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OlU DA PIT « -** Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. May O, 1D20 Olll nAl/CL 50 4 107. SAM BEH, b. g, 7 107 By Peep oDay— Coy Maid, by Kingston. Trainer. R. E. Lorell. Owner, J. licGinn. Breeder. H. H. Hewiii C9019 Tijuana 51 f l3W%fut 68 112 5 5 4*i 7* G Rose • Doc.Coibett, D;-..lli,on, B. Belie 68897 Tijuana 4J f 55 fast 43 113 10 11 10* V H S Jonesll Hor. George, MotorCop, DkAges 68244 Tijuana 3-4 1:18 hvy 8 113 3 5 61 8- A Claver 9 L.llorence, Delhimar, Dr.Tubbs 68150 Tijuana 51 f l:10%mud 3 110 2 3 3» 3|F Stevens 7 An.Begina, NthTower, Horinga 67873 Tijuana 3-4 l:lR:;5mud la 115 9 6 6* 7* H S JoneslO M.Emmat;., Nhour. Mol. Barnes 67853 Tijuana 5J f 1:US mud 17 112 8 6 6« C3 II S Jones 8 Harryl., Incognance, John Jr. 67676 Tijuana 1 1-1C l:18!ifast 8 114 6 4 6 6" H S JtM 0 Pi. Direct. K.ltankin. Roisterer BILL McCLOY, b. g, 8 107 By Dick Welles— Hiss Jordan, by Sir Dixon., T. E. Edwards. Owner, R. T, Nickerson. Braoder, B. F. Guthrie. 65830 Hthorne l| f 1 :C9 fast 11-5 104 3 2 2! !1 J Smith 12 EndMan, E.lLeVan, DancingGirl 65730 lithorne 5| f l:C8iifast 15 110 1 3 31 3-i J Smith 12 Plantoou, Da Iind, Sirocco 65689 lithorne 5i f 1:08 fast 15 107 9 9 101 9;: J Smith 12 Ti;scola, Li.ia Clark, Mo-sFoxII. 65031 Dufferin Ab 5-S 1 :C21imud 7 104 6"J J Smith 7 Avion. McLane. Misi Holland 64840 Dufferin GJ f 1 :20 fust 24 hS 7»J Smith 7 Bob. Allen, Panaman, Flibtvbet .4492 Wtodacc 3-4 l:l::v,slovv 74 102 4 2 01 6"! C Miller 8 Delhimar, Stoto, Harmonious 63082 D«« shire 3-4 1:14 good 21f lt-9 10 12 12 12»J Smilh 12 Sundial! 1., Carman.lale, K. Grass LADY TIPTCE. ch. m. 5 105 By Lay Low— Lady Stalwart, by Stalwart, Traiaer. J. T. Strite. Owner, Strite and Valentine. Breeder. G. Caoncy. 68911 Tijuana 5jfl:US fast Cj 109 3 4 3* 3J T Wilson 8 TubbyA., l.ocliLeven, HalWright 68733 Tijuana ,ri f l:U7t,fast 19 109 2 2 IlWt T Wilson 13 Trusty. MissManage, Misrilioy .8631 Tijuana 41 f 54 fast 124 ■ 6 5 51 E*| T WiUon 8 KingliLe, Dr..oiinson. MotorCop 68182 Tijuana 3-4 l:U%fut 17 1.3 2 1 2*1 33 B Fator 11 M. Manage, Glad.News, DangGirl C8101 Tijuana 5-S 1 :0]2r,fast M 116 5 2 3" 8" ■ Fatcr 9 Daik Ages, Tabloid, July Fly C3737 Reno 51 f l:075sfast 3 107 1*1 S Smith 8 Eugenia K., Sacmento, Blkiop OLYMPIAN KING. b. %, 8 107 By Kinj Olympian— Flora Willoughby, by Florist. Trainer, L. Cascity. Owner. L. Cassity. Breeder, V7. F. Sthalte. 