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I / % 1 j f j f I I 1 ; I £ j t 4 t » j j , 1 . I ] , , I I 1 67616 67616 Tijuuna Tijuuna 51 51 f f l:09andfast l:09andfast 3-5 3-5 115 115*5 5 1 1 ! ! 2« 2» R R Carter Carter 10 10 J.Parmer. J.Parmer. G.Muehlebb, G.Muehlebb, Clearf Clearfld Id Oncl PAPiT 4 l-2 Furlongs. rt-year-olda and upward. Claiming. Jan. 8, OiU hAUfl is i — 53 y-r» — 10 — 103. TEMPY DUNCAN, b. m, 12 107 By Billy Mayhue — Edna Edwards, by Deerslayer. Trainer. C. B. Irwin. Owner. C. B. Irwin. Breeder. W. E. Moody. 68974 Tijuana 61 f 1 JSHCassI 87 108 2 6 6* Pi F Cantrell 8 John Jr.. Kimono. Dragoon 68944 Tijuana 51 f l:0s*ifast 6 108 1 2 2t t*| F Cantrell 9 BrnBelle. ; ildl"lusli. Fied.Fear 68911 Tijuana 51 f 1 :0S fast 1S7 109 1 5 6! 8" F Cantrell S TubbyA.. L. I-ev.n. E T*fsjH 08891 Tijuana H f 1:09 fast 45 106 2 4 10 1" F Cantrell 14 Huzzas. W. C. Dooly. Onwa 68772 Tijuana BJ f 1 :09 fast 15 106 2 10 W S1 F "antral! IS Phyllis K.. Kahani. Tennilee 68565 Tijuana 51 f 1:10 mud ]3f 101 7 7 101 W* F Cantrellll Bed Man. Joe IfcC Neg 68.179 Tijuana l| f 1 :0Sl*ifast 12 108 1 S 6 67 F Cantrell » No Wonder. PeggyMartin, Onwa 68260 Tijuana 51 f 1:13 hvy 8 111 2 2 2= 2=1 H Long ■ II issMet -lick. Ouwa. Bl. Meyer* RUBBER II.. br. g. 8 109 By Yankee — Caoutchouc, by Galore. Trainer, H. T. Palmer. Owner. H. T. Palmer. Breeder. F. R. and T. Hitchcock. 01276 Tijuana 5-S 1 6-5 112 1 4 51 S" T Wilson S Covert "p. Ask.lessie. Kl.aWaldo 1156 Tijuana 5-S 1 :02 fast 3 5 110 1 1 l1 l1 T Wilson 7 D.deGuise, D.Fashioa, DbleVan 01047 Tijuana 5-S 1 :01«ifast 2 112 3 3 3" 5»i C Studer S Clil.ake. lmbcola. Ringleader 60930 Tijuana 5 -8 l:03hvy 8 5 112 1 1 ll l T Wilson 8 CI. the Way, Harry D., Lobelia KLING. ch. g, 8 109 By Hilarious — Anna L. Daly, by Lissak. Trainer, H. E. Davis. Owner. H. E. Davis. Breeder. Williams Bros. 67617 Tijuana BJ f 1 :09s-fast 6 115 11 11 11 9J M Anil«on11 Midian. Cancioil. Delancey 67546 Tijuana 5-S 1:02 fast Sf 11110 0 5" 2=4 M Andsonll Full Moon. Red Man, N irfield 65981 Mneuve 1 1-2 2:54Vcmud 13 113 7,J H Gibson 7 Pllareue. Polyamt. Satinmore 65888 Mneuve lm70y 1:55 fast S 115 3= W Smith S Drafi-man. .lamima. !.