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HAVRE DE GRACE FORM CHART JIAVRE DE GRACE HD FRIDAY APRIL 28 1822 One mile Twelfth day Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association Spring Meeting of 13 days Weather clear temperature CO Steward Representing Maryland Racing Commission George Brown Jr Delegate at Large Carlos M Do Garmendla Stewards George Brown Jr Baker Waters and II P Conkling Judges II J Mor ¬ ris C Cornehlcen and Joseph McLennan Starter James Milton Racing Secretary Joseph McLonnan Racing starts at 230 y m Chicago time 130 p m Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 12 Mile April 29 1918 47 2 112 Purse 1254 15 2yearolds Maidens Cleimififf Net value to winner 505415 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtlPSt 4 SfrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt GISSSST ANGELINA w 107 7 2 2 2 1J A Gantner A Marrone 800100 800100C1403 C1403 ILLUSIONIST w 112 8 6 1 2 G Walls E C Bellow 890100 61355 ROYAL OAK w 115 9 3 S 3 L Morris W Stockton 295100 61127 SOPH GOLDMAN WB 112 2 61 6 1 A Johnson M Shea 1SC5100 61403 THE ULSTER WB 116 3 9 6 6Ji F Chvetta B Williams 9SO100 9SO100G1157 G1157 ATHANNA w 112 1 4 4 61 B Parke Nevada Stock Farm 310100 310100G1371 G1371 BRUSHWOOD WB 115 6 B 7 71 J Butwell W J Salmon 535100 61355 OUR TELL1E wn 112 6 SI 9 Si II Thomas G L Goodacre 4SM100 61248 J3KNIB C w 107 4 71 S 9 E Martz G Peterson 6090100 6090100Time Time 24 48 Track fat 2 mutnels paid St Angelina 1800 straight 57SO place 540 show Illusionist 740 place 520 how Hovfll Oak 390 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds St Angelina 800 to 100 straight 290 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Illusionist 270 to ICO place ICO to 100 show Royal Oak 95 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Escoba Chin Chin by Voter trained by C Buxton bred by Mr Kenneth D Alex ¬ ander anderWent Went to post at 229 At post 0 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same ST ANGELINA followed ILLUSIONIST la closest and game pursuit to the last eighth then challenged and got up In the last sixteenth to win drawing clear ILLUSIONIST set a good pace anil finished gamely but tired in the last eighth ROYAL OAK raced gamely but could never improve his position mishapsScratched THE ULSTER was shuttled back early and closed a gap ATHANNA had no mishaps Scratched 61355 Veronica 112 112Overweights Overweights The Ulster 1 pound J t A SECOND EACE About 2 Miles Harford Steeplechase Handicap Parse 1500 JLQirS 4yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1000 second 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt4 8 1J 14 Fin Jockeys Owner Kuiv iMds Strt 58594 SWEEPAIENT w C 150 5 1 V 25 1 lt I1 H II CTd G W Loft C100 C100G1410 G1410 PORMISTRESS w 5 1SS 6 8 9 810 2 = 2 ° 21S G Hines L Merryman tlr tlrC5100 C5100 C5100G1396DISTANT G1396DISTANT SHORE w 10 13 8 6 4l 3 4 3l 31 L Cbeyne G W Foreman 070100 07010058220BARONET 58220BARONET w 7 12S 4 9 7 i 3J 4 ° 4 B Haynes C K Harrison Jr iC75100 61410 BRYAN O LYNN w 6 130 7 3 6 71 C50 6 ° B O Diamnd W Keating 55231 SEA WOLD w B 135 2 4 I15 1 5 0s C5 C Mergler Canterbury Farm Stable 975100 975100G1S263ST G1S263ST PAUL w 5 134 1 3 3 9 7 7 7 B Harris M Brenner 2375100 2375100C135G C135G NONU3 w 5 156 3 5 8 Fell B Kleejjer It Pending I IGISOGtTELL GISOGtTELL ME w 7 121 9 7 51 51 Fell C Wilkson L Merryman t tfAdded fAdded starter JCoupled in betting entryTime as L Merrymsn entry G W Foreman and H Pending entry Time 402 Track fust 2 mutuels paid Sweepment 290 straight 370 place 2CO show L Merryman entry 770 place 350 show G W Foreman and R Pending entry 250 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Sweepment 45 to 100 straight 85 to 100 place 30 to 100 show L Merry ¬ man entry 2S5 to 100 place 75 to 100 show G W Foreman and II Pending entry 25 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Sweep Raiment