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LATEST WOODBINE GOSSIP TORONTO OnL May 16 With continued fine weather the track at Woodbine Park is faster than it has been in years The horses have been arriving daily and today every stall at the trade is occupied and the over ¬ flow going to Thorncliffe and to outside stables stablesThe The Kings Platers will get their final work ¬ out tomorrow tomorrowToday Today the Seagram candidates Imperson ¬ ator and Target worked a mile in 146 146El El Jesmar and Gazinta worked the same distance in 150 150Other Other workouts today were Threeeighths mile High Gear 39 Lady Boss 38 Anita Hamilton 40 CapL Bob 36 Servitor 37 Sweet Bouquet 37 Mir ¬ acle Man 39 Assyrian Queen 38 Bribed Voter 38 Elemental 38 Pastoral Swain 38 Bondage 40 Hildur 37 The Wag 38 38Half Half mile Flibbertigibbet 53 Baby Mine 50 El Jesmar 50 Jap Muma 52 52Fiveeighths Fiveeighths mile Lion dOr 1 05 Grey bourne 103 Jane Scrapper 103 103Threequarters Threequarters mile Carry On 1 16 Dandy 1 16 Balance 1 1S Some Baby 114 Bettie J 117 Royal Visitor 119 119One One mile Doctor Jim 145 145Lady Lady Boss showed good speed under re ¬ straint Lion dOr was only cantering Serv ¬ itor and Sweet Bouquet ran well together Hildur just cantered Greybourne appears to have plenty of speed Some Baby showed a good threequarters Royal Visitor does not appear to be quite up to a race yet Doctor Jim ran well all the way and finished fast