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OUR PRIZES TEMPTING • Epinards Visit Forerunner of Other Foreign Invasions. — — ♦ ■ Wonderful Expansion of American Turf Illustrated by Statistics From 1908 to 1923. ♦ ■ MKW YORK, N*. Y., April 13.— That the contemplated visit of Kpinard is only the forerunner of a series of invasions by foreign liorses. whose owners will be attracted by the generous prizes offered for our best races is the belief of many students of the turf in this country. None of the great stakes here is restricted to horses foaled in the United States. They are anon to the world, and the temptation for breeders and owners elsewhere to send their thoroughbreds to try conclusions with our champions is very strong and will become more appealing as stake values increase. The breeding and owning of a good horse is a source of keen gratification to any sportsman, but the maintenance of a stud and racing stable is costly, taking one year with another. Under the circumstances it is difficult to ignore the so-called commercial side of the turf. Sport for sports sake is the thing, but there is a line line of demarkation between the point where sport ceases and commercialism begins. Those individuals who strike a happy medium, devoting their surplus earnings from racing to the improvement of their studs are the real hope cf the turf and its greatest safeguard for the future. ZKVS BIG WINNINGS. The fact that Zev was able to win 72,000 in a single campaign has probably not been overlooked by foreign turfmen. Individuals not averse to making money and having their si ort at the same time will be impressed with the belief that an American campaign might be worth while. Any foreign owner contemplating one would find it advantageous to make nominations in races like the Futurity. Belmont, I,awrence Realization and Coaching Club American Oaks, which have early closings; the first named for the produce of mares and the others for foals or yearlings. Kngagements in the Hopeful. Travers, Preak-ness, Kentucky l erby, Latonia Championship, Alabama, Maryland Futurity, Kentucky Jockey "lub Stakes and like fixtures for which entries may be made from three to nine months prior to their decision would !•• matters of routine after animals had demonstrated their worth. The pc ssibilities in the way of earnings by a good borM are amazing, as was shown in the cases of Zev and Man o War. whose campaigns covered but two years. Many of our present day stake fixtures are worth in the neighborhood of $.".0,000 to the winner and have corresponding values to the placed horses. BLOODSTOCK PRICKS GO IP. The value of these prizes has brought about an enhancement in bloodstock prices to the highest point in the history of the turf in the United States. In this connection the figures collet ted by I aily Racing Form are illuminating and interesting The expansion of the turf is illustrated by the statistics between MM and 1023. The figures for 19ft show a stake and purse distribution of H.3S1.691, and a yearling average of 44. The dark days of the turf between IMS and 11+14 were responsible for a diminution to an average of a trifle less than ,000,000 annually for stakes and purses, the low water mark being reached in 1911 when , 337, :»," ? was hung up for competition. The yearling average that year was correspondingly curtailed, the figure being .".0. The recovery between 1916 and 1018 was gradual with a distribution of , 12.", 347 and a yearling average of 27.53 for the latter year, but right after that there was a sharp advance with ,773,407 available for hOfO men in lJ20 when the yearling average increased to ,727.22. Last year found,675.-XI 1 offered for stakes and purses and the 640 yearlings sold publicly averaged I2.91S.SS. Wliile the yearling average of 1023 was not as gri at as in 1021 when the figures were ,273.72, nor yet in 1922 with its average of ,199.44 the returns were really better because 640 head passed under the hammer in 1923 as against 395 in 1921 and 534 in 1922.