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C4N DA PC 1 Mile 3jearoltls and nptvaril Claiming Jsiiic 1 Dtll KAUL Ii35 35 5 118 BILLY WATTS br g 3 102 By Trap Bock BockTrainer La Eccolte by Keddler Trainer S C Hildreth Owner Eancocas Stable StableG17GG G17GG Jamaica 34 l12fast 86 1C6 4 1 1 Il L Fator FatorG1702 11 Brainstorm Olynthns Manna G1702 Jamaica 34 112 fast 185 104 3 4 S2 2J L Fator FatorG1G45 6 Rocket Elcctedll Mavonrneen G1G45 Jamaica 34 113 fast 25 113 2 3 2 2 E Sande SandeE4543 8 Irish Sea So It Goes Volcanic E4543 Belmont 68 st 57tffast 7 112 14 13 121 107 E Sande SandeE44C8 14 Column NaniyF Mustard s ed E44C8 Jamaica El f l07mud 1320 112 2 E 3 3 3J K Sande 6 L Baltimore Little Chief Toil 54342 Jamaica E8 l01good 85 113 6 3 B 4J 2 E Sande 6 Toil Whirligig Carmencita AVISPA ch f 3 87 87Trainer By Eunnymede Napa Girl by Solitaire II Trainer G Zeigler Owner W F Onasbee 61705 Jamaica Im70y l45fast 8 102 1 3 34 11 FJ Kummer 5 Translate Title Daniel A G1221 Bowie 34 l15Hniud 10 10G1129 1CS S 4 41 5 j H Thomas 8 CapePiliar MisaEmG MCurtU G1129 Bowlo 34 l14fast 85 103 1 2 I1 1s C Ljxns 9 MissEmG Cape Pillar Timbrel 60429 FGnda 34 l12 fast 41 100 00 2 34 11 I1 H Thomas 11 GamGurton LctLoraiae F y G02CO FGnda 34 l14good 31 100 00 2 22 31 3Z G Brening 9 Birdie G Juno Forest Queen ES5SI Pimlico 84 l16mud 6 HI I 9 11 H 12 12 L McAtee 12 QuickUun T Vengeance I Maid ES505 Pimlico 34 l15good 34f UO 6 21 31 C Turner 14 JewollVI Cmcita MTdUelle ES222 Empire El f l07faat 8 115 3 3 S5 C Robson 13 Knot Grass Kirtle Clinchfield ES175 Empire Ab 34 112 1 ast 8 114 7 51 61 C Robson 14 Nose Dive Nightboat jj weepy 5S052 Empire Ab 34 l10V8fast 185 106 6 94 9to L McAtee 12 Sweepy Grisclda Knot Grass 57930 Jamaica 34 l14good 710 U5 2 I4 1 C Turner 0 Dol Vardeu Ksecution SSimon 578CO Jamaica El f l07fast 95 111 5 Il I4 C Turner 9 M White RcdTom Promecada 57GC1 Jamaica 51 f lOSfast 7 1CJ 13 13 12 C Turner 12 Sweepy Our Dear Fuses 57031 Belmt Elf MC l05 fast S 101 4 5 4 J S Bullmanl2 AttaGal LuckyGln OMcilesila 56583 Sartoga S4 113 fast 21 107 E 41 2 i C Turner D Tulwar Evil Citation CBYSTAL FOSD ch c G ChactanundaT 113 By Clifford Glimnierglass by Chactanunda Trainer V 0 Clancy Owner T C Clancy C1G7G Jamaica 1 116 l4Gfast 920 920Im70y 102 1 1 Il IJ L Penman 2 David Harnm G16C3 Jamaica Im70y l44fast 1710 UO HarnmUO 4 2 2 = 3 L McAtee 5 Normal Kof the Her Runquol 61307 HdeGco 34 l14fast 7 7Im70y UO RunquolUO 1 3 2 Si C Lang 9 The Boy fcuper Vibrate 