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LOUISIANA DERBY DAY Attracting Attention in Other Cities Besides New Orleans Big Delegation Coming from as Far Away as Memphis Prob ¬ able Starters and Riders XEW ORIEAXS La March 11 With the running of the Louisiana Derby only six days off interest in it grows apace and speculation is rife as to the young horse that will pull down the 10COO that the Jefferson Park man ¬ agement has hung up for the winner winnerOf Of the twentyfive originally named when the entries closed at least a dozen are certain certainto to go to the post They will embrace every everygood good threeyearold that has raced here this thiswinter winter winterThe The introductory attempt to give a big Derby here will eventually bring fruit In future years it is the intention of the Jefferson Park management to increase the added money Xcxt year the sum added may be 15000 and with the increase of the endowment will some the desire of owners with a better grade of threeyearolds to compete for the honors of the lace There is a fair prospect that in the near future the race will be everything that a Derby should be except in the im ¬ portant matter of distance distanceAlready Already there has been much interest man ¬ ifested in other cities by lovers of racing Memphis particularly will send a good dele ¬ gation here to witness its decision according to recent advices received by G D Bryan Jr A reservation has been made for the visitors Xearby places in Alabama Mis ¬ sissippi and Texas as well as Louisiana will send a good visiting delegation and have ap 1 plied for box cr clubhouse reservations reservationsHORSES HORSES 31OST FAYORED FAYOREDAntepost Antepost betting has already began on the race several of the local layers quoting odds on a play or pay basis The play or pay feature dees not cut much figure in the general betting scheme for it is fairly well established which will be the probable start ¬ ers and their riders The betting chiefly centers about Calcutta Shamrock Setting Sun Vennie Chiva Edward Gray and Anony ¬ mous mousThe The probable starters their riders weights and present odds are as follows Lira US Smith i1 i1Sotting Sotting Sun IIS Morris 01 01Vinnie Vinnie IIS McDermott 81 81Edward Edward Cray 118 Wallace 81 81Anonymous Anonymous IIS Tool 11 11Koseate Koseate II 118 Murphy ll llAmole Amole US Mooney 15 15Ilody Ilody Guard IIS Wilson 0 0Kiilalia Kiilalia 113 Owens 30 30Slanderer Slanderer 113 McCoy 30 30Kiiperbunt Kiiperbunt 113 Chalmers All American US Tlitirber and Prince of Utnbria US Mein are doubtful starters startersGeneral General manager Ilouprich is making elaborate preparations for the accommoda ¬ tion of the big crowd expected to be on hand to view the race raceWith With the nearby close of the racing sea ¬ son here interest in the sport seems to be growing The racing took on added patron ¬ age the past week Betting activities were also greatly improved and a midseason air pervaded 00 HORSES FOR 31 GUILE GUILEWith With the close here will come a general exodus of turfmen and followers to various points Mobile is engaging considerable at ¬ tention more than was expected and there should be a good meeting there An abund ¬ ance of racing material is promised prob ¬ ably 300 horses will ship there from here That is more than ample to conduct an eleven days meeting over a half mile track Sev ¬ eral of the better jockeys here have signified their intention of riding at Mobile About twentyfive layers are expected to operate This will be a record number for n half mile truck truckIn In addition to local patronage and the regu ¬ lars many from Xcw Orleans will run over to Mobile daily to take in a days racing and re ¬ turn at night