68974 Tijuana 5] f l3M%f*at 5 114 3 3 7» 7:« II Long 8 John Jr., Kimono. Dragoon 65846 ILHKkta 3-4 ! :14H,fast 13-10 108 31 I Wayt 8 Mess Kit. Col.Murpliy, St. Just 65512 N Kton Ab 5-8 1:01 fast 3-5 106 V W Moore 6 Capers, MyGracie, Right Angle 65317 N.Ktou Ab 5-S 1:00 fast 4-5 115 1 F Moore B Emden, M. Ilollins, Huron II. 65147 Nt ffKcn. Ab 5-S l:C!Vtfast 31-H» LM 2» F Moore I Panaman, Mar. Ilollins, Capers 6473S Conl.ake 3-4 LlO.good 19 106 31 T Bae I Advance. Sentimental, Capers 646J2 ConLake Ab 5-S 1:00 faat 3 5 113 lj B Hileman ! Hmon II., Sure. Woodpile NANCY WINET, b. f, 3 P5 By Watervale— Dixie Marchmont. Ly Marchniont II Trainer. C. M. Berry. Owner, P. Fuller Bieeder, C. Van It— 1. 68935 Tijuana 1 l:43itfast i:;i ■ 1 8 71 V C Ralls I Lily Leonid. Silk Sot Faber 68667 Tijuana 51 f 1 :07*sfast Gf 103 11 12 11 9;J .1 IiUrinw 12 Pud. Faber, Peter iierson 61134 Tijuana 1-2 12 107 4 7 7 6" G Willims 7 IlickTerpin. Faber, PeterPierson 61103 Tijuana 41 543t,fast 29 119 1 6 6 6" K Kau.r « Eiae, lady Myr.i, Dick Terpin 61040 Tijuana 1-2 49 fast 14-5 115 2 1 *» l»k E Fator 8 P. Pierson, P.llampson, Gilliflr 60982 Tijuana 1-2 49 fast 21 100 6 4 4* 41 E Fator 9 Faber, Miss Kdna, Pat Hauipxon 60862 Tijuana 1-2 OOandsIow 21 115 6 6» oj J H tamer 8 MissEdna. Palllpson, DutyBoy WILD THOUGHTS, b. m. 5 1C5 By Ivan the Terrible— Dream Girl, by Voter. Trainer. G. J. Millar. Owner, G. J. Miiler. Breeder, T. C. McDowell, 63452 Beno 51 f 1 4 MI 5?1 W Davis 9 Flor.Deen, AlM Begina. Money 62938 ■«■• 51 f l:07kfast 51 M 31 M Fatcr 5 Dr.Oerbett, Fireplace, E. Broun 62819 Bono 51 f 1 MJTVast 37-M 9S 3: M Fator 5 D.-.C.irliett. Arvanna, M. Manage 61321 Tijuana 5-S 1 :0l fast 2* 99 3 3 21 3; T Wilson r. Doc.Corbelt. AnniRcgina, Sedan 60907 Tijuana 5-S l:W%taat 4 110 4 4 4] 3- C Studer 7 Garden City, Shifty Ring GOK07Ti|uana 5-S 1 :0H*.fast 3 110 5 4 4 0 53 C Sluder 8 Ring, Huron 11.. Sedan 59107 Tijuana 5-S lM%tmM 3 Mi a 3 3 3* Z* B Paike 8 Bing. Sam Itch, Sedan MARJORIE McKAY. b. m, 5 M 105 By Judge Wright— Cain Chaser, by Otifl. Traxer. J. W. Younj. Owner, L. Kieeran. Breeder, J. W. Pa:ri:h. 65761 Ittonia 3-4 1 :1 :"5fast 215 100 9 9 9 91 B Reob.e V GreenGoId. Gol Floss, Roy Dick 63703 Ashland G* f 1:27 fast M Ml 5« J Perlc 8 Maud. I WOsoa, Combs, Jill 63645 Ashland Gt f 1 _G fast H 112 G P Sanford 7 C. Frances. JobTliayer, Rcseficld i::58» Ashlmd Ab 5-s IrMftCOOd 4S UK". 