Lewis Garths Good Stable: Eight Two-Year-Olds in Establishment for Racing at Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-30

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1 LEWIS GARTHS GOOD STABLE Eight Two-Year-Olds in Establishment for Racing at Havre de Grace. R I,T1M0I:K. Mil. March 29 —Lew is Garth is pupiiing eight two-year-olds by Berrilldon for racing at the Havre de Grace track. lie n-.-nllv brought the youngsters from the Garth farm at l.arlotiesviile. Va. The juveniles are taking their daily exercise ami will be ready to carry colors when the Havre de Grace meet in.: opens. The most promising of them is tin- half brother to J S. Cosdens Good Times The eaM has been named Better Times. He is by Herrilldon Rounty. and is expected to show well in the spring two-year-old stakes. He is already forward in his racing preparation and has shown well iii his work outs. Garth also has in his charge Le Marsouin. the eight -rear old bay gelding by QaerMa Marie Leaiaa III., by M.isi;iil. w! icli raced with fair success o-er the jumps last year No contract filler has been engaged for the stable, but jockey Clarence Hummer, wiio is under con tract to .1. S. Cosden. has signified his willingness to pilot tie- earth horses in races in which his employer has no starters. Following are the Carth two year -oliN: Retter Times, eh. e, by Herrilldon— Bounty, by Celt. Irish Pat. b. g. by Berrilldon — Mollie Kcau, by Robbie Keau. Reformer, b. g, by Herrilldon — The Busybody, by Meddler Royal Oak. a. g, by Berrilldon— Queen Bashti. by Burgomaster. Top Nocii. b. g, by He million- Dignity, by Dick Welbs. Tass.d, b. f. by Herrilldon — Stake and Cap. by Kllisdale. Southern Belle, ch. t, by Berrilldou — Belle Clem. by Contestor Sweei and Pretty, ch. f. by Berrilldou— Stalwart 1 Helen, by Stalwart.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922033001/drf1922033001_8_6
Local Identifier: drf1922033001_8_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800