untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-04


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My Big Opening Special at Bowie WON Making my fifth straight winner. Another big specially prepared proposition goes Saturday. Another Monday or Tuesday Responsible people lookinr for winners dont hesitate. Rush your name and address at once, inclosing one dollar, and I will prepay first telegram to you. Positively no telegrams sent collect to new clients. Positively no second telegram sent to clients failing to remit for winners. TERMS— WINNINGS OF 0. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN 1303 Lexington Ave. Ph. Lenox 6110. New York City WTNNEWOOD 7.00- WON was a dandy given on middle page of our latest book on sale now. MY DADDY. 2 80-S2 WON. was a dandy given on middle page of this weeks book. Just a sample of what you get in the GOOD OLD RELIABLE STANDARD. Nothing to equal it. Get Yours Today. 35c at all Newsstands. Mailed direct. 3 copies for .00. CONVENT, 80-12. WON. and a third were last Saturdays .00 XX SPECIALS. Dont Miss Next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES AT BOWIE. Todays Code Special-October -Peach -34 -73 -58 -31. B filk 1 1 J;l ? II -*~ iHtTisW II 1 1] si 403, 22 W. Quincy Street Chicago, 111. CALIFORNIA TO SARATOGA I am on the way. First horns celebration at Bowie Monday. Wire name early, as information for 1924 will be restricted. JOE MCARTY SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y. SPORTING LEADER 25 Cents at all Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODES Bowie Flow Level -Chicago -Joil- -Lease- -Double Golden Billows ...80- Won was yesterdays BEST. Yesterdays LONG SHOT also WON. If you want REAL LIVE STUFF for 00 per i:..v get the 0. K. For sale at all newsstands. MAILED DIRECT, .00 FOR SIX DAYS. National 0. K. Racing Letter 411 Baltimore Bldg. CHICAGO, ILL. Pay From Your Profits The Master Key System of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad. with your name and address to J. K. WILLIS. 225 Thirtieth St., Miami Beach, Fla. BONA FIDE HORSEMAN campaigning one of the strongest stables in AVest d.-sin -s to hear from r liable parties interested in obtaining first -hand information for Kentucky pprinjj meetings. This is opportunity to deal direct. V. O. BOX il IATO-MA, KY. SCHUYLER FLOYD [_, BROADWAY 41ST STREET J, 11 C *La/cLllV AV 6001x61 New York City •/ A telephone-Bryant ess: 246 WEST 39TH ST. AEENA BLDG. NEW YORK CITY Yesterday 1 .00 Daily— Hours 9 to 5— 0.00 Weekly "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT": - MOON MAGIC .8.30- WON CONFIDENCE!! Big Six 00 Special * GREATNESS „ I ree, today, to all subxeriliers. This Special come* from the same source KESFC/lNSIoll-iI 1 A -that sent us yesterday** f.lOO Special, which ivaa GENKRAI. TKTHI.K, CI7U/|_T which we a.litrtls | for tvro necks In advance. This horse will be Riven free to all who subscribe for our daily wire today. Now, boys, ARE JI DGED BY whatever you do, dont miss this one today, as we expect this one to be WORKS PERFORMED Protect and Preserve 5.00 tO .00 TODAY A Comfortable Livelihood . „ _ in the miituelH. Onr record proves that we are producers. Our followers For years the "Schuyler Investments" have maintained an unchallenged leadership in the *Pe erasing about field of turf information. This leadership was gained by the consistently high quality *ff «fl at* af" af" aTa W 7" 1 of their turf investments, and this high Uk | ■ ■■ ■■ |J- |t IA/It quality will be maintained. %J M. •VVV JL 1 T ▼ wdV SUBSCRIBE for the next "Schuyler Investment" that takes place Figure It up yourself. Look over our winners. SATURDAY AT BOWIE Yesterdays advertised flOO Special, advertised two weeks in ad- vance, given free with daily wire: five hundred dollars General Thatcher, .10-, Won IN ADVANCE FOR EACH EVENT M dne»d.yN H.m: Tuesdays Horse: e ssterong"oTs"%er- ,lk Freebooter, .40-, Won War Winner, 9.40-, Won THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION othlng ran for us Monday or Tuesday. No racing; Monday. ___ __-______ Sundays Horse: WW sn ■■_ ■ ■ snunni ■ «a mavwvaw H ARVFV AMF RUNSTAR 2.60- WON Il/ilYTLI AlTlEiJ FOUL WEATHER 3-1 WON Earle Bldg., Broadway at 52nd St. Saturdays Horse: OCCIDENTA .40- WON NEW YORK, N. Y. QDD SETH 0-20- WON Fridays Horse: Yesterdays HARRY D .40- 2nd «u T .. „ BE FRANK 4.00- WON Harvey transaction ThH.day, Hor.e, J MOTOR COP .40- WON WON CONTUSION 7.00- WON Wednesdays Horse: The same source -which supplied yester- JUfc V $ s7/hJ-$£ WUN days "Harvey Transaction" will furnish todays matter. FRANK F0GARTY 9.80- WON Good odds have been