by Henry of Navarre trained by M llirsch bred by Mr Anthony L Aste AsteWent Went to post at 301 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing SWEEPMENT was saved under restraint for the first turn of the field then took the lead and had to ba shaken up a little at the last fence but won eased up FOKMISTIIESS fenced well am got on almost equal terms with the leader at the last fence but tired DISTANT SHORE outfinished BAUONET In the final drive SEA WOLD raced into a long lead in the early first turn of the field but tired badly after going a mile TELL ME fell at the ninth jump and NONUS at the twelfth twelfthScratched Scratched 614105Free State 13S 13SOverweights Overweights Fonnistress 3 pounds Tell Me 1 THIED RACE 34 Mile Sept 27 1915 111 3 128 Pnrsa 125415 3 olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 95415 second 200 third S100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 5i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eciuiv OtltJs Strt G1409 HIDDEN JEWEL WB 6 110 8 1 1J 1 1s 1i R Rice A Swinke 1615100 59G60 = RUNQUOI wn 4 IIS 2 5 5G1409L1T 63 63 4 2l H Thomas O Torrell 1615100S55100 S55100 G1409L1T BLK SHP WB 3 93 1 2 2 2h 3J 3l J Chalmers J W Pangle Pangle4J S55100t t G1342SCAMOUFLAGE WB C 122 S 4 4J 3 21 4i D Stirling O B Alters 435100 G1342VICECHRMN wn 5 110 5 9 8 = 73 1 53 A Frieshon Mrs M Koehler Koehler9i 435100S251CO S251CO S251COd 61054 MAYOR HOUSE we 6 112 911 9i 9 61 Ci J Simmons G P Sherman Sherman3i S251COt S251COt t G1213 REDMON WB 7 117 3 3 3G1305 3i 4J 5Z 7 A Johnson E J Salt Salt10s t G1305 SAGACITY WB 4 103 11 6 6G1S702 10s 10 10li 81 A Gantner E Hankins HankinsS3 G1S702 TIDINGS wn 4 105 12 7 7C1411 S3 Bl S 9 C Lang E P Summerfie d 275100 C1411 JOCOSE WB 3 115 4 8 8G1341WINNECONNE 7 8 = Si 10i J Butwell W J Salmon 6715100 G1341WINNECONNE WB 5 101 15 11 13 11 II1 ll k E Martz G Peterson 3705100 G0585 MARIE MAXIM w 5 112 14 12 15 15 12s 12s J Merimee J B McKee McKee14l 70100 61 413 DUG DE MORNY WB 4 119 13 13 14l 13 13s 13 L Morris S L Jenkins JenkinsllJ121 9D5100 G074GSKOOTER WB 3 107 710 710C9073 llJ121 143 14 C Jacltson E G Vivell B330100 C9073 MILES S WB 3 103 10 15 12 Hi 15 15 T Jarvis L T Bauer t fMtituel field Time 24 48 113 5 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Hidden Jewel field 1430 straight 530 place 550 show Runquoi 030 place 520 show Little Black Sheep field 550 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Hidden Jewel field C13 to 100 straight 165 to 100 place 175 to 100 show Runquoi 215 to 100 place 160 to 100 show Little Black Sheep field 175 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Disguise Itubia Granda by Greenan trained by A Swinke bred by Wickliffo Stud StudWent Went to pest at 339 At post 7 minntcs Start fair and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing HIDDEN JEWEL sprinted into a long lead in the first eighth and set a fast pace but was tiring at the end RUNQUOI made up ground and finished wilh a rush en the inside LITTLE BLACK SHEEP was a closeup contender all the way VICECHAIRMAN finished fast on the extreme outside CAMOUFLAGE ran a good race MAYOR IlOUSi closed a big gap Scratched gapScratched G0259 Simplicity 103 61144 Kirah 104 104Overweights Overweights Jocose 4 pounds rOTTETH 2ACE 34 Mile S pt 7 1918 111 3 128 Albemarle Purse Purse 12fril5 3yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 95415 second S200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enuiv Odds Strt 61398 COMIC SONG WB 11G 21 I1 1i I1 I1 C Lane G Konigswald 763100 7631005C3G5 5C3G5 PILLORY w 115 5 3 4 3 3 2 J Butwell R T Wilson 90100 901005S518MERCUTIO 5S518MERCUTIO w 113 4 2 2 2 3 C Turner J K L Ross 525 525575012REDSTONE 575012REDSTONE w 113 1 4 2 4 4 4s II Thomas Seagram Stable HTOlOO 614 11 LONG ISLAND WB 113 85 B3 Bl 51 6i B Marinclli M Hirsch 84o100 84o100G1358 G1358 DOUBLE CROSS w 110 7 7 7 6l CJ 6l A Johnson J E Griffith 7850100 