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DA PC 58 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming May 1O 1922 nAUC 101 1 110 110FASHION DULY FASHION di g 8 105 105Trainer By Eey del Shasta Queen of Fashion by Maxnio Trainer J A Parson Owner J A Parson G115G Tijuana 5S 102 fast C 110 3 3i 3 G Willims 7 Rubberll DdeOnise DbleVan G0925 Tijuana 68 l04hvy 1110 112 6 31 31 J Htamer 7 Pueblo Cicely Kay Velvet C0827 Tijuana 68 l03slop 2 112 6 6 66S 6 4 J M Fator 7 Clear Lake Neg Due de Guise GC757 Tijuana 6S l02fast 4 112 4 2 1s 1 T Wilson 9 LdtPoInter HonGeorge LJake 60225 Tijuana 1 l49hvy 17 111 3 2 2 6l 7 H B Bwer 8 Lavaga Plantagncet Mistake 60206 Tijuana 58 lOChvy 5 Ul 8 t tE8 61 l R Carter 7 Harry D Mayflower McLane 60134 Tijuana E8 101 slop 35 110 5 6 66S 31 31 J Hunmer 7 Stanleyfl Charmant CicelyKay 69SS3 Tijuana 6S l03 slop 1910 112 1 1 1 11 A Jacobs 7 Earljmn Ella Waldo HGedrs TABT HARRIGAN cb m 6 103 103Trainer By Harrigan Lady Hildreth by Golden Garter Trainer J M Booker Owner El On Stable ES546 MapleH 51 t l08fast 15 97 2 1 1 2 11 J Chalmers 9 Circulate Yakimene Black Top ES431 NKtn Ab 58 l01faat 4110 105 61 B Rice 8 FGCoriey Raffty AnterMnld 6S377 NKn Ab 58 l01 fast 102 4 1 B Rico 8 View milyBoots MaryMallon BS311 NKfn Ab 5S 105 hvy 13 102 6 B Rice C Virgo lion George AmernMald AmernMaldA B6071 Kempton 5 t lOSfast 8 93 FoU A Jacobs 7 JInslto Glenn Pretty liaby liabyl E604J Kcmpton 58 104 fast 185 104 l k A Jacobs 7 View L Gentry No Trumps E5957 Kcmpton 34 l15fast 8 115 8 i D Prible 9 Vansylvl nabyFanst MaryErb MaryErb2J C56S7 KtngEd 6i t l25slow 7 103 2J J Pawson 0 TwSeven Stiinental Altainahs BIVULET ch ni 6 103 103Trainer By Sapid Water Mettio Bcreaud by Joan Bereand BryantC0739 Trainer A Wallin Owner Wallin Bryant I IIl C0739 Mexico 7S 133 fast 10 111 1 2 3 2 2C0734 Il Il C Watson 7 My Rose Vodan Montillo C0734 Mexico 34 l20fast 13 103 1 44 44C06C4 4 C C Watson 0 FlyUigh FRooster Olive Jimcs C06C4 Mexico 78 131 fast 183 111 2 2 3 4 4G0151 4s 4 C Watson 0 Wodan Wislimaker OliveJames G0151 Mexico 34 117 fast 2J 110 3 31 31C0361 1 1 C Watson 5 ValerieWest roinercce StJust C0361 Mexico 34 l S fast 95 111 2 33 33GG279 21 1 C Watson G Fomerene Scarpiall KinglsII GG279 Mexico 34 l17fast 113 2 11 I1 15 R Ball 7 Tom Logan Canso Thirteen 60035 Mexico 5S l03fast S5 115 2 11 11EJ93G 21 2 C Watson C Tig Rose TFlIcMahon Ttlvvell EJ93G Mexico 58 l04fast 32 107 5 44 4s y C Watson 5 Ponierene Yatimene Trader 69320 Jcffson 34 111 fast 100 lOli J 66 66EP2SO SJ 9IJ R Rice 12 Bengorc Midnight Sun Oraleggo EP2SO Jr ffson 34 l14fast 12 107 1 26 26G914G 5l 6 1 R Rica 12 Cockroach 51 y Rose Zaincr G914G Jeffson 34 l16slow 50 107 6 68 Sl 8 R Rico 