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Tijuana Form Chart TIJUANA HEX SATURDAY MAECH 10 1923 1 mile Eightyninth day Tijuana Jockey Club Winter Meeting of 100 or more days Weather clear temperature 70 ° Stewards Francis Nelwm J W CofTrotli and L J Rose Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Associate Judges L J Rose and J S RothtTt Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary J S Rothert Racing starts at 155 p m Chicago time 355 p m V indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig urea in parentheses following the distance of eacli race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance QO K FIBST EACE 12 Mile May 12 1916 17 i 2 123 Purse 500 2yearolds JoOO 3 Maidens Allowances Net valao to winner 350 second 100 third 50 AWtPPSt A Vi Str Fiu Jockeys 8G04 STARGO w 113 4 4 3 in l ° k C Thpson Allen Wllkeison 70103 70103G8522 G8522 ODD SETH w 111 22 I1 2 21 II Molters Tain o Shanter Stable S3101CO S3101COC8604 C8604 ROCK HEATHER w 110 3 3 4l Z 3s A Claver J W Marchbank t363100 68561 LADY ZELMA w 110 65 C 5 45 R Carter J McKay 2CO100 2CO100G8584 G8584 VIRGINIA HLAND w 107 1 1 23 4 57 F Weiner J W Marchbank t tILVRY ILVRY DAVIS JR w 118 5 6 6 6 6 F Chvettl H E Davis 2490100 2490100Coupled Coupled in butting as J W Marchbank entry entryTime Time 24 48 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Stargo 340 straight 300 place Odd Seth 1180 place no show mutuels sold soldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Stargo 70 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place Odd Seth 040 to 100 place placeWinner Winner B c by Irish Exile Queensland II by Nonchalance trained by L L Allen bred by Mr L L Allen AllenWent Went to post at 151 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the aanae STARGO hard ridden from the start saved groud when entering the stretch and racing to the front held ODD SETII safe in a fast finish ODD SETII showed much the most early speed but swerved out badly when entering the stretch which probably cost him the race ROCK HEATHER finished with a rush and was going fastest of all at the end VIRGINIA HOLLAND showed speed speedScratclted Scratclted G8C04 San Dimas 110 110Ovcrwclehts Ovcrwclehts Odd Seth 4 pounds SECOND EACE 5 12 Furlongs Feb 25 1923 105 S 122 Purse 500 3ycar i olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 I AWtPPSt Vi fe Str Fiu Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt T BKENRIDGE wu 7 111 1 5 5BOX 2 2l Il 1 E Fator H Kelsel KelselS S10WO BOX SANTE wa 7 108 7 S 4 41 2i M Milrick F Rinehart Rinehart4b fssoioo PHYLLIS K WB 4 106 14 2 2MISS 4b 3s 3 So E Petzoldt Z E McGregor yooioo MISS JANE ws 3 99 11 7 7PRINCE 71 7i 7 4J F Watrous W E Nestlehousa NestlehousaC 230100 PRINCE HENRY w 11 113 3 4 4SQEL C G1 5l R Carter D Donnison 230100I1 SQEL HAWKINS w 5 116 G 1 1DEWY 1 U I 61 H Long W S Knapp I1 I117G40100 DEWY FIELD WB 4 107 2 S SLITTLE 101 9 10 7 L Armste S J Cornwall 17G40100 LITTLE ABE WB 11 113 8 9 81 S 8l 3l U Molten P Dwyer 4070100 68544 GLAD NEWS w 4 HO 5 U 111 101 91 9 J Merimeo G L Palmquist 3401GO 3401GOG8625 G8625 MADIE WILSON w 5 112 13 10 12 124 II1 103 D Powell Campbell Kipp 32740100 68278 MAXINE WB G 111 12 14 131 13 13 H1 J Maiben E Old t tC8339 C8339 BOOKWORM w 5 HI 4 3 31 5h 53 121 F Weiner H L James 710100 68421 DOUBLE THREE w 9 112 10 13 9ii 111 12h 13 C Thpson J Loe t tG7827 G7827 HIGH HEELS w 3 S3 3 12 14 14 14 14 W Dean T Hodge 43700100 43700100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 49 102 108 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Too Brockcnridge 1820 straight 1020 place 500 show Bon Sante field 420 place 320 show Phyllis K 540 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking cdds Teo Breckcnridgc S10 to 100 straight 410 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Bon Sante field 110 to 100 place CO to 100 show Phyllis K 170 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch m by Suffragist Tco IJeach by Bobby Beach trained by C O Reed bred by Mr O G Parke ParkeWent Went to post at 215 At post 1 minntc Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing TEO BRECKENRIDGE after racing SQUIRREL