assured ; horse lias Xow, hoys, whatever you do, dont miss todays bit; Special. AVe been specially prepared for this event. have proved to you that we are leaders. Do we know what we are talU- injt about? You are the judge. Do we treat yon fair, or do we try to Telegraph 00 early, as all "Harvey Trans- _ __ _ ._ take you f Ion know the answer. _„_, W ire yonr snbscription by AVester-n actions" are limited to territory. ,. , _ . , nlon Postal I or Telegraph. Telephones: tmKmnm CMti59UM2:*"i8"9 WAITER JAMESI ciuuis umm YES WE WON fffmlJ»lJ-fl ♦JiililliU mm dailt-*2o.oo weekly BACK ON THE JOB TESTERDAY I WIRED TO ALL: EJkMt SATl RDAVS TRAXSACTIOX: MOON MAGIC . .8.30- Won Brazos .20- Won numSmSSt Needless to say the only horse released. UCm. I IIM I UnLh5 0. m I U-Q «o u/nn WUN I advised my clients to ro the LIMIT to "WIN ONLY, " as from what I knew this horse couldnt TJ MT MsfTP Yesterdays Free 0 Wire „ «. cVU™.. TaW... G0L- BILLOWS . .80- WON My INFORMATION is rot the every day sort, as I am on the ground personally each and every Someone who releases information eonsid- Tea, it took patience to wait, but my followers day and send my clients bona fide information once Prjno- subscriber lirst and alwavs, sparing no were wel1 rewarded. When Raymond promises rrJ,cea, Wee.k Ta2S "U Kn°W th*J ,WItN: time" "*** or moiu v. leaving nothing undone in ACTION you get it. NING information don t come everv day. Let -" — me an7convince you Mr Player, thkt my making each transact.on a success and has . . - prove INFO is of the highest type and should prove to proved so by past performances. I Mill niyill 31 llle I IdCK be the safest investment of the day. _ ,-._ - Ar_ ... , ., . . Brazos .20- Won and Know a Thing or Two SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1924 .60- WOn |Knighth00d , dont spend my time here for my health. I GeOC Starr 15*1 WOn GET MY 10-1 SHOT TODAY There is a horse that is going at a BIG PRICE be frank with from what I know this!TU/» and. to you. Alrvt/n/n I net it-., v t I AliT10ner L0SI You know I am out to make horse should win. His form is not generally known RC my clients WIN rSfJEVS 2andr*VSLS££ Lit* Ammie 6-1 Won SyTr S tfi «-« ff JT"iBr-£i?trt:Master Charlie. . ..20- Won TZSandSand3. * C00D W0MI - -ttJS ffLfSVSLSmT. IfZS: , Everglade 6-1 Won u -*m»mm straight play. Anyone failing to remit the winnings ; „., , , , ■ 4„ - .. „ . _ , _. them1 The onl horsfs **?—* to subscr bers Here Are Some of Them: promptly I will sever my connections with regarding any information. Send at once, for | this past winter—six winners and one loser DlfKS AND DltAKKS .60- AYOV should any information come up in the meantime all at good prices. IHCKS A I IllltkFS S *•»••»- " fifl t"» unv »«!. I will wire same to you. Address to «» P00U SPORT W3.40-*f WON rp fredterris Next lransaction -« :;vH, !;MW wm* *,**m* « i imwmvhvu MISS AHISK $ i.20- WON" BOWIE, MD. QATIIRHAY IR,SH PAT lUHl «OV - kj/a I VJ Ii//» 1 »nd others at good prices. Also gave eight out __ .»»»-** »••»»_ AT ■-!-. w w w t A TWT A cf twelve at LOUISVILLE, with a winning of m$ 149391493914939 S14939$ « AT TIJUANA .eoo H three weeks. Jbr PREDETERMINED g? wm u vm ium and should wt. « a TEKMS_Sil days. scrTice ana you GET I " TURF PROFITS w lrce REAL SEavlCE «*. TERMS Twenty-f.ve dollars in advance «M MIRAt LE S1STKM I, nationally davs L, kn.sn a, rasy for player-hard for — 1V telegraph, and the wmmngs of a twenty- tnat T g , m. FR£E wjiE excepting v0nredta on laver." Ha« stood the ACID TEST for . five dollars straight play when odds are three without additional cost. DON T FORGET— 10 to 1 e» many years. « «- ronld not spend many 4* to one or better. today. You will find my wires an investment. thousand* of dollars per annum adver- Wire at once- Westorn Union or Postal. All com- •» tisn.c water as roueh s rU| — ;in«i on- V ——- T K A - I — TI7D -_-_ • I A a — IV if ■ v- 17 C -* mun. cations strictly confident ul. City ,-her.ts can tli.ur ... bu.mrs. Sold on installment YV /l-l 1 Ultv aJ/lVIILO »"• payments paid from your profits. Abso- S 5and.?SrtipTi!gg B» • Room 602 17 w- 42d st- CHARLES RAYMOND ——■—■• gate today and make your Bookie obey. ** NEW YORK CITY roblie Rrl.tlons Manager v Koom 3M- 206 Broadway NEW YORK CITY «M S. E. AKlllt K -_, yyj| Box 10 it. J-". Ton son, Md. /flv ========?===== ■ l*nl 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 II ttSr Subscribe for Daily Racing Form ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924040401/drf1924040401_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1924040401_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800