4th Race [4th Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-01

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yjiL nAkr 1 Mile Colin Purnc yearolds and upward fill HAUL Jane 1 1O21 1 5 iC 5 US LEISH SEA ch c 4 119 By Celt Sand Dane by Bock Sand SandTrainer Trainer V Powers Owner Greentree Stable 61937 Jamaica 34 l12Vtfast C5 118 2 1 I4 1 L Lyke 9 MftstITind Olynthns D Boiling G1645 Jamaica 34 113 fact G 115 6 1 1 1 L Lyke 8 Billy Watts SoItGoes Volcanic 61472 UnitdIL Ab 34 fast 12 115 4 2 2 2 L Lyhe 9 Vague Boxwood lietty Blue BlueKTEKLEVINGTON KTEKLEVINGTON b g 4 113 By Olambala Kerr by Uncommon UncommonTrainar Trainar T J Healoy Owner E T Wilson 56327 Saratoga 1 l37faat 2 108 5 6 E 6 E 43 L Fator 5 John Paul Jones Frigate Tody 56337 Sartoga 1 l3Sfast 4 1C61 445 4 2k I1 L Fator G Mkxllonge Serviior Winwood 66261 Sartoga 1 l37faat 135 106 3 2 2 2 2 24 L Fator 3 Hilly McLauglilin Night Raider 56153 Sartoga 34 12faEt 6 111 2 3 8 3 3l C II Miller 5 Ararat Scotland Vet Mercury 55992 Sartoga 34112 fast 85 116 2 445 3 L Ensor 9 Reprisal Love Tjip ScotlandYet 64407 Jamaica S4 l14Kmud 21 115 2 44 6 E J F Cltlfetti 7 Flambte MusUlunsf liuiicocas KS43 HdeGco 1 l43mud 25 104 4 2 2 1 21 3 C Turner G Natural MasterJacU JipsyLad st 3g 08 j 2 1 1 2 k C Turner 5 ItilMoLaughlin Ilalu Txvopair 50033 Belmont 34 st l12fast IE 119 b B 7 44 L Ensor 18 StenLIgbtly StarVoiwr GreyLajf GreyLajf1S827 1S827 Belmont Elf st 1C6 fast 45 115 1 2 I1 11 L Ensor n Dry Moon Cimarron Knolble 19198 Sartoga 68 100 fast 6 115 4 10 9 S si C Turner 15 KX HUS RisInxRock Brunswick TEDDY E b c 4 119 By Wrack Mario Frances by Sir DLron Trainer J Fitzsimmons Owner Quincy Stable IG1S4C Jamaica Im70y l45mud 2 Il J Mooney 0 Tangerine WynnPwco1 Xcrmal 61713 Pimlico 1 142 slow 21 118 3 4 2 1 14 1 C Ponce 11 Mayorll MayorllG1584 Mayorllonse CloanOone Clansa G1584 Pimlico 34 114 fast 41 125 8 71 51 C Ponce 11 1romclia Mayor llousr Ettalie 61507 Pimlico 34 l13mud 45 101 9 7 61 J Mooney 10 ExcuscMe CarmJaie Pcflcdia 67514 Aqduct 34 l12fast 15 113 3 4 41 S 5i = i J Mooney 5 Merrury ta C v Siiurw ila 64440 Jamaica S4 Id4slow 185 112 4 4 4 4s J Mooney 4 Queerk BMcLKhlin LtStniW 54242 Jamaica 34 l12fast 6 100 E 6 C 4 41 i J llooney 8 I Dof of t tVley Cuurvon TWcUt 54168 Jamaica 65 f lGmud 15 100 3 3 21 I3 J Mooncy C Rako FortCluirchill CumSa 64107 Jamaica 34 lO2 4fast 12 104 9 8 71 771 J Mooney 9 Caruarv Carnarvon The Boy Kalco BEESAGLLEEE b h 5 119 By His Majesty Veil ty Disguise Trainer J Evans Owner G A Cochran Cochran6212C 6212C Belmnt 34 MC 111 fast 15 1101 S 6 J 4 5 1 C KummerlO Rocket RocketG2100 DiiEboyup Trystcr G2100 Belmont 1 l3S fast 133 124 3 1 I1 3 3l F Keogh 5 Chester ChesterG2003 Oiesterbrk Flylngllonil I lly G2003 Belmont 1 l36fast 8 101 2 6 71 S S1 C Lang 9 Madllat Madllatter Canful Senss Park 61788 Jamaica ImTOy l ifast 710 IOC S 1 1 I4 F Keogh 4 Native Land Kxcelsis Mystic 58565 Pimlico 34 115 mud 1310 IIS 2 11 1s I1 C Kummerl2 FlyingC FlyingCload Fitzglbbon Finery 47117 Churchl 1 14 209 slow 23 126 3 10 11 9 9 914 T Murray 17 Paul Jo JoC9S9 Jones Upset On Watch C9S9 Lexton 1 18 l514 fast 4710 126 2 2 2 E 61 7 71 T Murray 7 PPenns PPcnnant Donnncona Damask 46890 Lexton 1 116 151 mud 9 