Churchill Downs Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-03


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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART rOUISTIlLE KY FRIDAY JUHE 2 1922 Churchill Downs 1 mile Eighteenth day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 19 days Weather clear temperature 76 Stewards Charles F Price S C Nnckols Jr A G Leonard and C W Hay Judges W U Shelley N H McClellaud uud J S Wallace Starter A 15 Dade Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m W indi ates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in pnrenthcscs following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse nd weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance S5T60T5 fK FIEST RACE 78 Mile Slay 21 1921 123 4 110 Purso 1400 3yearold Ad JLx and upwzrd Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 200 third 1C3 Index Horses AWtPPSt M tt Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odda Strt C200GTACOLA ConnellyC200C v 7 112 6 6 51 4 4J U I1 D Connelly O B Potts C200C MARSE JOHN w C 113 4 2 8 8 51 41 2 B Sclieffel Cain Sanfonl 01Si3 THARON w 4 107 3 5 3s 31 SJ 2i 3 W Pool G J Lons 51913 GOLDEN DREAMS w 4 105 2 4 I1 I1 I1 3 4 J Zoeller B J Brannon C215GA ALEXANDER w C 107 8 8 G 71 6 5 5 J Owens J Randolph 59602 SAM FRANK wn 3 103 5 7 71 71 74 GJ B Kenndy II Goldblatt 01552 RAPID STRIDE wa 5 112 7 1 21 2 2 G 7 E Martin Henius Eari G1977TROOPER WB 7 105 1 3 4 5 8 8 8 A Arvin ArvinTime W II Hall Time 23 43 l13i 12G1J Track f 2 mutucls paid Tacola 3GO straisht f310 place 280 show M Mirse John 420 place Tharon 340 show I Equivalent booking odds Tacola ISO to 100 straight 55 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Morse John 110 to 100 cluee 03 to 100 show Xhariuu 70 to ICO Uow Winner Ch Ii by Transraal Erla Lee by Hindoo trained Iiy F Rector bred by Mr S K Nich obi obiWent Went to post at 153 At poet 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing TACOUA was restrained until in the last quarter where lie rnshed into the lead and won easing up MAKHB JOHN began slowly and had to come wide Into the stretch but closed We cap and fin ¬ ished with a rush TIIARON ran a good race and finished namely GOLDHN DREAMS showed fine speed In pacemaking for liveeighths before tiring ARCIIIE ALEXANDER waa always Car back RAPID STRIDK showed speed but quit badly in the last quarter Overweights quarterOverweights Sam Frank 1 pounds SECOND EACE 1 116 Miles May 24 1922 144 4 113 Purso 1300 3year olds Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt K siStrlTin Jockey Owners Eiiuiv Odds StrM 2129 RED WINGFIELD w 110 1 1 14 1 1 1 E Scobie M fc J Lowcnatein 62 1 12 SPORTSMAN w 110 G 5 S G 4l 3 2 2l N Barrett T C McDowell 233100 61374 JDORIUS WB 105 4 6 5 51 2 2 2nk k 310 w Pool G J Long 100100 02162 HOB WB 110 5 4 3 2 5i 5 4 D Connelly C Wcidemann 705100 70510061852MAUIMBA 61852MAUIMBA w 102 3 3 2 3 S 4 5 J Owens Cain Sanford 1505100 62135 STONEWALL WB 110 2 2 41 4h 6 S 6 T Murray W F Knebelkamp 2510100 2510100Time Time 23 48 113 140 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Red Wingfield 3280 straight 1500 place 300 show Sportsman 540 place 270 show Uorius 220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Ued Wingfield 1140 to 100 straight C50 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Sportsman 170 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Doriua 10 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Superman Off by Oriucad trained by It Wingfiold bred by Mr Henry T Ox nard nardWent Went to pot at 231 At post 1 minute Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing RED WINGFIELD running in vastly improved form and bavins an advantage at the start raced into a Rood load at once and held the others safe all the way SPORTSMAN began slowly ami was far back in the early running but closed a gap and finished gamely DORIUS was unprepared at the start and bum pod into MARIMBA then moved up well just before the stretch but tired near the end R01I and MARIMBA showed