12 Pretender Iloreb Back Bay 59031 Jeffson 51 f 110 slow SO 108 2 12 12 12BSC22 11 11 R Rice 12 Etmlrn Iloreb Corkey V BSC22 Jeffson 5i f 112 hvy 10 104 4 H Gregory G Scarpia 11 Sky Man Runmlc PURDEY b or rn g 10 110 110Trainer By Fowlingpiece L Hamburg II by Ogden Trainer W A Cameron Owner W A Cameron C1593 MIIeishts 51 f lOSgood 7f 115 Cameron3J 3J L Gray 12 Neg Marion Rollins TimMcGee E6992 Latonia 34 llShvy Sf 105 11 9 81 8 F Porrettol2 Donna Koma Has Tulsa 41377 Latonia 34 l15mud Zl10 120 6 2 61 6 J ICederis 12 BIiJolinson PConnclIy Money 44229 Latonia 34 l13Hfast 1 NO 5 7 8 9 J Kederls 12 Moiiey ANAldn Bon Tromp 44051 Latonia 34 l13 faat 32 115 6 1 11 1 J Kederls 12 Circulate John Jr Billie II 39951 Churchl 34 l12ttfast 145 111 3 2 2l l k L Gentry 8 Cane Kun Klnney Dr Carmet BILLY BOOTS b h 5 5Trainer 108 By Sain Rosalie by Ofecau or Sempronlns Trainer C Hiddleton Owner C CG15GI Middleton MiddletonICG G15GI MlIciEhts B t lC9felow 11 11C0991 ICG 4J J Pcvlc 12 May Maulsby Legacy Doctor D C0991 Havana 55 f lC3Khvy G GC091G 105 3 6 G1 Gsl J Pevic 7 JIJudrow Discussion lizeaway C091G Havana 1 l43 slow 6 103 2 2 2 k 63 J Pevic 10 Blondcl Win or Quit Diversity 60852 Havana El f lG6fast 5 5G0749 106 5 6 4 21 J Pevic 7 WarMap BlackBnhy lUazenwaj G0749 Havana 5i f l12mud 31 108 108GC6S2 3 2 2 3 2 J Pevic 5 MGarner JOConlI LeeEnfield GC6S2 Havana El f l07fast 3 112 2 2 3 41 4J W Kelsay 10 UariouUollina Currency Sunros 60267 Havana 34 l13fast 5 110 110B9923 3 1 2 2 4 J Pevic 10 GCbance Discussion Perplexity B9923 Havana El f 1OS slow 2 103 103BSS76 4 3 2 11 lll J Pevic 10 Perplexity Frascuolo PKtsbnrj BSS76 Havana 61 f 111 hvy IS 101 4 6 Ss 6 J Pevio 7 OldSlnner Blaaeaway JBudroi BONSTELLE ch 5 G 110 By Hurst Prk Herkyte by Eennlm EennlmTrainer Trainer H Stewart Owner H W Moore MooreES530 ES530 Maplell 58 l01good 3 113 1 3 3 31 5s W Taylor 9 SweepTTpII Trdwcll YiclaG YiclaGBS491 BS491 MapleH 58 103 hvy 1710 113 2 11 1 I1 E Fator 7 DoubkVan KittyM KgWortU KgWortUES4S2 ES4S2 MapleH 6S 109 hvy 3310 111 1 43 44 4 1 J Maiben G Treadwell OrlnsGirl OlJames 6S369 MapleH 34 117 good 2 117 6i W Taylor 7 Mike War Smoke Circulate CirculateG6350 G6350 Htown Ab 5S l01Uslow 5 115 Il P Madeira 8 MoneyMaid Togoland Versailles VersaillesEGS30 EGS30 Htown Ab 58 l00fast 45 122 4 D Louder 0 BlueFIanie MoneyMd Togoland TogolandE6S08 E6S08 Htown Ab BS lOOHfast 7 108 4 1 R Ball 5 Truce War Map Superior SuperiorEOS33 EOS33 Chagrin Ab53 IrtSTtmud 25 118 4 J Drainlck 5 OliveJaincs PtyBaby IlWllldu IlWlllduJILL JILL br ra 8 103 By Transw Guadalite by Eaeburn EaeburnTrainer Trainer A C Niehns Owner A C Niehaua C1G28 MIIciRhts 51 f l07 ssood S 100 Fell J Thomas 12 ChfBtliell SlipSilver