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ANSWERS TO QUEEIES i 1 . Communications -without name nml addresses j I will not lie noticed nor nnsweicd. No answers j 1 will be sent by innil mid none by wire unless re- j J ply prepayment Is in n lie :it time of vririnc query, j 1 Hetting iKipera will not lie calculated. j C. C, Lexington, Ky. Lady Astor ran third in race 7617S. "W. Artz. Cincinnati, O. Sir Barton as a two-year-old started six times. C. J. C, Cincinnati, O. Prince Directs place tickets in race "7022 of January 26 paid ?6.C0, not .G0, as was published. A. A. H.. Janesville, AVis. The delayed charts of Tijuana races of February 3 were published in Daily Racing Form of February 5. R. E. F., Chicago. 111. "When the chart, delayed by the storm, is received, it will be published. You can then answer your own query. W. O. F., Chicago, 111. Henry of Trasta-more defeated Savilia and Federal in a mile dash, owners handicap, at Robey, Saturday, November 2, 1901. J. McG., Chicago, 111. Befuddle is not in racing just now. She is probably in idleness at present in the barn of her owner, E. R. Bradley, near Lexington, Ky. E. J. H., Chicago. 111. A place parlay on Mad TrGoper and Skcezix at Tijuana December 30 won as a single place bet on Mad Trooper, Skeezix having been scratched. F. E. IT., Chicago, 111. It was on December 25, not December 21, that June Fly ran second to Bosh in the fourth race at Tijuana. Her ?2 tickets paid ?3.S0 place and .S0 show. J. H. C., Detroit, Mich. There must be action in the case of every horse in a parlay before it is decided, unless one loses, in which case it loses also. A limit has nothing to do with the matter other than to delino the utmost which, caji bQ won.