- Balafre 65794 Mn.uvj Ab ::-t llSsfast 4J 115 1- W Smith 7 Bed Post. Kins It.. K.iycian 65587 Kempton 51 f 1 :09Vifast 10 107 1" W Smith 8 Montpeni. ElCoronel. N London 65503 Kempton 5-S l:04fast 41 112 €* N Collins 7 Kinetic, Hush. M—taenl 65457 Kempton 8-4 I rt"Slaa* 5 112 2" N Coilins S Tan II.. Edith K.. N:tk London HESTER H., ch. m, 9 107 By Harrigan — Hester Zorra. by Ce:,arior.. Trainer, W. C. Hoover. Owner. Hoover and Duncan. Breeder. B. A. Jones 69000 Tijuana 5-8 1 67 109 1 2 4l 7| H Long 11 Josenia. R11M1 V... Hand Sweep 08502 Tijuana 5-S 1:03 fast 21 f 111 6 8 10« 10»J II Molters 13 Chtvine. tial. Berry. Elmer Sf. «8340 Tijuana 5-S l:01=ifast SM 106 7 9 9 9" R Flynn 9 Canubail, It Meyers. .1. Campbell SSllfl Tijuana 5-8 1 : 6-hvy 58f 108 3 10 10 10" II Long 10 IvyGray, VouBet. Viclory Won 0.7763 Tijuana 5-S lOlsfast 4f 110 8 8 10 10" K Smith 12 Viva. Ben Pavne. Irene afcstw 67659 Tijuana 5-8 1 :01»ifaat 19f 105 4 6 S"t 9!i E PetzoldtlO I.yltibon. B— HIS la. Ct.ellan 67597 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast ISf 114 9 10 91 9; F Smith 12 Lobelia. Delan.ey. View L. GENTRY, br. g. 8 109 By Brigade — Hattie Garrett, by Bonnie Joe. Trainer. J. Edwards. Owner, H. Cox. Breeder. E. E. 69002 Tijuana 5-S 9 106 2 14= 18« F Cantrell 10 Fva Sons. Tiulane. Jack Lee 68792 Tijuana 4 f T,6 fast 1S-5 MS 6 9 BJfJJB*1 W Martin 14 It. Meyers, Biglndian. K. Templar 68162 Tijuana 5-S 1 :il2stast 15 113 7 18 12 12" D Pow. II 13 Jack Pot, Huzzas. Pliillipe l.ugo ■Mil Tijuana 41 f aSimud 13 10S 7 2 2* 7" G Rose S yyff.iid. Operator. Nordllonejr 67977 Tijuana 5-S 1 :04=imud 4 112 5 3 31 B»| H 8 Jones » Zainer, Tabloid. Beview 4,7911 Tijuana 5-8 1:04 mud 10 107 5 4 4» 4» F Cantrellll Cicely Kay. ta Bet, Car 67704 Tijuana 1-2 4SVandfast 37 10S 5 4 4 47 H Long 8 Hazel Dale, Joe Tag. Joe Blair LADY MOORE, br. m. 8 107 By Rapid Water— Effie Paton, by Ruskin II. Trainer. T. Polk. Owner, T. Polk. Breeder. A. E. Hundley and Sen. 69023 Tijuana 41 t" :54*ifast 59f 113 5 f 7* 7 = H Molters 9 Tubby A.. Joe Tag. Si-ter Susie 53829 Tijuana 5-S 1 :02 fast 5 101 3=1 ■ Noble 12 Barker, ber. HelenHayes 53529 Tijuana 5A f 1 OSfast ti IOS 5 4 51 9" W Perry 11 MtjromyJr.. I. Bee. B.S.piirret 52827 Tijuana 51 f l:08 ifaat 14 5 110 5 10 91 74 M Slghterl2 O. Homestead. KISabio. Lintcrn TREADWELL. b. g. 7 109 By Hurst Park— Eric Belle, by Kiar Erie Trainer, F. R. Irwin. Owner. F. R. Irwin. Breeder. G. Cailey. 69002 Tijuana 5-8 l:02Sfast 17-10 106 5 5 6= 61 F Stevens 10 Eva Song. Tiulane. Jack I«* 68792 Tijuana 41 f 56 fast 7 113 8 3 41 6j A Claver 14 B.Meyers. Biglndian. K Templar 68018 Tijuana 41 f SlVimud 18 108 10 S 6= 6» H Zander 10 C.theWay. TpyDuncan. II. Rath 67186 Tijuana 5 f 1:12 hvy 4f 108 6 7 8 8«A Claver 8 Hor I erch. CieelyKay. PhylliaK. 