58317 Empire Im70y l45fast 15 15Im70y 11G Vibrate11G 6 6 62 64 E Sando 7 Sagacity Cromwell Dark Hill 58180 Empire Im70y l46fast 8 8Im70y U4 HillU4 3 5 G 62 L McAtee 7 Diomedes FirstPullet Sea Mint E81I9 Empire Im70y l45fast 12 UO MintUO 6 3 8l E L McAtee 7 Tufter Siren Maid Sea Mint 57854 Jamaica 1 1S 154 fast 21 21Im70y 1041 1 1 22 43i L McAtee 5 Diomedes Darkllill Escarptte 57710 Jamaica Im70y I44ifa3t B US 2 S G B L McAtee G WarNote SirenMaid RcgLoJgo 57549 Aqueduct 1 l33mud 7 106 1 1 22 2Z L McAtee 3 Edwina Regal Lodge 57380 Aqueduct 1 lS9fast 21 111 7 1 11 I1 L McAtee 10 Romany Thimble St Isidore 57263 Aqueduct 34 l12fast 41 103 8 6 6 41 F Cltilctti 5 Vista Squaw Man Siren Maid 5G98G Belmont 1 l40V slow B 106 1 1 2J 24 L Penman 4 Edwina K of the Her Servitor PEIDE OF INDIA b h 6 118 118Trainer By Delhi Dominoes by Domino Trainer G C Winfrey Otraer S Louis G1902 Jamaica 34 lllfast 15 104 3 4 4 44 H Thomas 7 LBghton Routledge Electodll 61827 Jamaica 34 l13mud 116 122 2 1 1 I2 F Keogh 8 Mavrnn MBarres Kof tHer 61739 Pimlico 34 lllfast 84 97 5 6 7 61 S McLane 7 Star Jester Reprisal Super 61507 Pimlico 34 l13mud 6 112 7 3 3G144G 31 3J F Keogh 10 ExcuscMo Carmdale N Haider G144G Pimlico 34 l12fast SS 115 3 3 2ni 32 F Keogh 13 Carmdale Mavourn CapePiliar 61123 Bowio 7S l28fast 31 116 3 7 75S722 C2 G F Keogh 7 Super War Note Lucky B 5S722 Bowie ImTOy l49mud 3310 1C91 3 433 3 31 L Morris 5 TUutn KoftheHther Ckson 5S6S1 Bowie 7S l29hvy 95 114 1 S 6 3 35S629 I1 I1 L Morris 8 Sammy K Griselda Ira Wilson 5S629 Pimlico 34 l15hvy 3110 S3 4 44 3 3 1 C Lang 4 MotorCop Tiielloy Carmandale ES454 Pimlico 34 l15mud 73 92 13 13 13 6 9i S McLane 13 Knobbie Oriole Dominique 58234 Laurel 84 114 fast 146 111 4 T S1 B F Keogh 10 Vibrate HelenAtkin SoineBaby 57SS7 Laurel 84 112 fast 18 S3 1 38 38564SO 8 S S MeLane 4 Careful Baby Grand Mln Man 564SO Sartoga 34 lllfast 15 103 C C t B1 L Morris 0 Thnderclap Routledge BextPa BextPaBy DOUGHNUT br g 3 07 07Trainer By Sweep Fascination by Buck Hassle Trainer N L Byer Owner T F Price PriceG1S47 G1S47 Jamaica 34 l13mud 135 107 3 4 4G17GG 4 2 = B Fator 4 LkyButton MCoopcr Suplative G17GG Jamaica 34 l12fast 20 KS 3 4 41 8 B Fator 11 Bil Watts Brainstorm Olvnthas 61539 Jamaica 34 l12Hg ° od 60 111 6 6 6G1500 6 6J M Buxton G Galtuan Lctterman Hcphaistos G1500 Jamaica 24 l13good 50 1C4 7 T 8l S ° A GantnerlO Dof tVal Manna LdPrightoa 8747 Bowie 1 l447imud 51 102 4 3 4 4 E 65 E Josiah G Hephaistos Modo Wessie B B7s 4719 