7850100C1175 C1175 HONORABLE WB 1141 C 6 7 7 7 A Nicklaua J E Nash 14405100 14405100G1411ULTIMATA G1411ULTIMATA WB 111 3 Bolted J Chalmers J W Pangle 1SSO100 1SSO100Time Time 24J 43 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Comic Song 1730 straight 480 place 280 show Pillory 300 place 230 show Mercutio 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Comic Song 7C5 to 100 straight 140 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Pillory 50 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Mercntio 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g by Black Jeatei China Song by Santoi trained by T J Shannon bred in England by Major M M 11 Nevile NevileWtnt Wtnt to post at 413 At post 4 minutes Start poor and slow Won handily second and third driving COMIC SONG took the lead at once and drawing away in the first eighth won all the way but tired near the end and had to be ridden out to outstay PILLORY The lutter raced in the middle of the track all the way and outgamed MERCUTIO in the final drive The latter ran well and finished gamely ULTIMATA improvementScratched bolted to the outside fence at the start REDSTONE showed improvement Scratched 574Cl3Suureigh 110 61393 Diaahmeur 105 61358 Joseph Brant 113 61411 Cape Pillar 11G 61405 Blue Ribbon 108 108Overweights Overweights Pillory 2 pounds Honorable 1 r tS A F RACE 1 Mile aad 70 Yards Sept 25 1915 142 4 119 Madonna Furse HJ7 JLr d 6 Purse 205415 3yearolds and upward Fillies and Kares Allowances Net value to winner 135415 second 4GO third 200 fourth 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U z Str Fin Jockey Owners Equiv Odds Strt G1359MUTTIKINS WB 4 110 1 1 2 3 = 2l 1 1 C Turner J K L Rosa 525100 G1314POLLY ANN WB 4 11G 3 5 3 2 3s 31 2 ° L Morris S L Jenkins Jenkinsw 255100 G13592DRESDEN w 5 106 2 2 5 5 561406SAILING 41 4 3 B Marinelll W Fenwick Fenwickw 1025100 61406SAILING ALONG w 3 93 5 4 4 41 4at 4atC130GJSEC 5 5 4 J Wallace R I Miller MillerI 710100 C130GJSEC THOUGHTS I w 3 105 4 3 I1 I1 ini 2nt 5 j Rowan E F Whitney 150100 Time 24 J 48 114 141 144 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Mnttikins 1250 straight 510 place 3 SO show Polly Ann 130 place 350 show Dresden 490 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Muttikins 525 to 100 straight 155 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Polly Ann 115 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Dresden 145 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Star Shoot Falcon by Ogdeii trained by H McDaniel bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 447 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MUTTIKINS was saved close up to the stretch turn where she moved up on the inside with a rush and racing into a good lead in the stretch won easing up POLLY ANN raced under restraint for the first threequarters and came fast in the stretch but was tiring at the end and just lasted long enough to outstay DRESDEN The latter made up ground and finished fast SECOND THOUGHTS showed the most quarterScratched early ppeed but failed to stay and quit in the lust quarter Scratched 01419 Prelude 92 92Overweights Overweights Sailing Along 3 pounds 5 fi A Q SIXTH KACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Sept 25 1915 142 4 119 Purse 125415 VFJLTC O 3yearoids Claiming Net value to winner 95415 second 200 third 100 AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeyj Owners Equiv Odds Strt C12503PLUCKY w 115 11 3 2 2 2s 1 1 J Butwell C C Smilhson SmilhsonVf 61397 SWORD Vf 107 9 2 3 35 31 2 = 2 B Marinelli E B Henderson G1253 OUR BETSY WB 101 1 1 5 El 4 3J 3s J Chalmers A F Dayton Daytonwn 61409 HIGH C wn 100 14 4 1 1 1 4Z 4h A Frieshon Mrs M Koehler Koehlerw G1331 LADY ZEUS w 100 2 12 14 13 13 71 E Martz G Peterson PetersonWB 613GO DEVONITE WB 107 7 14 15 14 = 14 9J 6fc A Gantner C Buxton G13GOTHE VENGEANCE WB 105 4 15 S 41 1 M Schwtz G1253GRASS