67095 Tijuana 5-8 1:04 hvy 58 112 C 4 CM" H S Jones 7 Angela. Cornciitter. Ella Waldo 665S7 Akron Ab 5-8 1:81 faat 18 108 7«| F Lux 8 Rafferty. C.dklneti. LyHarraa 664S4 Akron Ab 5-8 l:03%hvy • 115 7" W Taylor 8 McLaue, Ahairante. SUrkadaT TT~ gj g — — C-— « — — — — — — — — ■ CLAUDE WEAVER, ch.g. 10 109 By St. Swithens— Katy Norwood. ly Grayson. «.«««. lne• • Sl McDamel- Owner. J. S. McDaniel. Breeder, L. B. Jackion. *-.?«- S5?"" . 41-f„ :i44*fai!t 29C 113 1 4 9 »- H Long 9 Tubby A.. Joe Tag. Sister Snsie .«o« ,, ?i.mK?1 b ° 8 S**- 2 107 ll H Molters lo ArmadorVallev. Meteor. Minstrel 11225 Sr-l!OUSe ?-81:ft2 "« 61114 9» S Smilh ! Pereh. Bars M.dStan., Ch.Cnnnell I,:,?S, Jf house MltWWirt « 314 10 » S Smith 10 n.Sprav, Hel. Major. Irish c.5?; en0 *-8 1:02 fast 19 108 S" K Petzg 1,1 I D.S.llurray. MayDawn. BHh !:ii IJuana l| f lJMfcftut 8 108 2 4 7 P|M Fator 10 Olive 1.. Ispham. LVlaneey fcl-30 Tijuana ■. f l:08-%.fasi 18 108 5 6 S-l 9« E Fator 11 Fiesta. Shelbj ville, tir.inmble SMILING MAGGIE, ch. m, 10 107 By Smile-Margaret M., by WoolstHorw.. Trainer, R. Barnett. Owner. Z. Baraett. Breeder C Morns Zl«°A IjUana " 1:02VHst 6 104 7 S 5 4=3 E Blind 10 Eva song Tiulane, Jaek Lee t».A I3"*"1 Htl *"**■■* 6 101 4 4 m ■■»■. Armstg • Hrnitelle, Coldl lush. I ***** .T-juana 3-4 1 :14»sf»8t K 113 S 8 7 P| H Molters I* Har.sIIeir. Insp .Hughes, Pndine ™*«* J,Juana -i f 1 "" fast 5 106 7 3 4h 6 L Arm«ngl3 Iliyllis K.. Kal.ani. Tennilee 2tU XUuana ••* f 1:08 Vast 4 106 6 7 8j S L Armsfgll D.Adanrs, RoecoeGse, Kdierear fiHI-O Tijuana H f 1 Mftffcll 32 106 4 7 8» S" 1, AfMtg 10 Vibrate. .1. Campbell, BnrlGW I Ca9-.4 11 thorne 3 4 1 :15!„fast 10 104 5 4 4J 51 M Slghter 0 B.Bckwell, Battyll., D.ofWrath » OPERATOR, b. g. 6 109 By First Chip— Gracie Gould, by Register. Trainer, G. Edison. Owner, G. Edison. Breeder, S. Waring. itl T,Juanu ."i f l:0Ssfast U 113 I 5 7 11" E Fator 12 Insp. Hughes. Mr.Kruter. MAC . 68. 92 Tijuana «| f J5 fast 7f 113 3 7 C* 5 J F J Baker 14 H.Meveis, Biglndinn, K. Templar r t„LL~ Tijuana 3ifl09 fast 26 1U 9 6 71 9" F J Baker 13 Phyllis K.. Kahani. Teimiiec 68606 lijuana 5 S 1 :03 slow Of 113 I 6 6* 6»» H Molters 19 ial.-Iterrv, J. Campbell, Onwa i 68..V3 Tijuana 5-S l:Cl45fast llf 110 10 S 7J 6= II Molters 11 Ixibelia, t«s oeG*se, 1— ■ ! !■ i 68314 Tijuana 51 f 1.08 6fast 16f 107 7 9 9J 9" F Watrousll Norfield, Niiam. Merry I-ass 68017 Tijuana 1 f OSimud 14 113 17 0 V* II Molters S QyWard, Noid Honey, Pokey B. SEA BEACH, b. g. 10 109 By Marta Santa— Sea Spray, by Star Shoot. Trainer. G. Williams. Owner, Wilson and Williams. Breeder. Clay Bros. K8944 Tijuana 5i f 1:7 10S i 9 I 9" It Tarter 9 Rrnltelle. CuldFlu h, T.Dunean «i8.93 Tijuana 5-8 1 :0-Jr,fast 183 110 3 B 1." 