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I INEOEMATIOF NEWS NOT TIPS SEEVICE OE DOPE j The splendid reception accorded our parlays spnrn us to greater efforts UccniiHO ot tbls TTC announce onr elguth 2G parlay It Roes Vedneadny Blay 24 One Hunt the other West The Getaway Special at Jamaica la re believe vrorth 1OO of any mans money moneyOUR OUR LAST 25 PARLAY GROUNDSWELL AND TITLE PAID 475 TO 100 100NATIONAL NATIONAL NEWS SPECIAL INDUCEMENT Next Wednesday horses will be at even better odds oddsTo To demonstrate our sincerity we mnlre this farther Inducement If this pnrlay doesnt vin at 1O to 1 or better we will srive you the balance of the nineteen days at Louisville frKEE IV e arc experts Pur ¬ veying of Information not tips is vrltli us n basLnesa SPECIAL In remitting for this 25 parlay parlayof of Wednesday please include phone number We prepay all longdistance or telegraphic charges Hash your subscription NOW NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE SUITE 1OO2 TURF DEPT 1OO NORTH DEARBORN STREET CHICAGO ILL