untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-04-26


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HARVEY AMES Earle Building Boadway at 52nd Street NEW YORK, N. Y. Special Terms-5-Today,s Anniversary "Harvey Transaction " For today only terms have been reduced, with the understanding that if todays horse WINS at odds of 8 to 1 or better, 5 additional must be remitted on Monday; if less than 8 to 1, nothing further is due. Last year, under the same conditions, AMERICAN BOY WON at 8 to 1. It is the hope and aim of this office to duplicate last years success at a better price. No expense has been spared to make this a SUCCESS. Correct street address of subscribers MUST BE IN OUR OFFICE IN ORDER TO OBTAIN SERVICE. Attention is again drawn to impostors selling wrong horses as "Harvey Transactions" to the public. The only way to guard against receiving wrong horse is to deal directly with this office. We have no agents or representatives anywhere. We expect to prove again today why "Harvey Transactions" enjoy the popularity they do, and the reason we have imitators, but no competitors. TELEPHONES: Circle 2591, 2592, 2593 and 5749. ,- ; [ — p ravJp*!! LUI«r/ ggg"M|| • iy-7/Bk f ■S every day sanj ij.HUft SoM all News8tamU and C5 .special- IIERRHflRDl I ■■ fturo YOfCAN WIN liiiMMiiiiiiiM iiiSSilSSmmmSSSmSR j [*ffl EVaR w*r 00 "TODAY" - FREE A 5 "Flat-Play" on BOTH and ••Special" 1452 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY SPECIAL Should Net You 00 "W .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Dont miss this chance of "Cleaning Up" today m 0 » WAT #!** tnes6 * "Good Things" come from same source £% M f WJ that put over follown8" "Long Shots." yy ryjH £W% W I J-±U LlllL M.L WiJflm v«»« DERO.VDA J40-S2 TTON j~i A XT 7/f T ITCr sf SEA.W0LF - WON I AN Yf II J I JSr YESTERDAYS |1H FREE SPECIAL I EVELYN 2*2 WON V-r1 AKSXJ Vk-H-I | WILMER THE WIZARD J12-W WON TWFNTY THOUSAND DOLLARS » Ll0n " "» W on :-°« :„;fif! 1 TV i-jll 11 1 1 lV/V/lJ/TllL/ L/V/LiLirandllJ • I told yon to »ro "Bet the Limit" to win to mention"— And Jack Field rave all these winners. only. Again Bugles army of followers [ Of course you can. So can I, and I gfuess anybody can. But I am not j Thursdays 00 free special Botk Speciak" 1 ° PaJ going to promise you that. But how would you like to make NAUTICAL .80- WON § I/O *v* lOF WEDNESDAYS ADVERTISED LONG Y"v W*? SHOT SPECIAL These 2 "Specials" go at Lexington today, and M ifri TTir A V I SAGAMORE ...6.90- WON rZJZS£mm7ifS DtF" Y I I 11 II 1 I I II I ZJk ■ "WS TUESDAYS GRAND SPECIAL !bu* " forRet to tet *nd *1 Special" L ■ vJLJr t W vvv ATTILIA 60_ won "vrorr A,ents- Well, that is what I believe you can make on a small investment if Every day is a winnm* day for my follow- JggS5S3!Sand55i fc £L SLV crs* I DETROIT— Dunns. Michigan * Shelby Sts. ; you take advantage of todays horse which I expect to pay the limit. I TT V T A 7 * C» ! SSUandu andEt sth S» SCSU- Ave I . , ... I I II I /A T J Also All Other Cities. have spared no expense to make today s proposition as safe as possible. •*■ -"- -*- ** ■**■ Also mailed to you. 5 weekly. FIELD PUB. 00. mft% 4 "V . A twenty-five dollar flat play past sixteen days netted my followers about %and£ | f Jif 39 w- APAM3 ST CHICAG0 ,762.5o pnpp spFnA, oh, BOYS, LOOK ! which should convince yoa that my service stands in a class by itself. J, lAJUlJ L/l JjV/lillJ This system is still picking the long shots. Hero I actually believe that I have more Clients in Goes the fifth race at Havre. Here Is the ire a few: Dandybrush, S37.70-S2; Dan Boiling, best two-year-old showed this year. She will 1.70-; Lord Granite. 9.80-; Grass Maid. ! PsK* U/AI f Q»yf3 17 ■," | —lmtt w,n galloping. Also at 5.60-: Zoona. 7.00-52; Trafalgar, 4.90-; ±and*r W /A.l-.l_i OlrvLLl "*l3L I 17VrTrVT«"X/rVT Sp0t CaUi S11.90-W; Bomice Harrar, 52; ... . -. 1 -. ,. , LlllyVirNO 1 V-iM Drummond. 3.20-»2; A J. Buja, 3.90-; Que- than any other man in this business. If Wall btreet can listen to me -, ja • n c • l creek- *13-40-*2: chrome. 