Bowie 1 f l22 mud 31 110 10 10 8 85S671 7s 62 E Josljih 10 M iriam Cooper Penitent Plucky 5S671 Bowie 78 l29hvy 35 IDS S 5 6 6 65S659 E 41 13 Josiah 7 Modo Champlain Tangerine 5S659 Bowio Im70y l50hvy 34 9S 2 1 1 3 3 3T1 E Harbne 8 FlyCloud MyldBelle Clarkson 58549 Bowie 78 l2Shvy 40 107 3 9 9 9 95S6C5 51 G3 J Zoelier 10 Hephaistos Plucky Tansorine 5S6C5 Bowie 61 f 122 hvy 20 104 8 48 S1 II2 J Zoelier 11 Hephstos Tangerine YkeeStat 58437 Pimlico 34 116 slop 35 115 4 42 425S249 l k 1J G W Croll 0 AllOvPr Hncry Maryland Hello 5S249 Empire Ab 34 l10 rast 1310 103 fl C C CTRANSLATE C 6 2 G W Carll G Rose Hill Nose Dive Chewinic ChewinicBy TRANSLATE blk g 6 113 113Trainer By Transvaal Eustis by Star Shoot Trainer G Coburn Owrer H Marshall Marshall617G5 617G5 Jamaica Im70y l43fast 2 110 1 1 1G1705 21 2 E Sando 4 Davidllarum Valor Henry G G1705 Jamaica Im70y l15fagt 2 113 4 2 21 1 E Sande 5 Avispa Title Daniel A 61 315 ILdeGce 1 11S l47good 3110 112 6 7 7G12GG 7 7 i A Gantner 7 PasSwain TipSnhib TheLfmli G12GG Bowie 7S l29fcmud 2110 106 6 6 6i A Gantner G SlipRIni Lufky B DDoadcyo 61190 Bowio 34 l13fast 39 104 3 6 6G0169 6 2 A Gantner G Wellfinder Mercury Brainstorm G0169 FGnds ImTOy l4ifast 75 116 3 1 1 1 14 I1 G Turner 7 Baigncur UallotMnrk AtieMay 6122 FGnds Im70y l45slow 3 106 4 2 2 2 2B5919 2 2s A Gantner 7 Wynnrwd liaigneur Waiikcas B5919 FGnda 1 116 156 mud 125 112 5 5 4 8 4 63 M Buxton G GrayGablcs WhoCares LuckyB 59754 FGnds Im70y l44good 10 103 5 5 4 2 21 21 M Buxton 8 Wyanewd Crtship RTraveler 59700 FGnds 1 316 203mud 45 112 1 1 1 1 11 2 = k M Euxton 5 Pimlico Gourmand Herd Girl GirlBy CBOJSWEL1 blk g 6 103 103Trainer By Plaudit Affect by His Highness HighnessE Trainer W J Daly Owner M V Daly 61840 Jamaica ImTOy l45mud 20 101 6 E Ei P Walls G Teddy U Tangerine Wynnowood 61712 Pimlico 1 142 slow 21 IIS 3 3G1583 41 4s L Morris 8 FlgClotul UicusMe NtRaider G1583 Pimlico 34 lll fast S3 121 5 6l 42 L Morris 10 Superlative Messines Ntltaider 61507 Pimlico 34 l13mud 16 109 1 1G1420 41 EJ L Morris 10 KscnsoMc Carmdale Pofladia G1420 HdeGce 34 l12 fast 27 107 4 4S5CS7 C G J Wailaco G Ilildur Lion dOr Carmandale S5CS7 Havana 1 116 l45faat 75 124 3 2 2 31 S J J Domlck G Riverside Colonel Lit Inquiry 59362 Havana 1 316 l5Sfast 2 116 3 3 4 3 11 J Dminick 0 ElnorS SPrlnce GJMiJomea 59256 Havana UnWy 143 good 6 113 1 S 4 24 21 J Dminick 8 GenJMGomcz Aikcu ABoyll 59101 Havana 1 116 l45fast 3 113 2 1 1 1ES999 I 1 J Dminick G LadsLove Eleanors FrankW