12« R Carter 13 Foit Churchill, Viiee, Neg ■If*? Tijuana 3 4 l:lj slow 15 114 5 6 7 !■* E Taylor 7 ITtagenet, Mi sA. Fool, Orl.C.irl ! 60838 Tijuana 5J f 1:11 mud IS 114 o fi 6« 6" C Gross 7 JackLedi. Pueblo, Harry D. VICTORY WON. ch. g. 6 109 By Seth— Fascinating, by Peep oDay. Trainer, W. Overby. Owner, W. Overby. Breeder. J. QmnUn. 69004 Tijuana 5 I 1 :02 fast 8f 113 8 8 S 82 E Blind S Fond Hope. Merry Lass, Cobalt .8891 Tijuana l| f 1 :09 fast 9 Of 113 13 13 13- 13" H S JonesH Huzxas. W. C. I oo1t. Onwa 68462 Tijuana 0-8 1 :02Vsfast 19S 10S 10 11 101 9*3 M MUricklJ Jack Pot. Huzzas. Iliillipe Bugo 8-.. 7 Tijuana 5-8 1 :0.5j.hvy 37 111 5 6 8 87 M Milric k 8 Be icw. Chariot. Smith. JamesC, 68167 Tijuana 0-8 1 :06nhvy Obf 1O0 16 6- :;3 H Zander 10 Ivvtirav, Youltet, II— linl*ltal I C7954 Tijuana 3-4 l:!7hvy andf 107 1 2 02 7" H Zander 9 J.U-di. Plurality. Uau.s Topaz 1 KLAT-A-WA. ch. h, 8 M 109 By Johnstown— El Principe, by Amigo. Trainer. R. Rago. Owner. Wapato Stable. Breeder, Mrs. A. J. Splavrn. 65284 11 s:mgs Al. 0-8 09-Vast 17 109 55 W Miller S Prolaski, MurielsPet, Krmitana , 6. »»0 H stinss Ab OS l:0»~.slow IS 111 9= B B WeberlO Val.IvidT, Bookworm, B. Flower , .48.0 F|kMM -8 1:02fast 41 110 3» G Weber 11 Mel. Man, BlmerW., San , MARTIE BRENNAN. ch. m. 6 ■ 107 By Martinet— Agnes Brennan, by Dr. MacBrlde. tTramer, A. Long. Owner. A. Long. Breeder, L. D. Lane. 7C39 Tijuana i-8 1 :0i ,fast SI 10S 7 7 7 7= 11 LnnR 7 Full Moon, Milda, Alajuh MARION FLUKE, b. m. 5 107 By Tony Faust— Princess Viola, by Kismet. Trainer. L. Gslbraith. Owner. L. Galbraith. Breeder. C. A. McLan-hhn ***** 1*1*** * ll:44Ufast 3M 107 8 8 9 8" W Dean 9 Caunzel. Ann.sSister. Dissolute 68891 .ijuana i.l t 1:09 fast 9-0f H* | 9 1B 11» AVUean 14 Huzzas, W. C Dooly Onwa 222! l!-iuana fttimUmmX 12 m 8 4 45 S 3 W Dean P2 Mi.lnMBell. PrVellenrT . 6862.1 Tijuana ::-4 1 il.Vfast 2f 105 3 I 4J 6si V Dean 11 Clearfield, Dora. W. C Do.. It " -860. Tijuana 0-S 1 :0..--.slow f.1 106 7 3 2 21 W Dean S P. Roberta. K.Weller Bird , 68279 Tijuana T-4 Pltislow 33 103 4 3 4 ?1 W Dtan 10 Caamano. Dovesroost. Cannonuall I 8218 Tijuana :;-4 lis-mud l:f 105 4 2 OJ 6«i W Dean 9 Circulate, Review, Au Revoir 68181 68181 Tijuana Tijuana lm70y lm70y 1:51 1:51 hvy hvy 125 125 10S 10S 5 5 1 1 4" 4" 5" 5" W XV Dtan Dtan 7 7 Bes. Bes. Young, Young, Plunger Plunger, Gen Gen.Byng Byng