SDevil 61007 Havana 51 f l T good 10 105 G G GJ 7 H Bndses 9 MumJutnbo GalBcrry Midian G0932 Havana 51 f lOSgood 6 105 9 8 8 H Brydges 9 Flioodle MumJnmbo Gratinn 60S2S Havana 51 f lOSfast 8 10S 4 4 3 21 2 II BrydgeslO Bacchanalian Baywood Orris GCGS1 Havana 34 l14fast 10 103 2 2 1 11 4J II Brydges 8 Reliability Rameau Ruddles 60216 Havana 61 f l07fast 12 100 2 I 1 l k 4J H Brydgea 9 GeorseVT TtySevea MUarner 60020 Havana 51 f 107 fast S 100 6 4 5 71 64 J Chalmers 8 Snparmt Perplexity WoIChca E9G65 Havana El f ItfStfast 7 103 1 1 1 1 1 H Brydgea 9 Haman Molinero Zindo LEADING STAS b h 6 113 113Trainer By Sweep Star of Runnymcde by Star Shoot Trainer C Koerner Owner C Koerner KoernerE8109 E8109 Church 1 1 116 l47V fast 2Uf 1 5 4 5 S SE7772 10 10 B Parke 12 FosEmbry Amanda FairOrlent FairOrlentII1 E7772 Latonia 1 11G l4Sfast 4S 114 5 2 3 G II1 11 H Shilling 12 Guaranteed Furbelow Cut Up 67491 Latonia 34 l14sgood GG 116 5 76 76E6960 5 ET H Shillingll SLiberty G Swell llHurgoyne llHurgoyneE E6960 Dufrin 78 l35fast 5 112 112EC303 E l H Shilling 7 Fin Itocster Bond Pretty Babj EC303 Dufrin 78 135 fast 1 118 4 II Shilling 8 Circulate Tom Logan Safranor 66328 FtKiie Im70y l44Kgood 6 103 4 2 7 7 7 7 H J Burke 7 Cubnniki Darnay Trickster II 66253 FtKiie 1 116 l47faat 7 111 1 1 1 1 1AETBHTIl 11 2 H Shilling 13 DofWllington Piedra Madrono MadronoBy AETBHTIl KIDDLETOH ch S 9 105 105Trainer By Disguise Lardella by Lackford Trainer C Davis Owner H Davis 6091S Mobile Ab ES ESG0858 ESfjst G 110 9 9Ab 8 8l 7 T Wayt 10 IJnos Sea Board Sacajawea G0858 Mobilo Ab 58 58B9030 lOOHfast 3 120 4 4 51 55 T Wayt 10 Capers Princess Lou Dabinda B9030 Jeffson 51 f 11 11ES752 l10slow 31 111 8 4 4 6 R Holwayl2 Diocletian Donatello Scarpiall ES752 Jef son 61 f 10 10BS602 l09 ifust 21 116 5 4 3 3J 3 R Holway 9 JuFrodrick BrCheck DoraW BS602 Jeff son 51 f 10 lC9 fast 3 117 1 J W Mphy 9 Lowell Scarpia II SpokQuees B8143 Erie Al 58 l03hvy 8 112 4 J J Smallwd 6 LGentry OrlGirl Lucky Pearl BU95 Erie AtPROPAGANDA At 6S 100 fast 275 116 V J Dminlck 5 EMcBride Blue Jay DrHaU DrHaUBy PROPAGANDA ch s 0 110 110Lutz By Sucdridge Gelinotte by GaUiaulo GaUiauloLost Trainer E Lutz Owner E Lntz C1143 Bowie 34 115 fast 12 103 7 Lost riderE T Morel2 Dare Allah Bodanzky 60746 Mexico 34 l15 fast 13 107 1 3 2 5 6 K T Moore i Skooter Fly Higli Miss Orb C0742 Mexico 38 SS fast 1710 117 3 2 41 3SJ E T Moore 7 SanDicgo Lady Acton OhDoctor C0552 Mexico 12 23fast 10 117 4 2 i 3J1 E T Moore G MyFrdPat BlackLilly BigSon GOOCO Mexico 58 101 fast 5 113 2 2 2 2 3 E T Moore 5 Kuidcn ClcanGonc Assumption B9971 Mexico 14 21fast 6 122 2 21 2s E T Moore G CotheRst WarBond BlkLilly B9306 Jeffson 34 l13Hfast 125 113 3 1 1 11 