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DAILY RACING FORM VOLTrME XXX. NTTMBEK 95 T?ntrrcd a« tecond-rtaaa matter. April 2. 1S9C. at tlie post office at Chicago. Illinois, under Act of alnrch S. 1879. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO «41 PLYMOUTH COTOT CHICAGO. ILL. 157-168 EAST S2nd ST.. HEW TOHK CITT. H. T. , 808-307 DECATUK STHEET. NEW ORLEANS. LA. M RICHMOND STHEET. EAST, TORONTO. ONT. W. i. McMurray. Publisher and General Manager. Dally Purine Wfrter Month*. Dally Except Monday P-alane* of the Tear. J». Dally Krflrction of the American Turf by Teieurapl" srnscmrTiON nr first-ct,ass mail: May to November. Inclusive $ 4.00 per month December to April. Inclusive $ 500 per month PAYAItLH IN ADVANCE. RACK NTlIIIERS BY MAIU 15 CRNTS gACTI. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. Tor business and circulation purposes •nly. This telephone has no connection with the news »r rditori:iI departments and cannot be used to remmunicate with them. To be conaidered and answered, all queries te Daily Baring Form must be sent over the full MM and with the address of writer. The names nnd addresses are subject t« a local and foreign V rectory test. 76460 is first index of 1924