HAWKINS into defeat raced into a long lead after entering the stretch and won in a canter BON SANTE closed up ground and made a game finish PHYLLIS K under hard riding outstayed MISS JANE The latter after being forced to race wide came with a rush through the final eighth eighthOverweights Overweights Phyllis K 1 pounds Miss Jane 1 Maudie Wilson 1 Double Three 1 eQ5 J7 TB3ED EACE 5 12 Furlongs Fob 25 1923 105 8 122 Purse 600 3ycar OsLPXP 4 olds Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt X V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt w 101 12 11 I1 I1w ji ink A Claver J W Marchbank 4SO100 w 105 3 4 3 3 3w 3l 231 F Werner A E Stokes Stokes7s w 95 4 6 7 1 T Tw 7s 6i 3 w Dean Holmes Blake fGOOlOO fGOOlOOG81G7IVY G81G7IVY GRAY w 97 9 1 23 2 2w 21 2J 4 = W Martin CH Cox 720100 63584 O HENRY w 100 10 8 81 9 93 3 5 M Milrick E Getchel 310100 310100G8591 G8591 BLACK MONKEY wsn 103 5 5 41 4 41 G1 T Wilson D Howell 710100 71010066743BROWN 66743BROWN BELLE w 101 89 G1 51 51 7 K Ericksn G Harris t tG8591 G8591 ST ANGELINA w 100 7 7 9 Id 10 Si J Pengass Emeryville Stable 72W100 72W100G1134 G1134 NANCY WINET WB 103 2 H 12 12 11s 9 J Merimee J W Fuller t tG8298 G8298 MAY BRUEN WB 103 U 10 10l 81 S 10 F Watrous R L Baker 2230100 68607 LOVE BIRD w 91 6 3 5h SJ 7 U M Garrett J M Cooper 3160100 68607 DUD w 89 12 13 lll 11 12 12 F Andson Leslie Stablo f ftMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 485 101 l07j Track fast 2 mutuels paid Pud 1160 straight 540 place 420 show Faber 420 place 340 show Peter Pierson Held 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Pud 480 to 100 straight 170 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Faber 110 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Peter Pierson field 60 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Wrack Mcdora II by Rabelais trained by H T Griffin bred by Belair Stud StudWent Went to post at 240 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same PUD showed superior speed and racing into the lead at once set a fast pace and kept it through the final eighth under hard riding FABER stood a hard drive gamely and finished wearing the winner down PETER PIERSON after racing wide on all turns finished with a rush into a fast going third IVY GRAY tired after forcing the pace to the last eighth O HENRY closed a gap gapScratched Scratched CSG47 Norford Honey 9S 9SOverweights Overweights Brown Belie 4 pounds Pud 1 FOUETH EACE 1 Kilo and 70 Yards Jan 21 1923 142 8 98 Purse 700 4yearolds aad upward Claiming Net value to winner 490 second 140 third 70 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv Odds Strt 6 30McGEES PINK w 4 104 2 4 31 3s 3i 1 13 M Milrick Matthews Dunlap 310100 68487 FANNIE NAIL WSB 7 113 4 6 4 4 4S 3 2l H Moltcrs J S McDanlel 730100 68630 MANNIKIN II WB 6 113 7 1 21 23 23 21 3 W Miller H A Lott 10SO100 10SO100G8G30 G8G30 W MTGOMERY w 10 HO 5 2 1 li in 4 41 F Cantrell C B Irwin 2260100 226010068C30 68C30 ROISTERER ws G 110 3 5 G1 Gl 6J Gi 5 F Watrous C E Groves 2140100 2140100G85093SUMMER G85093SUMMER SIGH WE 7 110 1 7 51 5 5 6 6 E Petzoldt K E McGregor 820100 820100G8G112VIG G8G112VIG W510SG37 7 7 Bled F Stevens W Walker 110100 110100Time Time 24 48 114 140 145 Track fast 2 Mutucls paid McGees Pink 820 straight 440 place 360 show Fannie Nail 500 place 460 show Mannikin II 520 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds McGoes Pink 310 to 100 straight 120 to 100 place SO to 100 show Fannie Nail 150 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Mannikin II ICO to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by McGee Pink Rose by Fonso trained by L Mathews bred by Mr C W Morse MorseWent Went to post at 304 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same McGEES PINK after being forwardly placed from the start moved up fast while rounding the last turn and taking the lead under hard riding held FANNIE NAIL safe to the end The latter loomed up menacingly when an eighth out but could never quite overhaul the winner MANNIKIN II forced WOODIE MONTGOMERY along at top speed and took the lead momentarily while rounding the last turn but readily gave way to the first two