariou trained by II. Walters: bred by Mr. Renjamiu A. Jones. Vt nt to post at 3:0S. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. JtAllKltTY set the pace from the start and. standing a hard drive resolutely, outstayed BAR- ■ DORA. The latter moved up fast while rounding the last turn, but, after seeming all over the winner. ], tired hadlP in the final sixteenth. NEBRASKA LAD finished with a rush and easily outstayed GEN. s l:Ni:. The Inter daaed a gap. HOIK MASTER and LITTLE POINTER showed speed for three- i quarters, then fell back. - Scratched— 01057 H. W. Harper. 1o! : 01031 Helen Lucas. 101. , Overweights -I.ardora. 4 paawda; Modiste, 1. ~ — - aV*"l fl££tel TIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1910—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds , Oll/Oo and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90; second, 40: third, 0. I Index Horses AWtPPSt i % % Str Pin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt a •MMl* BILLY LANE wn 4 112 6 4 2, t B 21 1" H B B*Wer O Alexandra 140-100 1 P4MMtf*BOBRY ALLEN w 5 107 2 2 1 1 V, E B* H Long C R Irwin 1260-100 ;|0«2*GLEN WELL W E Mt 1 3 4- ft 4: l :;•• T Wilson Risbee Stable 1010-H.O f «,0»a0-*Pli:DRA wi: 7 IOC I 7 0- .. 5» :.* 4" C Studer J Eckert aH-lOi t 00980 XAN MeKlNNEY WB 3 98 5 •" "1 2" 31 4-1 5- P Hurn L T Whitehill 910-100 M002- "EKANKLIN Wp I 109 7 1 "• i # | •• 6- 61 G Wliams C E Groves 800-100 . 6B9863*GATH WB C 114 I 0 7 7 7 7 7 M Fator C Yail C00-100 Time. 24%. 48. 1:14%. 1:40%. 1:47V:.. Track fast. mutuels paid. Hilly Lane, . so straight, S4.M place. ,- 3.oo show; Uobby Allen. .00 place. 1922.sh.10 show: Olea Well. . SO show. , Hs m va lent booking odds— Billy Lane. 140 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show: Bobby Allen. 3SO to KM plaee, 220 to 100 show: tilt n W li. IBB to 100 show. Winner — 15. g. by Reformation — Barbara Lane, by ieneral Roberts trained by A. E. Alexandra: bred by Mr. George M. Yan Gordon. . Went to post at 3:32. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BILLY LANE raced within striking distance of BOBBY ALLEN until Biter entering the stretch. Wham he challenged and. in a hard drive, outlinished him in the last strides. BOBBY ALLEN showed inneh speed in paeeniaking and. hanging on tenacion-ly, only gave way right at the end. til.EN WELL ran a good and game race and finished fastest of all. NAN McKINNEY stumbled and went to her knees at the start, then ran up in forward contention, but. after showing niicli speed, tired finally. -r~7 t . aT2w rt/f*0 SIXTH RACE— 1 Kile. June 17, 1916—1:38 — 3 — S5. PurEe 00. 3-year-olds and OIvOo u.i.vard. Claiming. Net value to winner 60: sDcond, S100: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt I.0H80 D« N DODGE s7 1E 1 1 21 1 ! 2 E 11 G Wliams J A Parson 331-100 ilOEEEIGENIA K. rlBl I :. 1IE 1. 2 :"1T Wilson Hollywood Stable 210-J-tOO ! I BBB "DAINTY LADY ffM I 4 4, ::. : . J 3- W Davis C B Irwin t2300-100 • ,0«»2 NA8HOTAH W r, 10-J I 2 h 71 i» 41 41 P Hum S Messeltine 300-100 lilOE! PEERLESS ONE v, 7 104 7 7 71 ij r.1" CI 5:; M Eator S Polk H10-100 010331 .HEY ELY W $ 110 I ti lb 4- 4: a- 6-1 C Studer .1 J Sharkey 190-100 Ctw4B *GAAMANO ws 7 109 1 I .", o; I 7 f B PetagoM L R Knifong 710-100 • 009 i I * LA LEE WaB i 107 ■• I i I 7; S I M Garrett J J Quinlan | •Mutuel liebi. Time. 25, 43%. 1:15. 1:42%. Track fast. %•! utitliols paid, Don Podge. .f.O straight. I3.-S0 pla c, BCW show; Eugenia K., 9.40 place. . SO show: D.i.niv Lid.v. field. *4.Mi -how. Eqaivaleat hoiking odd-- Don Dedge, 330 to 100 Rtrairht. 100 to lOO place, 130 to 100 shoy; Eugenia K.. Sii lo Kin place, _!»!» to lOO aheWJ Oainty Lady, field. 110 to 100 show. Winn.-! B. u. by Todiliugton--.li-s Oertol. by 11. n.Nel itiiined by .1. A. Parson: bred by Messrs. stone and Backer. W nt lo paat at 3:"! . At peat 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. DON DODGE raced in acareat ptwaatt of BCCCNIA K. until rounding tiie last tnni. from where he ] farged to lie front and. holding EUGENIA K. s.,fe. Won under restraint. EUGENIA K. raced naiptlt laply v,-di and. Kbowinc higli speed in p. a nial.ing. made a game lini-h after being headed. DAINTY LADY -ived ground on all the lurns, but wa in !o-e qnarterj in the stretch When an eighth out. -NA8UOTAII had diaValty in keeping her feet while rounding tin ti: -t turn, then made up ground steadily and BaUhrd gamely. .ILLY LEY showd speed, but tiled badly in lie- final iiuatter. Scratched -liiu;jn Sadie D., 110: OHMO-lliiw Stud. B5; 010.",9 Mistress Polly. US. f-fl fr7£ bEVENTil RACE— 1 3-13 MUcl. Jan. 1. 