speed but tired badly THIRD RACE 58 Mile May 20 1912 59 2 113 Purse 1400 2yearold Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 AWtPPSt U a i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt C21G1 MKTRIC MKTRIC62158iTAYLOR w 115 1 1 1 11 1J 1s D Connelly H H Hewitt Hewittw 62158iTAYLOR IIAT w 113 4 2 21 2 21 21 E Martin C W Hay Hayw 02110 WIDA w 115 7 G 6 41 4 3 N Barrett T E Mueller Muellerw fi2158 TENDER SETH w 115 5 4 3 3 31 4 T Murray W P Knobelkamp Knobelkampw U21GI SEN COMBS w 115 6 5 4 5 5 5 W W Tlor R L A Baiter Baiterw 61073 L1TTIJ3 ANN w 112 2 3 5 6 6 G J H Burke C Weidcraann Weidcraannw FLEETING w 112 3 7 7 3 7Z 7 W Pool T C McDowell McDowellWB SILVER DIANA WB 113 S 8 8 7J S 8 B Kenndy P J KeJIey Time 23 48 101 Track fast tuutnels paid Metric 050 straight 420 place 270 show Taylor Hay 450 place 3JX show Wida 290 sbov sbovEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Metric 225 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Taylor Hay 125 to 100 place 50 10 100 show Wida 45 to 100 show showWinner Winner Hr c by Short Crass Star Maid by Star Shoot trained by J I Smith bred by Mr H H Hcwittl HcwittlWent Went to post at 309 At post 3 minutes Start good aud slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MKTUU energetically ridden and beginning fast raced into the lead at once and after being roused up in the stretch outstayed and drew away from TAYLOR HAY in the last sixteenth TAYLOU HAY raetNl in closest and game pursuit but was tiring at the end WIDA began slowly and had to race wide but finished fast TENDER SKTII raced prominently from the start SKN COMBS was alwayi outrun FLEETING was far back all the way after making a slow beginning FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles Oct 0 1921 149 4 119 Purse 1400 4year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Vt Str Fia Jockeys Owners Equiv Odda Strt TOR TORG w 6 115 3 3 1 H 1 I1 I1 J Zoelter C W Clark ClarkWB G 1906 DR RAE WB 6 110 2 1 3 34 2l 2 2 W Pool R L Rogers Rogersw C2135VIRGO w 5 109 5 5 41 4 3i y Z B Kenndy E C Walker Walkerw 20 1 1 COUNTESS w 4 105 1 2 21 2 4 4 4 H Stutta W S Bruco 621S7CHINNIE WALSH w 4 99 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 J Owens E E Mooar 1780100 1780100Time Time 24Vs 48 113 140 153 Track fast 2 mtituels paid Pictor 1330 straight 490 place 3CO show Dr Rae 200 place 250 show Virgo 301 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Pictor 565 to 100 straight 145 to 100 place SO to 100 show Dr Rae 45 to 100 plnep 25 to 100 show Virgo 50 to 100 show showWinner Winner It g l y Picton White Veil by The White Knight trained by G V Barnes bred in Eng ¬ land by Mr F Luscorabe LuscorabeWont Wont to post at 344 At post 1 minute Stiirt good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing PKTOU showed the most speed from start to finish and held DR UAE safe at the end DR RAE moved up menacingly after going a half mile and made a resolute finish VIRGO raced well and had no mishaps COUNTESS dropped back in the last half under weak riding CHINNIE WALSH waa always out of any chauco A FIFTH BACE 58 HUe May 0 1912 59 3 113 51300 Added 2yearolds JL ± Tillies Claiming Net value to winnor LOOO second 230 third 120 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 6211t DEARlE w 105 4 3 3 3s 2 1 J Owens W Woodard WoodardGi il8M MISS CLAIRE w 111 1 7 Gi 51 31 2 J H Burke C Weidemana Weidemanalot 20431ANNA TOD w 111 2 2 lot 1 1i 3i B Kennely J W Bailey 62 134 ANTONIA w 113i 3 1 41 41 41 45 w W Tlor McGowan Ta 61535BBTTY MAE w ICG 65 5 G1 G1 5h W Pool Henius Earl 62130 NEEDY w 111 C 6 7 7 7 fil N Banxtt R P Brooks G1531 SWEET COOKIE w 106 7 4 21 21 5l 7 G Brenins W L Younjj Time 23K 48 101 Track fast 2 miitueU paid Dearie 1420 straight 340 place 340 show Miss Claire 1740 placa 510 show Anna Tod 230 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Dearie 010 to 100 straight 320 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Mlaa Claire 770 to 100 place ir 5 to 100 show Anna Tod 15 to 100 show showWinner Winner