6° A Kroner t! -Mi me. I. Fasi:ion. Murphy 63572 Ashland Ab 5-S l*Hkfaat 12 Ml 5«1 A Krocer 5 Virge. Klga, Dattie McCarty 02812 l.: oi,i:, J-4 I03%faat 13f Ml 13 13 13 13- B BeobbJ 14 Cautious, FiislConsul, BindgTie DUTY EOY. ch. c. 3 M S7 By Bro. Co npton— Jessie Hambn-k Trainer. B. H. Hambrick. Owner. B. H. Hambrick. Breeder, B. H. Kamtriok. 61332 TU*HUM 1 I Mlfcfaat ll 5 Ml G I :;= :h j Jones I BinKent, tiilliflower, lklvieree 6I285 Tijuana 4 f 55 fast 51 1-2 7 6 5 5-3 II Long 8 P.Picrsm, B.Kear, La4yLeoaM 60862 lijuana 1-2 M%lloai K OS 3 2 J I" T WUaoM 8 JlissEdna, P.HiiMjri Cillillower 6080J Tijuana 2?. f 42%faat 21 112 7 7 7» 7" ■ Fator 8 Dii k IVrpin, MissKdna. LyMyra CACAMBO. ch. g. 7 107 By Free Lance— Bonnie Kite, by Loyalist. Trainer. D. Biuer. 0.rner, R. J. Howell. Breeder, G. J. Lony. 66505 Akron Ab 5-8 1 M%Mow 11-5 Ml 7* T Rae 7 Pan-taui. Bedatoa, Gild. Chance M1M If. lights Eft t l:USmud 7 Ml 2 T Bw 1 and Ifanaite, NaiiMcKinney. Reunion 60051 .M lights 51 t 1 .ll*„mud 2 118 21 T Fuel S Kirs ousiil, Zainer, KingWorth ,424H t .»i .i.j 3-4 i:i9.-.iast M IM 5» f Moore I Carle Beit, Bileace. Ifaraiite .38:19 ILHeifbta 3-4 l:12%faat IS US 6 6 62 5Hi- Oaraer s Ml.i.iveiii. Pacinian Bob Allen .3785 M.Hght.s lmT.iy 1:41 fast M 114 2 3 31 3 G Alex , Ira 7 Plum P.lossnin. Blleare, ZeteUe .3750 M.Hghts lmTOy 1.4lfast 10 5 115 1 6 41 2 M Fator 8 Serbiin, Madge F., Dr. Hall REGULAR GIRL, ch. f. 3 M 85 By Pataud— Eiscayne, by Rensselaer. Trainer. W. T. Anderson. Owner. Sin Diego Stable. Breeder. W. C. Goodlae. 09003 Tijuana 2-4 l:15 I IM S 6 G 6« W Dean I BiownBiIIe, Scraps P.FkMonl.ey 68965 Tijuana 41 f :. «0tast SCf 110 T 6 S1 GT W Dean 1 Ang.!.i, Aivaima liaz-l Dale .8897 Tijuana 41 f 55 fast M S8 9 9 11 10" V Dean 11 Hoii.Ccorge, MoiorCop. DkAges 68822 Tijuana 5-S lrtMtfaat 5 f MS 4 9 10* 1 • W Dan 12 Ccdiic, PliHi.d, Contriot HCM Tijuana 21 f 43Sf«tst 45 103 G 4 0"! 5«J C Stuihr I N.Winct. Babe Ruth, P.IIampu MAY BRUEN. ch. f, 3 M 95 By Biliot— Blaze o Gold, by St. Florian. Trainer, F. Biooks. Owner, R. L. Baker. Breeder. W. S. Thralkeld 69006 Tijuana 3-4 l:13fast 30 Ml 2 3 G* 5" II Long 8 Sundial II., Fireplace. Remit C8972 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast M 96 1 1 1* 13 H Long S Faber, Scraps, Contriot 68848 Tijuana 41 f 56 fast 3 5 1/74 2 2 3 1 E Fator II Elmer W.. Little Smile, Jane A 68774 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 