1921— 2:00 ;,— -4— 107. Purse 00. 3-year-O J.U I vr olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Pin Jockeys Owners Bqulv. Odds Strt «10.",i» •MONVONA w.sti "• 112 I I 21 21 1-1 1 • 1 C Stmb-r V Ilnhstatf 110 100 «,I04.", IUDGE DAVID w ; 112 4 I 1 B :•..: T HTilsoh f J Oftoorke 2149-l*j «IO.U*TOM BROOKS W i 112 .". . ." «■ P »* G Wl.ains B UcCowB 400-100 014 tr 11:. SA.MLKL H 11 114 1 I El 4; 4. H VI K Tajlor 1! It w is KIO-HX J " " • .7 JJ _ 3 _ . ~ £ * x3 -. ~ ■ ■ ■ » ■ " sl ■ 30 s „ on _ 00972 1RESTKlL • "HO 2 1 ?, H 2n 4 5 H Long Morris Stable 500-100 «10.-»s*saM hill waa 7 114 s :: i»l V pt p «j ■ Fator t; Kelly 2160-100 Blwtf ALMA B. ws 8 112 8 8 S 8 8 8 71 T Rae G W Atkinson 2140-100 G104.VARGENTO ws 8 109 7 6 « 73 7 71 S E Petagold F Nancolas 1440-100 Time, 24%, 50. 1:15%. 1:42, 2:01%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Montoua. .2t straigni. «2.S0 place. S2. 40 ,w; Judge David. 2.80 place, .40 show: Tom Brooks. *3.00 -how. Kquivalent IxKiking odds— Montona. 110 to 100 straight. 40 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Judge David, 10 to 100 plaee. 170 to 100 show: Tom Brook--. .".0 to 100 show. Winner— -th. g. by Montgomery — Ratona. by Scarborough trained by W. Pinkstaff; bred by Mr. A. 8. Williams 1. Went to post at 4:22. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won cantering: second and third driving. MONTONA raced in losest pursuit of the early leader uiuer stout restraint, then dashed into a long lead after passing the half and won as his rider pleased. JUDGE DAYID showed the most early speed and. after relinquishing the lend, easily saved second place. TOM BROOKS closed up rapidly when rounding the last turn, but tired and had to be hard ridden to outstay DR. SAMEEL. The lntter was going fastest of all at the end. RESTFEL tired. Scratched — 61058 Zodiac, 110. . A - 1 . 1 . ■ . O-fl Cr7~l EIGHTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—59-4-107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds, and A " A JL upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt C0807* FIREPLACE wr. 6 110 fi :: V; lJ EJ lh T Wilson Bellinger and Coffman 400-100 0100S-*HAZF.L DALE ws 9 110 2 4 P 2"t 21 P H Long C H Irwin 100-100 61901 "TABLOID Wl ■ 4 I 2 P P 1*1 C Studer A E Stokes 800-100 «096«*ANNA REGINA w ." 108 3 5 fi P iJ 4- G Wliams .1 Pelter r.oO-100 «1003*M1SS MEELRK w 4 «I7 1 1 4 I I P] P Hurn 7. E McGregor VAtO-100 00887*iKA COLA w 4 112 5 ti P* 4nk «* f, H H Ewer W Walker 91O-100 Time. 23%. 48V5, 1:01. Track fast. mutuels paid. Fireplace, 0.00 straight. .00 place. .S2.40 show: Hazel Dale, .60 place. .20 show: Tabloid. .00 show. Equivalent lxioking odds— Fireplace. 400 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Hazel Dale, to 100 pace, 10 to IBP show: Tabloid. 50 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Ossary — Anna May, by King Erie trained by S. A. Ballin«er; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. Went to post at 4:47. At post H minutes. Start good anil slow. Won driving: second and third the same. FIRLPLACE sprinted to the front quickly and, showing the most speed, held sway to the stretch. where lie was beaded by HAZEL DALE, but came again and got up lo win in the last few strides. HAZEL DALE l»gan slowly and rushed il to the leaders, but, after racing to the front, tired nnnily. TABLOID did her best and ran a good race under hard riding. ANNA BBfllNA was outpaced and raced the outside at a disadvantage. Scratched— 007S2 Just Right. 96. Overweights- Tabloid. 1 pound.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922033001/drf1922033001_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1922033001_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800