Havre De Grace Entries And Past Performances For Saturday, April 29, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-29


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HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SATURDAY APRIL 29 VEATHKR CLEAU TRACK FAST Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner jf Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice tlovcnce b Blincers 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming ik record Sept 27 1819 111 3 123 123Todays Todays TodaysHorse Horse Wt Rec AWtlIan AWtlIanAlexander Alexander Hamiltou110 112 3 4102X725 4102X725Murabo Murabo Jumbo 117 112 8 112720 112720l l Flibbertygibl t 115 113 5 111x715 111x715bJago bJago 110113 6 107715 107715lAVcr lAVcr Map 110114 51121710 Sptips 109 114 4 113X710 113X710Goldon Goldon Chance 114 112 8 112X710 112X710bArrah bArrah Go On 113 114 7 115X710 115X710Perhaps Perhaps 113 111 S 4112X710 bLtiky Girl 102 lJ3 i 3 89X705 1 Wrecker 114 l14s 4 113X705 113X705Dairyman Dairyman 112 l14s 7 107X705 107X705Pretender Pretender 112114 9107X705 9107X705blair blair Lassie 10S 114 4 107 700 bFranc Tireur 5 107X700 107X700LVCfare LVCfare 103 114 6 10S7CO Miss Jingo 4 97 Second Race 34 Mile 1200 3ycarclds and upward Claiming ok record Sept 27 1919 1 Ills 3 128 Winnecorne 102 113 5 102X725 bLittle Black Sheep 93 l13s 3 94 720 bKirnh 110113 5 5105X7 5105X7bSatana 105X715 bSatana 90 1133 5 102x7 102x7Perigonrdine 102X715 Perigonrdine 105 112 7 102X7 102X7Panaman 102X715 Panaman 11G 113 7 113X7 113X715 Trantula 110113 4 4113X7 4113X7bDreIe9 113X710 bDreIe9 Lassie 112112 6 6102X7 6102X7Marjorie 102X710 Marjorie M 97 112 5 4 102 7 7bDr 710 bDr Ctarles Wells 112 113 4 111 7 7Chisca 705 Chisca 105 114 5 107 705 l Caprs 107114 7 102 705 bTroublcr 110115 3 10JX 10JXBalustrade 10JX705 Balustrade 113114 6 11GX7 11GX7Commissioner 11GX700 Commissioner Eish Eishniann niann M 101 117 4 107 7 7Artful Artful Dodger M 4 107 7 7Wilton Wilton Arrow M105 116 5 107 7 Third Race 34 Kile KilePacific Pacific Handicap Handicapnrse nrse 51500 3yearolds and upward ck record Sept 27 1919 111 3 128 Missionary 113 113 3 112X750 bMy Play 108 113 3 10S745 Well finder 10S 112 4 101 745 jMessines 110 111 4 105X745 bSupcr 102 112 C 100X745 rivalling B BMercury 112 112 4 IIS 740 Mercury 97 111 4 103X740 101 113 6 100 735 K L Ross entry licjrtcn Stable entry Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsCentury Century Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 2000 3yearolds and upward Track record Sept 25 1915 142 4 119 119nd Ind nd Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 61406 Missionary 110144 3103X750 613743 Bunga Buck 110 140 4 116X745 614212 Pygone Days 4 10S740 61421 Slippery Elm 118144 9 10S735 61357 = Super 118146 5100x735 61425 bMayor House 100143 0 9JX730 9JX730eiSSSfbMy eiSSSfbMy Play 3 102 730 730tLcxingtcn tLcxingtcn Stable entry entryFifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Third Pucning Chesapeake Stakes 5000 Added Added3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrael Trael record Sept IS 1920 144 3 13S 61372 f tfCKY HOUR 110X750 6339 Bunting 121 740 740C1406 C1406 Missionary 11GX735 11GX73561314s 61314s bSidcreal 110 730 7306I4C5 6I4C5 Superlative 10G725 Lexington Stable entry entrySirth Sirth Race 1 18 Miles MilesPurso Purso 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Sept 27 1919 150 5 129 61422 bDark Hill 110 110151 151 0 103X725 68673 bCoumc Ci 104 152 I52f4 6 100X720 61414 bAttorncy Muir 104 153 15361S30 7 103X720 61S30 Soa Pirate 6 10GX715 612C6 bBiff Bang 121 153 5 109X715 613303 Jacques 107 155 4 103X710 61375 King John Ill 153 15361418JbVitaiain 7 114J710 61418JbVitaiain M 3 97X710 614073bGain de Cause 103 154 61312 bFrank Monroe 100 l5Ssy 8 100X705 100X705Seventh Seventh Race 1 316 Miles MilesPurss Purss 1200 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record Sept 7 1912 200 4 107 1076K082 6K082 Krhortcr 100 200 Vs 8103X725 8103X72561S4G3 61S4G3 Solid IU ck 105 159 8 109c720 109c72061414ItbWaukcag 61414ItbWaukcag 107 201 s 8 109X715 61415 Midnight Sun 7 109X715 61415 tStaunch 4 103X715 61415 Fizer 110200 8109X715 61428 Bills Luck 3 95X715 61414stbLazy 95X71561414stbLazy Lou 104 159 8 103715 614153 bAiuaze 5 109X715 61376 Stanley 102 200 m 4 111x710 61429 Lucy Kate 95201 4101X710 61222 101X7056HC4 Weary 5 101X705 6HC4 Explosive 94 l50 l50s s 4 98X705 61414 Anniversary 5 116X700 61309 bMary Jane Baker 102 201 4 93X700 61422 Joan of Arc 107 200 s 6110X700 61269 bJohn Arbor 101 200 4 103X700 61414 Dolly C 85 202 4 8SX700 61414 bllavenswood M 8 81 700 61403 Restless M s 86 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922042901/drf1922042901_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1922042901_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800