ES999 Havana 34 116 mud 3 114 1 3 S 34 A Pickens 4 Guvnor The Boy BofEliaatn 5S324 Havana El f lOC ialow 76 US 2 22 2 2s A Pickens 4 Guvnor M Garner GenMeiical UOCO br f 3 87 87Trainer By Zeus Sana Gane by Eock Sand Trainer U C Kelley Owner B Harding HardingG1145 G1145 Bowio Gl f l21fast 12 UO 7 6 6EE747 7 61 J Williams 8 Hullabaloo Sweepy FannieBeaa EE747 Bowio 1 l44mud 13 103 6 4 3 3 3ES747 6 B l M Schwtz G Uephaistos Modo Wessle B ES747 Bowie 1 l44mud 95 116 2 2 2 2 25S679 2 C Ponce G Hephaistos WesIJ MyldBell 5S679 Bowio 78 l2Shvy 4310 114 5 6 7 6 65SC63 G4 MyldBellG4 E E Pool 11 Champlniu Yashnuk All Over 5SC63 Bowie 61 f l21slov 115 108 4 44 445S627 41 21 E Pool 12 All Fair liees Wai Plucky 5S627 Pimlico 34 l15hvy 6 107 6 34 34ES59C 41 41 C Ponco 5 Simplicity Duncecap ExcugeXIa ES59C Pimlico 34 110 hvy 6 113 1 32 21 21 C Ponce 7 Simplicity Manhcini AUco 0 0By DAYDUE br h 6 By Peep oBay Subdue by Star Kuby Trainer J Wilson Owner ilarrono Stablo 61520 Jamaica 34 l13mud SO 1021 1 6 65S224 7 71 E Kummer 7 EastView Tangerine EdAlPoo 5S224 Empire 1 116 l47fast 10 107 1 2 2 3 3ES198 S1 GJ A Gantner 7 Regal Lodge Tody Irish Realm ES198 Empire Ab 34 110 fast 30 105 2 68 1 5s A Gantnerll Kof tHther Kuobe Dimdnle 57536 Wdbine 34 112 fast 11 106 2 22 31 5 M Buston G Billy Kelly Eulah F Sailing B 57396 Wdbine 34 113 fast 20 107 8 56 El 5J M Buxton 12 Sailing MotorCop MajParko 57176 Conn lit 34 l13faat 225111 5 32 21 2i M Buxton G Lads Love Kuklur Bicy T 66954 BBon ta 1 l38fast 3910 105 5 3 3 2 = k 5 j M Buxton G Star Realm Estero Lads Lore 56130 Dshlre 34 l12goodll10 107 1 3 3 1i M Buxton o FitzBootile BletProof Oahnlan Oahnlan2ni SC002 Dehlro 1 11G l45fast 8 ICO 1 1 2 2 2ni 21 A Gantner G SlperyElm Beathoff SanOyBeal 65S33 Kworth 1 116 l43 slop 18 100 6 2 8 6 6 A Gantner 0 Kinbaru My Dear Breeaq IREN MATT b m 5 108 108Trainer By Sea King Hasquerado by Disguise Trainer J Edwards Owner H Waterson WatersonC1C77 C1C77 Jamaica 34 lllt fast 10 107 3 5 6 5 L Penman 7 BAlPoe Glndtor Dof the Vy 68544 Pimllco 1 140 fast H5 110 4 2 2 Z 41 4 C Turner 8 IrDream PnsSwaln TheLamb 58250 Empire 1 142 fast C5 112 1 S 2 1 1G8119 1 G Babin 5 Thimble Sagacity First Pallet G8119 Empire ImTOy l45fast 165 105 4 6 4 2 26TS31 2 21 G Babin 7 Tufter Sea Mint Arapahoc i 6TS31 Jamaica 34 113 fast 6 104 4 36 34 31 B HarlelU 9 Squaw Man Frigate Light Hose 67710 Jamaica Im70y l4ifast 41 107 3 3 S Z 3 2l Li Fator 6 War Note Regal Lodge Thimble 67582 Jamaica Im70y 145 fast 8 105 