II f by Sweep Experience by Knight of the Thistle trained by W Woodard bred by Mr K C1 Christirtu ChristirtuWent Went to post at 419 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the ssim DEARIE came wide into the stretch but under a hard drive gained steadily and won in the last twenty yard MISS CLAIRE began slowly and also came wide Into the stretch but finished fastest if all ANNA TOD showed fine speed in pacemaking find disposed of SWEET COOKIE but tired badly in the last sixteenth ANTONIA was repeatedly taken back in Uie first threeeighths SWEKT COOKIE showed spoed but tired badly badlyScratchod Scratchod t52i0Punta Gonla Ill G2075Panua ILL ILLOverweights Overweights Antonia 2 4 pounds ia K SIXTH RACE 1 1S Miles Oct 20 1321 l4 1i 4 119 Purs 1400 4yearolds i JL3 and upward Claiming Net value to winner 51100 second 200 third 100 Index liorse AWtPPSt U 3iStrrin Jockeys Equiv Oddi Strt 62011 WWRTHS LAST w 10109 1 1 U 21 11 Il 1 B Kenndy J M Goodo 95100 95100G2011 G2011 YOUNG ADAM WE 6 107 3 4 3 I 2 2 2 G Breninff T F Devereaux 420100 0165 PIMLICO w 4 112J 223 5 4l 3 3 W W Tlor M Kelley 215100 02 187 BROWN BILL w 4 104 4 5 2 31 3 4 4 W Pool Cain Sanford 2 2G2157 G2157 TONEY LADY we 5 104 5 3 4J 4 5 5 5 C Dishmon Stevens Dally 4130100 4130100Time Time 24 i 49 11414 141 154 Track fast 2 mil hi elrf paid Wadsworths Last 390 straight 250 place 210 show Young Adam 340 place 240 show IimUco 230 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Wadsworths Last 95 to 100 straight 25 to 100 place 5 to 100 show Youn Adam 70 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Pimlico 15 to 100 show showWinnerI51k WinnerI51k g by Wadsworth Aprils Lady by Linden trained by J M Goode bred by Mrs F K Driver Went to post at 454 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing WADSWORTHS LAST under good riding set the early pace and after twing headed briefly took the lead again and drew away in the stretch to win easing up YOUNG ADAM was raced into exhaustion in racing into a small lead in the first threequarters and tired badly but finished gamely PIMLICO appeared sore and was far back to the atrvtch but wore the others down in the last quarter for third place BROWN BILL showed speed but quit badly badlyOverweights Overweights Pimlico 3Vi pounds SEVENTH HACE 78 Mils May 21 1921 123 4 110 Purse L400 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1100 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt H StrFin Jockeys Owners Equir Odda Strt w 3 100 3 5 2 21 21 11 lnk J Owens J Uracnaetter 01009 TRAVESTY wrt 5 J10 4 3 61 6 51 31 2l D Connelly H H Hewitt G215GYOUNEED wn G 118 1 1 11 l i I 21 31 W W Tlor D Gilmora B1622 BUDDIE KEAJI ws 4 105 G 6 4fc 3 31 4 4 G Breninff D W Scott 1377 FOY w 3 103 5 7 7 7 7 51 51 C Dlnhmon Tujaguo I Ifil fil 71 COLOSSUS WB 3 95 7 4 5 41 4i G G B Scheffel J S Want WantC2133 C2133 SKILES KNOB w 10 110 2 2 3i 5 G1 7 7 B Scobie W Feuchter 3G10100 3G10100Time Time 23 47 l12i 125 Track fast 2 mufueis paid Ruby 2580 straight 1350 place 1550 show Travesty 1010 placa 530 show Youneed l7l show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odda Ruby 1190 to 100 straight 575 to 100 place 225 to 100 show Travesty 405 to 100 place 190 to 100 show Youneed 85 to 100 show showWinner Winner U m by Golden Maxim Klva by Scmproniua trained by J Umemwtter bred by Mr Joseph Umonsotter UmonsotterWent Went to post at 529 At post 5 minuter Start gool and slor Won driving second and third the same RUlY recovered her speed suddenly aud following YOUNKKD closely to the stretch turn raced into the Itad but had to be ridden hard from near the end to ouUtay TRAVESTY The latter came with a rush through the Inst quarter nnd was going best at tho end YODNRKD tired under his heavy Impost after showing the most early speed BUDDY KKAN was done when reaching tho stretch COLOSSUS was always far back backScratched Scratched C2040 Ixjdy Delhi 100 100Overweights Overweights Foy 3 pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1922060301_2_8
Library of Congress Record: