untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-08-05


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8 to 1, WON I ANOTHER HUGE WINNING ! ! ANOTHER N. N S. MASSACRE ! ! ,. r, -Vri n- ,ihvi vi , b AGAIN the great N. K. S. army of clients cleaned up. Positively the ONXY horse tfJ 1111 1 1 1 11 a H g n sent out on this track that day. Our "information" not a tip was "GO THE LIMIT." i I lr I GENUINE I Botsinda WON by five lengths. Real info. 1 NEXT 1 1 j IBETSINDA, I information I NEXT 5 SPECIAL GOES MONDAY I 5 special I S NOT TD?S I 0UR ncxt BARGAIN Special goes Monday, August 7. "We honestly believe the 1 MONDAY I 1 I L11UJ I snes proposition wo have ever handled. As in the case of Botsinda, 8 to 1, ALL angles g g SPECIAL. In order to PROVE our sincerity, we make this additional inducement. Here it is: If this Special does not WIN not run second ?j or third and at odds of 4 to 1 or better, we will give you the balance of the Saratoga meeting one horse DAILY free. We are experts WE i KNOW. The price i3 25 and NO propositions accepted. ALL information filed with this publication. Rush your subscription NOW. H NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE I StlTIQ 1002 T1UF DlllT. rvORTlt UEARBOUX STREET, CHICAGO, 11,1.. B Braedalbane, 9-5, Won Thursdays Horse Nothing under 2 to 1 is accepted. The above is closing price JOHNNY DUNDEE. 8.50-j WON, Wednesdays System horse; DUST FLOWER, 15-1, WON, Tuesdays System horae; FUSEE, 0.05-82, YfON, Mondays System horse. Another evidence of how my method picks them. Playable all year round anywhere. System on file with Daily Racing Form. Terms first payment, balance, 25 from profits. Remit by telegraph, money order or certified check. A. C.REID P. O. BOX 583, :: LARCHMONT, N. Y, P. 8. Money refunded unless above winners were selected through my method. I have no time for correspondence. . Price advances August 10 to S50 first payment, balance, 8150 from profits, Sale of system limited to each locality, THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM FREE BOOK ON RACING We will mall yoU our free book oh racing without obligation. This book shows In detail profits obtained and capital Used nt every track for two yelra. It "will surely interest yoti If you are a follower of the turf. AVe can show you how to regain your losses. Our claims are MODERATE, but POSITIVE. An INATESTMENT, not a speculation. Write for copy of our guarantee and forfeit declarations. TEE GUARANTEE SYSTEM Is copyrighted and fully protected and Is on file lh U. S. Patent Office and with Dally Racing Form. Part payment secures system complete; pay balance on result baslB. No handicapping It names the horses to be played at or away from the track Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 W. FRANKLIN ST. BALTIMORE, MD. LOOK ! BOYS, LOOK !! This wonderful system only had 12 losers in the last meetings at Bowie, Havre de Grace and Pim-lico combined. The test bet only had 5 losers in 3? days. In one week at the different tracks same system only had 10 losers out of 64 bets. The best bet only had 2 losers out of 16 bets. SYSTEM No. 2 This system is still picking the long shots. Hero are a few winners: Nickname 3620-2 Musito 1640-2 Blossom House ..1180-2 Oakwood 2990-2 Kings Court ....1215-2 Sea Mint 20-1 Susiana 12-1 Certain 1680-2 Thornhedge 12-1 Messiries 1570-2 Hullabaloo 15-1 DariuS place ..1330-2 Marmite 1340-2 J. F. OHafa pl.1215-2 Rog .......will-2 Penwell place . .1970-2 and a large number of others. Get these systems and pick your own winners. Can bo played at or away from the track. These systems are good always on any track. Price In full 0.00. Then after you get thorn and if they have not done just as I advertise I will glady return your money. Nothing accepted by telegraph. i J. H. CR0SMAN I BOX 26 PALMYRA, INDIANA AT LAST A successful system, on the nose, -which requires but small capitaL This method of play is for mutuel tracks only and is for play in handbooks. , Is just the thing for those who are busy, as you can make up your play in ten minutes. If this is what you havo been looking for and you are satis -field to win one dollar per race, instead of betting on Eomo tip today, send us ton dollars and receive system complete. SUCCESS METHOD 1835 E. Chase St. Baltimore, Mil. JACK FIELD "The Man Who Can Make You Win." ONLY 1 HORSE A DAY. PRICE . "Mr. Player," We Won Again Yesterdays Special WON AGAIN. And once more "Jack Field" followers WON some easy coin yesterday. Todays 00 Free Special And this only costs you , so dont let f 1 stt,p you from winning a big bet TODAY. JACK FIELD Sold everywhere daily, or ran either bo mailed or telegraphed to you S5 week. Send to J. FIELD, 20 W. Jaokson Street, :: CHICAGO, ILL. FOR REAL SLEEPERS get a copy of the BLUE BOOK. 35c at all newsstands. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 9. Middle Pr-ire. STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy St. Chicago, 111. THE TURF REPORTER. Oldest Publication in existence. Heres the best. Costs no more than tho rest. Only 35c at all newsstands. SATURDAYS SPECIAL: Forward-Moaday-Pan-Law-Law-Wliy. 22 W, Quincy Bt. Estab. 1904. CHICAGO, ILL. FOR REAL INFORMATION GET THE THOROUGHBRED, Only 35c, wherever Racing Form is sold. TODAYS BEST: Push-Southern-R6W-Can-Sow-Nut. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907 Chicago, III. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922080501/drf1922080501_11_7
Local Identifier: drf1922080501_11_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800