5th Race [5th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-21

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PfU PA OfT 1 Furlongs 2yesrolOs Claimirifir Hay 21 1021 UUI flrxUU 52 a5 2 11O 11OPOPPYE POPPYE b f S 104 By Thso Cook Maggla Guinea by Peter Qatoe QatoevTraiaer HeadleyG1771 vTraiaer W Euford 0wssr Hal Price Headley G1771 hurchill 41 f Sfifast 3710 100 4 3 2 1 G Breuns 9 Yalta Cort Flnday 61 658 Lcxton 41 f Di mud 2110 105 3 3 21 2 E Martin 8 AilseVerncr MissClaire JHay 015J5 JHay015J5 Loxton 4i f 5 hvy 275 110 3 2 1 1 J H Burkel2 AilsieVernor LitSallls MClaira 61495 Lexton 41 f 57 = jinud 9U15 4 2 2 J H Burlrel2 Anna Tod Palladium SparOn 61150 Lextoa 12 43 fict 17 112 5 i S 2l W W Tlorll OldTop AilsieVernor HGaxJ aa aaFULL FULL HaaditTraicer SPCOIf b f 2 IC9 By Sir Joha Johnson Spoonful by Plaadit Traicer K Sjence Ovrasr Hontfort Jones JonesR1830 R1830 Churchill 41 f 57 hvy 1710 109 6 1 1 1 B Scobte S JCLghton BoflUlWze Bd in GIGil SallleC1S11 Lexton 4i f 4 fast 11 113 1 1 2J 3 1 E Scobio 12 KistCook OuIOtti Littl s Sallle C1S11 KlUWIBlamaGl138 Lexton 12 4S4hvy S 114 7 9 9 9 E Scobla 9 Arisaci FrAgnes KlUWIBlama Gl138 Lexton 1S 4Sisood 16 115 4 I 4 411 E Scobio 12 Avisack FJshtCoolc F indTik JAKES HindooTraner HAT b c 2 107 By Pataud Satto by Hindoo Traner D E Storrart Owner E C Walter WalterG179 G179 PofTJmiriaGIC58 i Churchill 41 1 54 fast 7 109 4 3 2 H 3 Game T KGrahaia OldT PofTJmiria GIC58 Lcxton 41 I 55 mud 62 105 6 4 4 4 L McDott 8 AiLVcraor Poppyo Mlaa Claire 61511 PowerCl Lexton 41 f 5 hvy 7 115 10 9 8 S B Pool 12 Fun a Fun Miss Claire Power Cl 152 Lexton 12 4S fast S3f 115 8 I S 8 J Kedcrfci 12 Shamrock FirsfWard PatcJclaa PatcJclaaHTJGHFS HUGHES GRAHAM b 5 2 H 107 By Kent dO dOTj dOr EL XaeodoriU by Dick WeHaa Tj ilncr W Porlinis Owner G F Baker G170 1 Churchill 41 f 54 faBt 1710 1C9 1 1 1 5 2 33 Pool 7 JatleHay OldTop PofUinljrla 6145C Lexton 12 43 fast 23J9 107 1 4 2 44 T Murray U OH Top Poppyo Aflsia Vernar Vernar1LENT 1LENT UavarraTrsjsor L cb e Z II 112 By Zous Horla by Henry of Uavarra Trsjsor T F Bomman Owner M KeHey KeHeyC1870 C1870 ChurchiU 41 54ifaat 9 115 n H H Y 3 Zosllt n Bclzonla Metric TrecAiaericaa 61810 HayC1658 Churchill 13 49stow n 115 8 B 4 2 A Johnson U Bess 1 AUilet 5 Taylor Hay C1658 Lexton 45 55 mud 42 104 8 8 61 5 3 E Ro hm 8 AiLVernor Poppye Mh Ctelra 61586 AgoC1533 Lextoa 41 f 55 fLjt 6 US 11 10ilO1 H Kios 12 Hopeless Bess It Stone Ago C1533 Lexton 4 57hvr O 110 C 6 S H Gray 9 Shamrock Prloc K Mt Roe C1491 Lexton 41 6Cmud 31 113 6 6 4 J l H Gray 9 Lazchmt Menlo SfcOTrtr o G