2.40-52 ; cioudiand. A Grand Opening Day Special ?n 10 *: -d * * - — b-of — with profit, so can you. Here Is the winner of the "Ashland Oaks." SYSTEM No. 2 H„T *° l° LeXlnert°n W,lh0nt BCiilB* tUe ™. wonderful .tem only had five loser. In YtPrdRvs Bitr Home- leSteraay S iJlg llOrse. Bogie. the lalt meetings at Bowie. Louisville and Leiing- B*rlr. Player, dont miss onr sheet to- i toa combined. The best bet only had two losers. i day. Rush to onr agents and buy the Bagle, La,8t S5f ,at Jam*ica vand Aqueduct combined | rAlKLIbnl, .0U-, nUPI i Bugle Publishing Co. WiiSSSSS. Th*n aftcr you 8:et them "-nd "" ,hey haTe not don« Suit OUlie a 1 1711 f 11 fir Ureal at JNOrinem "WrkT-tVinrn "Rlrla iSlag. ]ust », I advertise, I will gladly return your money. And, what is more, I expect todays proposition to be much better , Chicago, HI. j. h. CROSMAN than yesterdays. Go the limit today, and do not allow yourself to- be i and we will mail you, overnight,! box a palmyra, ind. switched. I pay thousands of dollars to make every proposition that I in a Plain sealed envelope the = : BUGLE for TW0 WEEKS and WISE MEN USE handle as safe as possible. The mere fact that I have operated under | mv own name for twenty-seven years should convince even the most UI OAL.E, |M| f ~ Pae„ skeptical that I am on the level. Wire your subscription by Western *** ■ TH READING CITIES T THE CIRCLE £1 Detroit — J Agdlt Union or Postal Telegraph. — Boobs and Suckers Guess . for sale at this stand only P. S. — Subscribe for a week promptly as I expect one of A the „ big- Think this over and you win foinw the circle RnmOV NaiiTCcf MM*! " ll lead* " winnc" anJ Prefits. The grratest gest propositions I have ever handled in a few days at about 30 to 1. Oagiey WeWSSiaiMl JgJTL ZSLS . Wo?eBn»kollowi UOr. WOOdWard and Monroe AveS. nvo comparative figures of all contesting horsei; J I „ . tlso classed" list of aged horses. ln irOnt 01 j 11KI.LK M1.VDE PLHLISHIM; TO. — — — — — — T 1 H iff P ° Box 731 Nashville. Tenn. tJagley Monument ,,Ihe Ihorobreds Eom9" , irv.MrTnMPArrC ° J JW$ 149391493914939 m s14939$ $ jut LEXINGTON RACES 1and PREDETERMINED and f I I OPUDCIIICD Re Lmm FREE! " m Timr nnAriTO !■ ll ll Jl llltl I" I ■■ r fl CLEVELAND— l-or Sale at: Lexington Races, o-w or two horses -Hrd !ai!y lUKr rKUrllb • UULl Ul Ul UUIIIILIIILbI O. C. Schroeder 212 East Superior Ave lirect ,rom track Unless r make ? " winner or, •• . T»,« MIKAI IK SSTKM I, nationally •» . . , ,., . ST. LOUIS— For Sale at: ZZj*? TTSSS m !? SSHm* C" th* ""* Americas Premier „ Clocker. »*»."« *t a I , ., „ „ th. m w„o«„ vasy for ,„. er-har„ r.r j Wm. Laser ?n Market street Ctar D. rjEE k r," lias s.ood .he ACID TEST for • Thirty years experience a. docker. CINCI NN ATI-For Sale at: a„d my ZJSLZ a« "a. shrewd as Iney com" fi " £5 SVgg.gLjgjg: * TOU CAN EMPLOV ME TO WORK TOR YOU "» ""SXhXXIS Si StrGetS whV/lreCrseth,dnodwCnlPPlne "d W— S? ■TEUrTCajS ** ,1S F°R ANY TEN DAY8 Eiler P. Goodman 227 Fourth Ave .*-+ W* to, the ten-day meetin, at Lex- payment* |,.id from your profits. Ab,o- ** ush your subtcripUon. Dont fail to send your And All l.eailintf N.-wsstaml*. ,ubscrlptlon car8 W««tem Union. Le X ,n t n K •» lulrly FREE. lOO pate r««inC manual. v» »ddres. From me you ret track conditions. No KANSAS CITY— For Sale at: CJACK CHISHOIM TFVTvrTnw vv •» review, .worn trst.monals. etc. Inveatl scratched horses, bat fit horses. My many clients Rickseckers Cigar Store 9th and Walnut Sts mAoxmm. lamus, KX. Sate today and make your Bookie obey. • w1" vouch for my marvelouj success at Kentucky DAYTON— For sale at , ._=» Futile ncatjon. Maxer | t twtL. B5 tf SLTlUS uphrafs .129 South Jefferson Street _ QnbsCribe fnn Daj,v Rarinf1 Fnrm OUUbW IUC JUI TOLEDO— For Sale Udlly ndCiny hOrm Jjt. Ba.iOlt" AT Ml JK. I HIl I ill or remit by express order in letter. at: Cand* " «*Si« Pr°P°*,tl0,ia not considered. Strictly cash only. St. Coir Newsstand Front of old post office DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO Hr% v* 1493914939 - 149391493914939 *HP"OK.NIX HOTEL LEXINGTOX, mmm, KY. Jsi.iomi j« is sold. "•* • *••»« citw. wtaw t*. K*ci , 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. M UsflllBK for DAILY HACi.M. buUM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924042601/drf1924042601_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1924042601_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800