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Latest Workouts 65 NEW ORLEANS, La., March 11. Todays training gallops here included the following: FAIR GROUNDS. Weather clear: track fast Three -Eighths Mile. G2-Brunell 374,5 GO-Lco Fisher 39 Belle H 3Gand GO-Mary Dear 37and 5S-Calignla 39 GO-Orcus 37and 59-Charlnat 3S GO-Privilege 37 54-Flavia 3Gand GO-Patrician 37 GO-Julia M 37and 47-Poppye X8 Gl-John D :59J 53-Queen Charms 38 Gl-Lconard G 37 53-Sizzle 39 59-Lotto 40 22-Tambon 41 58- Lady Choco ..37 Half Mile. 47-AttUia 52 59-La Orb 53 G3-Aspiration ....51 56-Lngs 49 59- BeUe Amie ....51 58-Mom - 51 59-Channel 49 Mistress Pat ..49 58-Care Free 52 G3-Post naste ....51 C3-Dustabout 51 Gl-Rapid Day 51 57- Foster Enibry .5G 63-Seths Flower . .54 Gl-Glcntilt 51 GO-Stake Me 49 G4-High Gear ...51 54-Six Pence 5.1 GO:Invictus 48 G2-Tony Sue 51 Gl-Idle Thoughts.. 53 GO-Tomtella 52 GO-Longboat 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 58- Buddie Kean 1:08 5G-Ogarite 1:01 C2-Blotter I -.0-1 45-St. Gerard ..1:08 Gl-Barlcycorn ..1:07 G2-Tester 1:0.1 57-Fleer l:Ot 58-Tody 1:04 38-MIles S 1:05 G2-U. S. Steel ..1:07 02-Mclntosh ...1:03 G3-Wayvassamo 1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 51-D.andDrakc3 1:23 G2-Permarco 1:19 5G-Lucidus 1:17 G2-Protocol 1:13 57-Maurie Cohen 1:19 G3-Stump Jr. ...1:13 G3-Mock Orange 1:19 57-Toin Cassidy .1:19 G3-01d Top 1:10 Seven-Eighths Mile. 5G-Hcrald 1:34 53-King John ..1:35 Ono Mile. G2-Bcnch Mgr 1:45 G3-Roseatc II. ..1:43 M-Bridesraan ...1:44 ,r.8-Sds of Plse 1:57 Gt-Blue Nose ..1:42 62-Tingling ....1:44 C2-Flying Fur ..1:44 4G-Wapiti 1:47 Milo and an Eighth. G2-rolvo 1:58 Milo and a Quartan 58-Bugler 2:25 Flavia worked fast. Mary Dear was under restraint. Mistress Pat and Channel worked together. Lugs and Stake Me were in company. Roseate II. was not extended. Flying Fur had an easy gallop. Blue Nose raced well. JEFFERSOX TARIC Weather clear ; rtack fast Three-Eighths Mile. 58-Bright Light3 . .38 GO-Grey Bard . . . .39 GO-Chicken 37 G3-nermidaIe ....33 C0-E1 Astro 37 Jim Kenney ..38 Half Mile. 55-Ashland 52: G0-Recommendtn 52 55-Begonia 51 G3-Rama r5 5G-Dumbfounder ..51 52-Soggarth Aroon 51" 4G-Mcrcury 5.1 CO-Tender Seth ..51 Gl-Milton M 53 Five-Eighths Mile. 02-Banker Brownl:0! GO-Tiie Muleskr 1:034and 00-Our Star 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. Belle Flower 1:17 G2-Xizam 1:19 C3-Iemos 1:18 GO-OId Blue li2t" Gl-Dustproof ...1:19 GO-Scare Crow.. 1:18 J. Q. Andn.l:20 59-Servitor 1:19 One Mile. G2-Bii3ter 1:4.1 G2-Lord Wrack 1:4.1 G2-Gcorge Starr 1:48 G4-St. Michael ..1:48 GO-Grt Northern 1:45 Gl-Wise Cracker 1:47