2 1 3 4 4l 6 F Wilson 0 LRose JockScot Kof tHeather 67418 Aqduct 1 139 fast 21 111 4 4 4 4 8 3 L Fator G Kof the Heather WarNote Rep 67263 Aqduct 34 l12fast 41 107 3 33 3s 3 J C Turner 5 Vlata Sqnaw Man Crystal Ford 64914 Belmont 34 lll 4faat 15 115 10 88 88KNIGHT 44 1 F Welner 11 Beckna The Boy Fort Chnrchill ChnrchillBy KNIGHT OF THE HEATHER hr 107 107S By Ogden Madchen by Knight of tho Thistle S 4 Trainer W V Casey Owner 7 V VC1827 r Casoy C1827 Jamaica 34 113 mud 2 118 S 4 41 4 G Babin 8 Poflndia Mavournn MBarncs 61701 Jamaica 51 f l03fast 15 101 4 5 5C1G08 5C1G08 fi Gi H Thomas 7 LBrighton llusknllonge Whisk C1G08 Jamaica ImTOy l fat 7 107 1 G 21 2 J Merlmeo 5 Normal Crystal Ford Runqooi 61520 Jamaica 34 l13mud 12 107 2 4 4C1307 4C1307 6 64 G Bahln 7 EastView Tangerine EdAllce C1307 HdeGco 34 l14fast 21 116 6 4 4C134S 4C134S G 6s G Babin 9 The Boy Super Crystal Ford C134S HdeGce 34 l13fast 11 114 4 4 4615J05 4C15J05 34 6 C Kummcr 8 Rubien Lion dOr Normal 615J05 ILdoGce 34 l14good 136 122 7 6 C1 6 C Lang 13 UUraGoId Sidereal Brt LIghU 61100 Bowie 34 l13fast 195 111 1 S SG1131 SG1131 41 61 W Obert G Wellfinder Translate Mercury G1131 Bowie 34 l13fast 21 100 2 3 3RTTNQUOI 3 31 W Obert 8 Erodes Wellfinder IrishDrcam RTTNQUOI ch o 4 112 112Trainer By Runnymedo Ponrquol iy Star Shoot Trainer J P Smith Owner 0 Terrell TerrellG1805 G1805 Jamaica 1 116 l47fast 8 113 6 3 3G1008 25 23 G Babhi 0 Episode Carnarvon Sea Cove G1008 Jamaica Im70y l4 = fast SI 304 3 3 3G1481 4 43 E Kummet 5 Normal Kof theHer Crytfford G1481 Jamaica InrtOy l43fast 75 112 3 2 2 li G Babin 5 HcnryU Annlvcrsy SecUChief 61435 HdeGce 34 l13fast 31 118 5 6 669S50 4 24 H ThomaslS HJewel LitBShoep Camflee 69S50 FGnda 1 139 fast 32 115 2 3 3 t 8 2 C Pones 0 Wapiti Hunzaf Uep 59575 FGntla 51 f 107 good 40 116 10 87 4 2 C Ponce 11 GMSwell Rcdmon RlslngRock 68570 rimllco 1 116 l45mud 22 107 9 9 9 9 9E8529 61 6 11 Lentlno 10 TIcacey Yorkist Major Parke E8529 Pimllco 1 116 l46fnst 67 107 7 S 3 6 51 V R Lentlne 9 Super Dark Hill The Lamb 67975 Laurel 1 18 l53fast 3110 106 3 2 2 2 267S93 S 5 E Joslah G Cubnnlta HelloPardner Goldine 67S93 Laurel 1 18 l53fast 3310 108 1 S 4 3 3REGAL 31 4J L Penman 7 Fairway Merritnac Belarlo REGAL LODGE TJ g 7 113 113Trainer By Beppo Orlna by Bark Ronald Ronaldli Trainer H W Hoas Owner E GSonle GSonleG1827 G1827 Jamaica 34 l13 iniud 85 115 5 1 li 23 C Fbther 8 PoIIndia Mavoumn MBarnc 60963 Tijuana 1 14 206fast 13 111 8 S SG0841 7l 7 C H Millerl Mulcibcr