21 J Eutwell S AofAces PromTom KlreCub GS266 Jeffson 51 f l07fast 8 111 1 3 4 41 3 B MarielH 9 Flurey Bill McCIoy Murphy 69112 Jeffson 34 l17J4mud 110 1 1 1El 1 2 21 E Barnes G Trantula Lirely Cacamoo E9023 Jefrson El f l10 hvy 6 107 7 6 6 6 6 E T Moore 9 Malvolio Anticipate Plain Bill E8970 Jeffson 34 l17mud 12 103 1 1 2 2 2 E T Moorel2 Silence Anticipate Rolo ETTNKIC ch s 4 110 110Trainor By Rucajrntde Hicca by Star Shoot Trainor M M Shields Owner H li Shields ShieldsBf313 Bf313 Jeff son 34 ll 7fast 25 107 9 7 7 7ES622 3 7 1 A Gantnerl2 Philanderer MRankin Zealous ES622 Jeffson El f 112 hvy 8 105 105ESG05 3 A Pecarro G Scarpia II Sky Man Rivulet ESG05 Jeffson 68 l03fcfast 32 111 111BS46S 41 C Garner G Malvuliu DoiislassS TomLogan BS46S NKfn Ab 58 l03mud 175 lit 31 J Smwood G LGcntry SeeCousiu BillyBoots 581 7 NKfn Ab 5S 100 fast 5 111 111ES379 31 J Smwood G MlMat Thtles lty II Villdo ES379 NKton 34 119 fast 6 105 105ES 2l B Rice 5 TCoinBawn SCousin SpValc SpValcS1 ES 7 NKton Ci t 12G fast 95 115 115ES155 S1 D Prible 8 JulyFly IrincessLou Copyright ES155 Erie 34 l198low 710 111 111BACK 1i D Prible 5 WillSoon SecCousin UGeorge UGeorgeBy BACK BAY b g 14 110 110Trainer By Rubicoa Genna by Balgowaa Trainer Jones Owner B Howard C15G1 MHcIghta 6 f l yislow 3110 110 110C0922 5T C Howard 12 May Maulsby Legacy Doctor D C0922 Mobio Ab 53 E8V fast 2J 120 8 8 SI SIG0378 7si T Wayt 10 Aunt Uccia Capers Dr Hall G0378 Mobio Ab 58 59rast 3 116 1 1 1 Il Il C Howard 10 SanDwo SealJoard FiyiusOrb 6079S Mobile Ab 58 103 hvy 115 120 3 2 1 1J I1 C Howard 9 UKuchter Jackville LLlieim 60381 FGnag 34 l16hvy 135 101 3 22 3 3J 41 A Gantnerll Druiismond KoyC BrovnriieLV 60155 FGncla 3t l14fast 12 114 9 C 2 1 64 H J Burke 12 PorlLisht BlueJeacs LyMlldd 60415 FGnds 34 l13fast 20 112 8 8 6 6 6GC25S 61 6s H J Burke 11 Betsinda Satana Murphy GC25S FGnds 34 115 good 10 1021 6 6 6 41 41LIBERATOR 4SJ A Gantner 9 Betsinda TitanSa North Show ShowBy LIBERATOR ch g 10 110 110Traicor By Ph nudes Countess Irma by Sir Dizon Traicor E D Carter Owner T Hodgo HodgoBS512 BS512 MapleH 34 121 hvy 38 102 9 lo 10 10 10ES481 10 W BogskilO FRooster WarSmoke PeerOne ES481 Maplull 58 l09hvy 10 107 6 666 666ES342 6 6 i E Fator Huronll DoubleVan Uillandale Uillandale7J ES342 MapleH Cl f l09fcKOod 31 109 109BS272 7J J Martin 7 Eno Babylonian Nonua J BS272 MapleH 51 f l09 slow 20 106 106B7C90 6 E Fator 9 May ManJsby ViolaG SauDie B7C90 Kcmpton 1 l5Shvy 14 112 Refused N Collins G Fringe TJUogan VakDream E7G3G KemiJton 51 f l13fchvy 22 111 111E7543 J Nlcholl 7 OLJames JUealey Altamaha E7543 MtUoyal E8 lC3hvy 36 113 113C7055 10 J Nlcholl 11 Glenn Rufferty DougFalrbauk C7055 Dufrin 61 f l2Gfast 23 108 108E6S80 7 