109 4 3 3 S 3 3J 3 y D ONell 6 PPenn IrincePal TSwimmer VIOLINIST br e 3 112 By Dick Finnell Viola Vai VaiTrainer Vail by Jean Eorcaud Trainer A B Gordon Owner H C Fisher 6182G Jamaica 1 lS9mud 20 110 1 7 7s 614 W Kelsay 8 Snob II Galantman PirateGoId 61406 HdeGce Im70y l44fast 6 112 2 2C1344 3 41 4 W Kelsay 5 Missionary SailAlong SpMaize C1344 HdeGce Im70y l4GVfast 1 115 4 5 41 4J V Kelsay 7 Rebuke Comic Sons Siereal SierealC 61282 HdeGce Im70y l46hvy 12C C 98 5 2 11 25 C Lang 0 Dresden Polly Ann Our Flag Flaga 574G2 Latonia 34 llG fast 115 a 1111 4 4G7272 4 3 1 L Lyke 0 FPhantom JFinn TomllarcJr G7272 Latonia 34 lU 4fast 7 113 7 75GR89 7 S 8 C Huel S BdIbane BlSmsli Rkminister 5GR89 Belmont E f MC 106 fast 910 10 114 7 4 4 2b E Sande 10 MyPatricia KtGrass Acnizeloa 56G30 Saratoga 34 lislow CO 115 12 9 5 45i C Buel 12 Morvich KaiSans Whiskaway 56593 Saratoga 61 f l01fcfast 0 115 7 6 6 6 C Buel 11 Bunting Snob II Surrcigh 56522 Saratoga Cl f l03fast 20 110 4 45G4GO 6 Ei 4s C Buel S Surf Rider I5inting Rmistar RmistarSO 5G4GO Saratoga 34 l12fast 20 115 3 5 51 543 C KummcrlS KuiSang William A Pegasus 56365 Saratoga S4 lllfast 15 114 6 11 10 10 G W Car1112 Pegasus Surf Rider Pillory 56150 Saratoga 84 lllfast 80 113 10 C 5 C H Millerl2 llorvlch KnISang Oil Man 55521 Aqueduct 6S 69fast 10 115 2 34 34 G W CarII S LtleChief Calline IPiiadier 55382 Aqueduct 81 l13slow 7 115 3 41 4 G W CarII 7 Olympus MustdSfcil Vslliam A 55191 Aqueduct t8 C9fast 31 115 6 3l 11 C Kummerl2 Relay Knot Grass JIoJo LEISH EEIGADLEE br c 3 106 106Trainer By Light Brigade Magic Lantern II by Le Sag Saggittaire Trainer F Burlew Owner F Burlew gittaire gittaire5s 61574 Jamaica Im70y l41fast 10 lOt 4 5s 6 B Parke 7 PirGold June Grass St Henry 61477 Jamaica 51 f lOCfast 25 100 8 7 5s B Parke 12 BeesWar StHcnry JsmeGrass 58582 Pimlico 1 I4iy5mud 62f 1CG112 61 4i C Ponce 12 Relay Stllenry LviSiiltimore 58475 Pimlico 34 l17avy 22 108 7 7 43 L MoiVtee 7 Oil Jlan 1itnle IluUsKiie 58281 Empire Ab 34 l10 fast 3 105 1 21 33 L McAtee 4 Picnic Hepbainlos Chcstbroofc 58093 Empire Ab 34 l09fast 10 114 4 6 6ai C Kummer fl Runantell KaiSiiug Kuiotion 57863 Jamaica 34 l12fast 15 105 2h 2h F Wilson 6 Surf Rider My Play Aknustl 57712 Jamaica 34 l135fast 30 103 4 4 41 F Wilson 7 Missionary MusSeeil SurfUider 57580 Jamaica EJ f l07fast 10 107 4 51 51 L Fator 9 Sleivcconanl Penitent Modesty 57381 Aqueduct 34 l13fast 15 115 3 5 611 A Johnson S Eelny All Over Com McMeekin 57199 Aqueduct 34 l14 good 15 1121 9 11 12 1011 A Johnson 12 Missionary All Over My Plcy 55G30 Empire El f 107 fast 10 110 9 8 7 6 F Keogh 11 Rurf Rider Ynnfcw Mgiil Wo ln lnF8 55521 Aqueduct F8 E9fast 8 10S 7 6 El 4 F Keogh 8 Little Chief CalJsno VicLnlst 55382 Aqueduct S4 l13slow 8 115 7 7 7 T54 F Keogh 7 Olympus MustdSd AVilliamA 551G2 Aqueduct 68 l00fast 8 108 2 1 I1 I1 F Keogh 11 Itravo Broomflax Ultimo 55001 Belmont 8 st l0oiifast 20 115 6 61 3i F Keogh 14 Broomflax KnotOrasa Olympus Olympus5S 54229 Jamaica 5S l007ifast 30 1101 4 5 5 5IS F Keogh 5 Little CJiief Zealot Jimmie B

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922060101/drf1922060101_6_4
Local Identifier: drf1922060101_6_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800