Rifle Rcgrcso Rcgrcso2i G0841 Tijuana 1 1S 200mud 5 111 3 3 2i 23 C H Miller 6 Furbelow Planet Jake Schas 60576 Tijuana 1 18 157 slow 17 111 7 7 7 7 7 7 C H Miller 8 Be Frank Breeze East Indian 60411 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 27 114 11 9 9 10 81 8 C Gross 13 Omond Furbelow Breeze 60226 Tijuana 1 116 152 hvy 195 116 8 8 8 7 51 61 C H Miller 9 East Indian Fnrbclow Regroto 00075 Tijuana 34 114 fast 16 117 6 C 5 56S224 6 6J C H Miller 5 Motor Cop Sam Reh Billy Lane 6S224 Empire 1 116 l47fast 135 117 2 3 3 2 2BS092 2 It C Turner 7 Tody Irish Realm Sedgefleld BS092 Empire 1 116 l47fast 31 111 4 4 4 4 21 11 C Turner 1 Ncddam Sunnyland Kaico 57861 Jamaica Im70y l454fast 1710 115 2 2 2 2 2BTO 2 H C Turner 8 War Note Brumado BrumadoBy BTO FISHER b e 3 97 97Trainer By Undo Hiss Granvillo by Yankee Trainer A B Gordon Owner H C Fisher Fisher617GG 617GG Jamaica 34 l12fast 50 105 8 9 9G1C77 9 10 B Parko 11 Bil Watts Brainstorm Olynthus G1C77 Jamaica 34 lllfast SO 102 6 7 7CS134 7 7 E Kummer 7 EAlPoe Gladtor Dof the Vy CS134 Church1 78 l26fast 39 112 6 2 1 1 15794S J1 9 C Buel 14 PrecionsLula Bonos Thibcdaux 5794S Churchl 34 l12fast S 107 3 t J J6764S 3 3 E Barnes 7 FairPhantom ColIcgeGirl Janku 6764S Latonia 34 114 pood 5 112 4 11 I1 1 E Barnes 10 Treasnrer BroJohn LtColoncl 66339 Belmt 34 MC lllfast 60 117 20 21 21 3 3567S1 19422 C Buel ° i Uuntlus Galantinan D of Altai 567S1 Belmt 5Jf MC 106 fast 16 115 6 87 87E61S3 71 5 C Buol 12 Firm Friend Aknusti Pietrus l E61S3 Sartogn 51 f l06fast 0 115 4 12 126621i B1 7 C KummerlS Lglsland Mercntlo Chesterbsl 6621i Sartoga 61 f lC5fast 10 102 6 46 6 8 G W CaeillS Whlskaway Pegaans KGrasi 66150 Bar toga 34 lllVifaat 30 112 9 78 78TTATTT 101 U G W CarI12 Morvich EnlSang OU Man TTATTT b s 4 112 112Trainer By Kinsr James Adelinetto by Ielton Trainer M Hirsch Owner G W Loft 61307 HdeGco Im70y 145 good 28 109 1 4 46S749 64 6 B Marielli G Our Flag Torn McTaggart Jec 6S749 Bowie Im70y 149 mud 19 117 5 3 2 2 25S721 2l 31 C Ponce 7 SlipperyEltn SandyBeal Oriole 5S721 Bowie 1 116 l53mud 32 113 1 1 1 1 15SC66 I1 13 L Morris G Clean Gone Fairway Ticacey 5SC66 Bowia Im70y l4S feslow 14 106 5 S 3 3 3I84S5 4 31 G W Croll G Bluffer TButns Kof tHtber I84S5 Plmlico 2 369hvy S 132 1 3 4 4 Ran outC Mgler 5 Last Man Briganna Sobrigade 58439 Pimllco 34 llG slop 1310 119 6 54 3 21 B MarinellilS Camnage Vulcanize Turnabout 54340 Jamaica 34 l14good 3i 110 9 76 41 2J E KuinmerlO Messines Sea Cove Vibrate