F Chiavta S Doltud Best Hatrack lluzart E6S80 Dufrin Ab 58 I02fa8t 27 107 107BCC03 8 F Lux 8 Lsulylran Pretliaby MUolIunc BCC03 Doral 34 l131 fast 55 US 3 9 10 10 101 F Murphy 10 Military Girl Plain Bill Chow ST JUST br h 5 103 103Trairer By St Volma liirror Haze by Masetto Trairer R Warfield Owner P 0 Anderson 01159 I jwie 34 l13fefasC iOO 1C9 1C9G0899 5 6 G 615 W Bogskl 0 Jock Scot Trantula Betsinda G0899 Mobile Ab 58 ESfast 3 115 2 1 lh 1J W Bogskl 10 Princess Lou Crest FGCorlry 60814 Mobile Ab 58 l01hvy 7 115 4 3 2 21 2 W Bogskl 10 Corkey W Sea IJoard Daliinda 60652 Mexico 68 l03fast 155 10S 2 2 6 6 6 1 W Hogskl G MyFrPat Emden Miss Parncll 0357 Mexico 51 f l10 fast 2710 107 3 3 3 31 4 1 W Bogskl G Ballynew VanDresser Zaiaer 60451 Mexico 34 117 fast 5 110 1 1 3 4 4 W Bogskl 5 Rivulet ValerieWest Pomerent 60363 Mexico 51 f 112 fast 6 115 2 1 1 Il 1 N J Brnea 8 OlJames MyKose LitMaudls C0303 Mexico 51 f l10iast 9 118 2 4 4 41 6Ti N J Brnes G Vanity Dressvr Chicken Kmden BEVZLRY JAKES ch s 10 110 110Trainer By Star Euby Lady Lindsey by Sir Hodrod Hodrod7s Trainer J Shine Owner E Harrlmgrton C0391 Havana 34 l15iyast 12 115 7 7s S T Burns 11 Norma J Jap Muraa W Crown 6034 G Havana 34 115 fast 20 112 9 81 9 F Moore 11 Ditu s Athjrarven Mr Kruter E3G1S Havana 51 f l07V fast 10 114 1 12 12 J Malben 12 WofChce Weckless GBerry E94CO Havana 51 f 108 fast 8 112 2 8 BledAY Hphy ti fcuelu LEufield King Vortk B9328 Havana 34 l15fnst 12 112 6 41 7 = 3 W Hlnphy 8 Sun rose Ycomanette MaysTille E9276 Havana 34 lie3low 10 112 3 41 3 F Moore 8 GdHope Yuianctte DlUlrbki E9059 Havana 34 l15 = fast 4 104 3 43 4s J Smwood 9 Butler All Aglow Mister Jiffs BS957 Havana 51 f l07fast 2 105 4 4COUSIN 41 osi G Fields 0 Carl Roberts Huen Far Exat ExatBy COUSIN 0 MINE b g 7 110 110Trainer By Uncle Ballymena by Adam Trainer F Lvnn Owner S Craij CraijES199 ES199 N Kton 61 f 127 mud 47 109 109CS133 1 7S W Smith 7 St Banner TwSeven MaryErb MaryErb4l CS133 NKton 34 117 fast 16 m mES313 4l n Rife 5 ItilIioots WillSoon TanilTiglit ES313 NKton 61 f l2Sfehvy GJ 115 115E8115 715 B Davis 8 SpcuCousin Rnilbird SCbangc E8115 Erie 34 l25hvy 9 111 111CSOSO 7 O Atwcll 7 Cnterbile BbyFanst Hopeful HopefulC11 CSOSO Eric 34 l23hvy 107 IIS C11 A Huelson 7 RalTorty TopRiing Presumption PresumptionG 57996 Erie 34 l21hvy 28 11 11EC27 G R Ball 7 TGoose AmerItosp FGCorley EC27 Mt Royal 5S lOl7Jfast 215 110 110Ei904 10 O Alvoll 10 Bchanaln Rmonall PokJne PokJneCIJ Ei904 Wheels 1 11G 153 mud 9 114 CIJ J II Durke 7 Comibance IxnornP JacUHill JacUHilli C3714 Wheel g 58101 fast 4310 115 115B3630 i 3 J Kurlte 8 DrCpbell IIRudder ProRrad B3630 Wheels Ci f l211ifast 52 1 1 I1 J Burke 8 Second Cousin LiUalafre Clip