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_ !i . p • • . a | e s • li A + CAPTAIN JONES PHILOSOPHY Calm Winner of 45,000 for 4 Through the Calcutta Sweep Over Humorist. Capt. T. A. Jones, who with a 4 ticket won the SS43.0M first prise of the abulia sweep last year, i- a philosopher. His ticket originally came fioni a book bought by J. II. Stalk, a city ship brok- er, and tin. number was Vv.etM!. It was in a batch sold among the employes of the company after being obtained from Mr. Stark by Mr. Htlssey, lhe cargo superinleiideiit of lhe- company, who him-elf re-I ained the next nuinbe- lo the winning one. Capt. Jones said u couple of days afler his "luck": "A friend called me up the night of the Derby and said: " Do you know that ou have drawn the Calcutta Sweep — let me see, what is the name of the horse again V" ••Humorist." prompted the interviewer. "Thats right." Bald the captain. "I did not let it excite me." continued Capt. Jones. •When I got back to my hotel the next day I found the guests there, who knew all about racing and lhal sort of thing, discussing the Derby. They told me that — -let me see. whats the name of that horse again? — Yes. Humorist, thats right — they told me thai that hail won. I simply sat tight and s;cid nothing. This morning, when they were discussing it at breakfast, one of the gentlemen said that Mr. Stark, according to a newspaper, had won the Calcutta Sweep. Then I thought it was time to say something. Ex. use me. I said, he has not won it. Col. Scott Allen, who was one of the company, said, jokingly, Well, Captain Jones, did you win it? I replied, Since you have asked me a straight question I must give you a straight answer. I have won it, and 1 have the ticket in my pocket. A regular uproar followed, and, in the meldle of it I bolted through the door." Asked how he celebrated his victory, he said: "On the night before last, when I had drawn Humorist. I knew I had a good chance, but I simply had my dinner in the hotel as usual and went for a walk to Hyde Park." "But." interrupted he interviewer, "what about last night, wlie-ii you knew you had won?" "Oh. I diel lhe same thing," he saiel. "went for i walk in the park, but sal down and listened to- the band as wtdl. My motto now." he continued, "is business as usual. 1 have not the slightest intention of severing my connection with the Union-Cast It- Mail Service."