WOODIE MONTGOMERY showed the most early speed but was done at threequarters FIFTH EACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Jan 21 1923 142 8 S8 Purse 700 4yeardds acd upward Claiming Not value to winner 490 second 140 third 70 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 68629 KREWER w G 118 4 1 1 1 1s 1 I3 R Carter J M Crane 1370100 1370100G8508ROMANY G8508ROMANY WB 6 108 1 2 2 2 1 21 2 21 J Merimee W Daniel 90100 90100G8559SPNISH G8559SPNISH MAIZE w4 114 333 3 3 3 3 A Claver J K L Ross 840100 840100C8439JOIL C8439JOIL MAN w 4 114 2 Fell C Thpson C N Daniel 140100 140100Time Time 24 48 113 138 142 new track record Track fast 2 mutuels paid Krcwer 2940 straight 600 place Romany 320 place no show mutucls sold soldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Krewer 1370 to 100 straight 200 to 100 place Romany 60 to 100 place placeWinner Winner B h by Aldford Keadcan II by Gallinule trained by C Kirschbaum bred by Mr Frederick Johnson JohnsonWent Went to post at 330 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing KREWER began fast and setting a great pace easily won all the wiy and finished under restraint ROMANY was always in closest pursuit and made a game finish SPANISH MAIZE was forced back at the start when OIL MAN fell fellScratched Scratched GS402 Scotland Yet 106 CSG29 Ten Buttons 115 CS527 Black Betty 109 6S562 Bastille 111 60frST fk SIXTH BADE 1 Mile and 40 Yards Feb 12 1923 146 4 90 Private Sweep OO 4 vT stakes Purse 1000 and 250 Added if American Eecord Is lowered Net value to winner 75 second 375 Inder Horses AWtPPStU 1A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equi Odds Strt G8G29ABADANE ws 8 110 2 1 Il 1s 1 = 1 1 = 1 I3i P Martinez C B Irwin 30100 30100G8200REBUKE G8200REBUKE wsn 4 921222222P Walls J K L Ross 170100 170100Time Time 23 46 111 137 139 new American record Track fast 2 mutuels paid Abadanc 260 straight straightEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Abadanc 30 to 100 straight straightWinner Winner B g by Maboul II Alby by Rabelais trained by C B Irwin bred in France by Vicomte de Fontarce FontarceWent Went to post at 355 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won ridden out second driving ABADANE showing amazing speed raced into a good lead at once and was never menaced REBUKE was hard ridden and raced gamely but could never get within striking distance of the winner SEVENTH EACE 5 12 Furlongs Feb 25 1923 105 8 122 Purse 1000 3year olds and upward Handicap Net valuo to winter 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vz 5i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt G8G29FEYLANCE WB 4 119 4 4 1J U 2 1 A Claver J K L Ross 60100 60100G8439 G8439 DOIA3RES w 4 94 G 1 2 21 2 W Martin J M Cmne 400100 400100G8G29 G8G29 TEN BUTTONS w 5 93 S 5 G 4t 3s 3 i P Hum C B Irwin tl020100 68302 CORNCUTTER v 9 93 7 2 3 31 4s 43 H Long C B Irwin f f68403J 68403J S RBARDON WB 5 103 56 G 5s 5 = 1 51 E Fator W E Nestlehouse 1630100 1630100PG880 PG880 BON HOMME WB 5 118 2 7 7 6 6s 6 = B Kenndy Meadowbrook Stable 620100 620100C1390 C1390 IKE HARVEY w 5 100 1 3 4 7 7 7 M Milrick A Jones 7610100 7610100fCoupIed fCoupIed in betting as C B Irwin entry entryTime Time 23 46 59 105 equals track record Track fast 2 mutuels paid Feylance 320 straight 260 place 220 show Dolores 300 place 260 show C B Irwin entry 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Feylance GO to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Dolores 50 to 100 place 30 to 100 show C B Irwin entry CO to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Assagai St Fey by St Frusquin trained by H McDaniel bred by Mr AVillis Sharpe Kilmer KilmerWent Went ot post at 420 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same FEYLANCE set a great pace from the start and was momentarily headed by DOLORES when an eighth out but eamc again under good riding and outfinishcd her at the end DOLORES showed great speed and finished gamely but tired after taking the lead TEN BUTTONS made up some ground CORNCUTTER ran well in this company BON HOMME was worked out a mile mileScratched Scratched 68580Jack Bauer 98 6SG69 Krewer 97 GSU31 Dick Terpin 90 