TREE w 107 3 5 4i 8 6 61 81 J Wallace W D Bernhardt 57548 = VENDOR WB IDS 810 9i 11 = 121 11 91 R McNee R T Wilson WilsonG1400 G1400 FAIR VIRGINIA wn 10J G 11 12i 12 101 12 10 J J Rowan J Musante MusanteG1357 G1357 TOODLES wn IOC 13 6 71 6 = 7 10 11 R Rice J H Shrove ShroveG1253 G1253 TIMBREL VB 104 12 S 10 91 SJ 8 12 H Thomas J F Richardso RichardsoC1411 C1411 MIRACLE MAN WB 109 5 9 6 7llil3t 131 C Lane C Phillips CISGOGRACE FOSTER WB 1C9 10 7 U 30 = 9 ° 14 14 J Shelepeta E K Bryson 61360IBILL1S LUCK w 101 15 13 13U15 15 15 15 T Jarvis J D Watson f tMutuel field Time 24 48i 115 142 146 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Plucky 1020 straight 550 place 410 show Sword 710 place 520 show Our Betsy J500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Plucky 410 to 100 straight 175 to 100 place 105 to ICO show Sword 255 to 100 place 1GO to 100 show Our Betsy 150 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Broomstick Courage by Hamburg trained by G C Brenton bred by Mr Harry Payne Whitney WhitneyWent Went to post at 51S At post 7 minntes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PLUCKY close up from the start moved np rapidly after rounding the last turn and raced into a long lead in the last quarter SWORD ran in suddenly improved form and outgamed OUR ISETSY la the final drive OUR BKTSY began slowly and dropped back in the first quarter but made a fast finish HIGH C set a good pace to the stretch and tired LADY ZEUS and DEVONITE were away badly and closed great gaps gapsScratched Scratched CISCO Bullet 107 C141G Forest Queen 85 G13GO Diversity 100 G1411 Bountiful 103 613GO Thriller 103 103Overweights Overweights Plucky 3 pounds Grace Foster 3 d A OQ SEVENTH EACZ 1 18 Kiles S pt 27 1919 150 5 129 Purse 125415 4year y JL Sr Jtr olds and upward Claiming Net valne to winner 95415 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt C137GLUCY KATE w 4 106 8 7 9 85 6J 4 C Lang P J Miles 610100 G1401 610100G1401 H C BASCH w 7 101 7 5 41 4 4 in 24 J Chalmers W E Martin S20100 G137G S20100G137G DAN WB 8 108 6 10 10 S S 6 3 A Gantner J H Shreva 3340100 3340100G1401 G1401 3655100C13G1 COTE DOR w 4 106 9 6 6 1 31 2 2i 4l J Rowan W M Ryan 3655100 C13G1 HENDRIE WB 9 108 5 4 74 7 SJ 8 5f A Johnson P Farrar 2090100 614 08 PANSY WB 4 93 10 8 8 6 71 7 6 J Wallace J Kahn 132Tm 132Tm573SS 573SS 255100G1408 DOCTOR JIM w 5 106 2 2 6J E B t 31 7 B Marinelll E B Hendersom 255100 G1408 THISTLE QUEEN w 8 101 4 3 2 21 1 5l 81 H Thomas F Serio t G1404 EO100C1408 PHALARIS WB 7 IOC 3 1 1i 1 31 9 9 H Gregory A Swlnko EO100 C1408 12SO100C14152 MAR LUCKETT WB 5 91 11 9 3 10 10 10 10 W Brown M Grant 12SO100 C14152 COPYRIGHT w 5 106 1 Lost rider M Schwtz S C Denha tMutuel DenhatMutuel field Time 24Vi 49 1145 141 156 Track fast 2 mutuela paid Lncy Kate 1420 straight 570 place 390 show H C Basch 850 place 510 ehow Dan 1540 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lucy Kate 610 to 100 straight 185 to 100 place 95 to 100 show H O Basch 325 to 100 place 155 to 100 show Dan 670 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Uncle Royal Lady by Royal Flush in trained by P J Miles bred by Mr A L Rogers RogersWent Went to post at 552 At pest 1 minute Start good and slow for all bnt COPYRIGHT Won driv ¬ ing second and third the same LUCY KATE was outpaced in the early running but wore U C BASCH down in the stretch and got up to win in the final strides U C BASCII ran a good race but tired after apssing COTE DOR and THISTLE QUEEN on the stretch turn DAN closed an immense gap and finished with a rush COPYRIGHT reared up just as the barrier was sprung and lost his rider COTE DOR quit So did PHALARIS after setting the pace to the last turn turnScratched Scratched G GSEustler 10G 01415 Trickster II 103 61414 Dolly C 103 61415 Miss Fontaine 108 G12G9 John Arbor 108 61356 Brijanna 101 01401 Fair Lassie 103 61422 Smart Money 113 137 Little Dear 101