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KENTUCKY DERBY PRICE First Future Book Makes Its Ap ¬ pearance in New York Enchantment Favorite at Unusually Short ShortOdds Odds of S o I CY Sallys Alley Alleyand and Donees Xext in Order NEW YORK N Y March 11 The first future book prices on the Kentucky Derby to be run at Churchill Downs May 19 were issued by a New York turfman Sunday En ¬ chantment is quoted in this list at the un ¬ naturally short price of S to 1 while Zev is second choice at 12 to 1 Sallys Alley dou ¬ ble Futurity winner and Donges share third position in the list at 15 to 1 1It It is not likely there will be any great rush to support the erratic Whitney geld ¬ ing for the Derby at such a short price His post manners are such that disregarding the usual future book risk of supporting a horse j that may never reach the post lie would hardly seem to justify such confidence as would be required for backing him at such short future odds oddsAVith AVith the Preakness and the Derby to be run en different days this year the fields in both races are likely to be exceptionally large and a slow beginner like Enchantment is at a great disadvantage when the inevlr table crowding in such bulky bands of start ¬ ers is considered The general attitude of the turfmen in regard to this years Derby has been that no candidate stands out to justify support in the future books at a shorter price than 15 to 1 1Prices Prices are expected to be issued during the coming week by the big Chicago future book which dominates the advance specula ¬ tion on the Derby in the middle West WestThe The prices quoted on the leading con ¬ tenders by the local turfman mentioned are as follows Horse Odds Horse Odds OddsEnchantment Enchantment Sl Dunlin 301 301cr cr VJ1 Dan K OSullivintOl OSullivintOlSallys Sallys Alley 151 Cenoral Thatcher 301 301Donges Donges 151 Nashua 351 351Itud Itud Lerner L0l Iicketer 351 351Hialto Hialto 01 Flagstaff 351 351Ilossom Ilossom Time 51 Cartoonist 351 351Cherry Cherry Iie l5l Cherokee 101 101Wilderness Wilderness i5l In Memoriam 101 101Coshaxvk Coshaxvk 301 Tall Timber 10 1 1Messenger Messenger 301 My Own 401 401Martingale Martingale 301 301The The other eligibles are quoted from 50 to 1 upward