90Overweights Overweights Corncutter 5 pounds John S Rcardon 5 Ike Harvey 2 5O Jf7f EIGHTH EACE 1 Mile Juno 17 1916 138 3 95 Purso 600 3yearolds and OOO 4 rf upward Churning Net valuo to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPStA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enuiv Odds Strt C8590JBREEZE w 9 108 4 5 11 1 = 1 1s li 1 = 1 F Watrous G II Abbott 170100 170100G8630CHARLEY G8630CHARLEY BOY w a 103 1 3 4 Gl 6 = 1 43 23 E Petzoldt Sunflower Stable 610100 68610 THERESA w 5 103 3 1 2 3 31 31 3s F Stevens J Carney 1120100 1120100C84G7 C84G7 F G CORLEY wn7 113 G S 5nt 2 2 2 43 T Wilson J T Johnson 14610100 14610100G8590 G8590 SAN HEDRON wait 4 110 7 7 6 5 = 1 41 5 5s P Martinez J Manale 1450100 68437 EVA HARRIGAN w 7 111 8 4 7 7i 1 Gl Gl J Maiben W Leeds 10S70100 10S70100G8G11PHILANDERER G8G11PHILANDERER WSB 3 108 5 G S 8 8 7s 7s M Milrick J B McGinn 130100 68314 CICELY KAY w 6 10G 2 2 3 4 5 8 8 L ArmstR R Parton f tMutuel field Time 25 49 115 141 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Breeze 540 straight 360 place 2SO show Charley Boy 540 place 320 show Theresa 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Breeze 170 to 100 straight SO to 100 place 40 to 100 show Charley Boy 170 to ICO place 60 to 100 show Theresa 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Ballot Elise B by Prince Royal trained by J D Heard bred by Mr T L Carpenter CarpenterWent Went to post at 447 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BREEZE sprinted to the front at once and racing into a long lead easily won all the way CHARLEY BOY dropped back while racing down the backstretch but gained ground steadily while rounding the last turn finished with a rush and outstayed THERESA The latter ran a good race and finished fast F G CORLEY away slowly was rushed up to forward contention and tired in the final eighth eighthScratched Scratched 68341Shorcacrcs 111 63603 Lewis B 103 68030 Peace Flag 86 GSC30 Occidenta 112 112Overweights Overweights San Hedron 1 pound NINTH EACE 34 Mile Dec 20 1916 111 3 110 Purse 700 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 490 second 140 third 70 Inaox Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kiiuiv Odds Strt 68529 PAY OFF ws S 111 9 1 3s 33 11 in A Claver Meadowbrook Stable 230100 230100J 68586 DANCING GIRL WB 7 111 2 4 53 41 3 2J E Fator J Eckcrt 1320100 68626 SISTER SUSIE w 10 111 5 2 2C8482MISS 1 1 2i 3 P Martinez C B Irwin IrwinG C8482MISS MANAGE w 7 111 10 8 G 51 5 = 1 4 t R Carter Ballinger Coffman 68382 MY ROSE w 5 111 1 7 7C8507 8 = 7 = 7l 5 J Maiben M F Williams Williams7i C8507 MR X w 5 113 G G 7i S2 Si G5 F Stevens A Marrone 68426 FLORNCE DEEN w 4 109 8 5 5G8G31 GJ1 6J 71 E Petzoldt Qulnlan Heigel G8G31 HAZEL DALE w 10 111 4 3 23 23 43 S G Rose C E Davison 08528 JOHN JR w 10 113 12 10 101 10i 9 91 C Thpson J Manale C8G50 HRIGANS HEIR w G 113 711 111 11J 10ilO1 T Wilson F Wallhouser 400100 400100G7979 G7979 ICON WB 5 111 3 9 9 91 11 ll W Martin R Cooper f fG8586 G8586 HAL WRIGHT w 4 111 11 12 12 12 12 12 H Moltcrs Neal Bros t ttMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 48 114 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Pay Off 660 straight 360 place 340 show Dancing Girl 7SO place 540 show Sister Susie 640 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Pay Off 230 to 100 straight SO to 100 place 70 to 100 show Dancing Girl 290 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Sister Susie 220 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch in by Muelick Hyacinth by Previous trained by E F Wright bred by Mr C J rurcb rurcbWent Went to post at 513 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same PAY OFF was away well and after being saved to the stretch answered to hard riding and taking a slight lead in a terrific drive Just lasted to win DANCING GIRL came with a rush through the final eighth and would have won in the next stride SISTER SUSIE showed much speed in pacemaking but was tiring fast and was lucky to save third place MISS ilANAGK made up ground from a slow beginning HAZEL DALE ran a good half and quit quitScratched Scratched CS509 KIrkwood 113 GS523 Loch Leven 111