Ul UlAKHA AKHA VoterTrainer TOD ch f 2 105 By Detti Bnuttdoa BeHe by Voter Trainer T J Piorc Owner J W Bailoy Bailoy618S4 618S4 Churchill 41 55mnd 2110 111 1 X 2 S A Johnson 10 Gnast of Hcnar WKa Nowafea C1771 NowafeaC1771 Churuhlll 41 f 544 aat 9 107 7 t S ff J B Pool 9 Poppye Yalta Corto 01654 Lexton 41 C6 slow 225 113 t 2 S C1 A Wllsom 12 KuU o Pen Valouw Delasrr 61495 Lexton 41 B7mud 23 105 1 1 J 1 B Pool 12 Pcppyo Palladium Spttrtln SpttrtlnATHLETE ATHLETE SiootTrainer b gr 2 M 107 By Sir Join Johnson Wrea ly Star Sioot Trainer C Bills OWEOC 2oc s Aatnclisa AatnclisaC1510 C1510 Churchill 15 Olsslow L 115 3 3 Si 35 V Smith 11 Bpsa tV Kent I Taylor Hay 60580 FGnda 12 GO hvy 12 112 4 11 11 II1 M Buxton 11 Dearie Llla Time Miss Claire 60414 FGnds 3J 35fast 15 115 1 9 U F Murphy 12 Rork Everhart The Ulster Taylerllay6007S 0i2 FGnds 31 35good 5 114 3 H 5 Q Walls 12 Rcctabyc FI oFun Taylerllay 6007S FGnds 3 S3 hvy 3 US 3 21 2s G Walls 7 B Winers TOIuleskinr Bchiu BchiuCS925 CS925 FGnda 38 SSVthvy 13 113 3 2i 2 G Walls 12 JpbiBeO TMsklnr LGa y ESS83 FGnda 38 SSTthvy 8 US 1 6X 6ai J Butwoll 9 Leslie Billy Gibson Koellia 59779 FGnda SJ 3Smud M Ut 9 21 43 J Butrrcll 11 AnitaHampioa Dearie DclnslTB DclnslTBG62S G62S FGnds 3J 35fast 20 IIS f S BiJ Butwell 12 PeUJrown BiLGlbson BcLLnck BcLLnckC9523 C9523 FGnds 3J SSHfcry IS US 8 8J 6 F CTltllettm Nowata liosleli MarJorleWoctJ MarJorleWoctJXT7CIDIT3 XT7CIDIT3 LissaiTrainer br e 2 K 107 By Kins Jamss Grae Caciar v by Lissai Trainer H Z Griffin Ounar J B Saita SaitaC1354 C1354 Churchill 41 1 EoTghvy W llOJl 4 4J 51AJolmsen 3 Prlnceie D OSnrn Larchmt 61511 Lexton 41 58 hvy 61452 Lexton 13 4S ast 84 135 31 8 10 10 J D iTnfiyl2 Shamroefe FlrstWard Patriidaa C1112 Lextoa 12 48coo l 85 TAYLOR HAT i c 2 M MTrainer 107 107C By Faux Col Erana Star by Solar Star Trainer J M Gcodo Owrer C W Hay G1S10 ChurchlU 13 49 slow 12f 115 5 1 44 8 KcOrairll Beat I Kent tic Athlete PlCi Lcxton 4 f E6 slow 13f 113 7 4 4 I Connlryl2 PnU o Pun Valois Deltnir G1511 Lcxton 41 f 53 hvy 36 US 9 13 11 n A Wilson 12 Fan o1 run Mia Claire Powa 604S1 FGnds 38 3C mud 13 U3U 11 11 B Bamea 12 Antonia Dearie Lilac Titan 60312 FGnda 38 35ssood 20 114 1 S 3 B Barnes 12 Rockabyt Bl oFun MissChifr 593CG FGnds 31 37ihvy 15 US 3 llj 12 J H J BurkolZ Uughle B tLnck r tatiuaa B9I52 FGncla SJ 36 slow U US t T1 M Gaxncr 10 Princa K Dolmdrc Old Top

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922052101/drf1922052101_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1922052101_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800