13 105 8 81 10* W Pool 10 K.of theSpa, Bl Roble, LyUonid 6*712 Tijuana 5-S 1:01 fast 2J 98 5 4 3* 3*1 W Pool 11 Bevetwvek, Ceiiric Scraps 68667 Tijaau* Bj t l.WBjibM 22 103 W I S* 101 F Watrousl2 1ud. 1 uber. Peter VaamWM 0. HENRY, b. g, 3 97 By Discontent— Ida D., by His Highneaa. Trainer, F. A. Sharkey. Owner. E. Gatchell. Breeder, H. H. Trowbridge. C8757 Tijuana 3-1 l:l:!V,fast 2Sf 97 1 3 5ft 681 M Garrett 8 Pud, Allie Ochs, Carlos Enrique 68667 Tijuana 51 f l:07%fast 31-10 100 8 9 9 55i M Mi.rick 12 Pud. Faber. Peter Pierson 63584 Reno 41 f 55 tast 11 105 5J E Petzgrld 7 C.Kni iipie, BriauKent, L.Leonid 63314 41 f 55 fast 2 100 1" M Fator 7 BrianKcnt. L.I-conid. ElmerW. 63023 Reno 41 f 54%fast 12 98 4 M Fator ft Tule, Dick Terpin. Sir Ix-oni* 62768 Reno 1-2 51 slow 5 107 1* M Fator 0 Queencup II., F Kierce. B.Bulh 01225 Tijuana 1-2 4:i,ifast 9 109 3 3 31 583 P Caron 8 P.llampson. P. Pierson. Melchoir DRAGOON, b. g. 8 107 By Cunard— Mrs. F. G. Hogan, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. S. Higuero. Owner, S. Higiiero. Breeder, E. R. Bradley. 08974 Tijuana 51 f 1 :fi8"4fast S40 111 6 f. 3* 3J W Pool H John Jr.. Kimono. Missouri Boy 68910 Tijuana 51 f I. "Mitral Ml US 1 6 12 12* P Hum 12 Insp. Hughes, Mr.Krutcr. 68054 Tijuana i| f 1:14 hvy 41f 112 11 7 loill13 M Anilsonll .Master, O.Homestd. T.Boach 67276 Tijuana 5-S 1 :02%fast 95 113 10 10 10 104 I Fletcher 11 I/dgSlar. MryLiss, Mar.iZora 67018 Tijuana 5-8 l:05,mud 67 116 6 8 8 8* W O Keefe I Milda, Cascade. Vera Rita 01048 Havana 3-4 1 10 115 £ 9 11* 10»1 G Stone 12 I.e Balafie. l.lmont, Pree.Jcwei i0891 Havana 51 f 1 :15Vshvy 10 112 6 4 5 76i C Robson 9 Clark M.. Smil.Thrch, Berretta ROGON JR.. ch. c, 4 M 110 By Rogon— Zool, by Dr. MacBride. Trainer, F. D. Howard. Owner, F. D. Howard. Breeder. F. D. Howard. 68822 Tijuana 5-S l:01%fast 23 111 8 7 71 7» D Powell 12 Cedric, Plulrel, Contriot 68170 Tijuana ?-4 1:!G hvy 151 11G 4 8 8 82IM Mi! rick S OilMan, WildMower, BcFrjink f7811 Willvvs Ab 5-8 1 :0I/„slov 3-2 118 4:JJ Mulcahy 8 HermosaNegra. Aleso. Mrs.Pat 57146 HasCgs Ab 5-8 1:02 mud 16 104 7" T Wilson 7 Lit. Florence, HalWright, Aleso 5G976 Hastgs 3-4 1 :22«slow 11 S5 6" M Garrett 10 OldsEight, HalWright, Vic. Won 56932 Hastgs Ab 5-8 l:01%mud 10 98 6" T Wilson G Maunchen, Car. Moore, V.P.Maid 56CG2 Chouse 41 f 57andfast 9 118 «• C Gross 8 Rose Roberts, Capt. Clover, Aleso