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| I I ] COLUMBUS FORM CHART [j COLUMBUS, Ohio, Friday. April 25, 1*24.— Ben- lah Park tone mile. Sixth day. Capital City! Racing Association. Spring meeting of 19 days. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Associate Judge. W. R. Norvell. Racing Secretary, W. It. Norvell. Assistant Racing Seccretary, C. Stands. . Starter. I ester Dean. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time. 1:15. | . 7874. -z FIBST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug. 21, 1923 ; I uu i _i:02— 2— 108. Purse 00. 4-year-aids and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50. second. 00; third. 0. I, Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. St PI. Sh. , l78489;*Knot Grass 104 1« H Farland 150-100 | 77546 Cuhfa 107 2« S Banks 5560-100 77192 Dsjdla Rug 107 31 J Byrne 2040-100. 78185P.ud Fisher 102 4l D Randell 4110-100 | 78478 Stack Monkey 108 5» H Hay 1320-100 j I ] 77939 Yirge 107 6« F Seremba 820-100 i . 75288 W. P. Monty 107 71 R Holloway t360-100 I | 783865Jo sephine C. 108 8» T Honham 460-100, 75520 C.U3 Scheer 111 91 C OMahey t i 7ll86Jiol. Tex 107 10J W Martin t| 74676 P.obadil 107 11» D Froggtte 5160-100 694 76 Apple Jack II. 110 12 C Taylor 530-100 i tMutuel field. Time, 1:02%. Track fast. I mutuels paid Knot Grass, .00 straight. .40 place, .60 show: Califa, 2.60 place, 0.60 [ show; Dudle Bug. 2 20 show. ! Equivalent hooking odds Knot Grass, 150 to 100 , straight. 120 to 100 place. SO to 100 show: Califa. 1530 to 100 place, 1430 to 100 show; Dudle Bug. 510 to 100 show. i Winner -Q, N. Freemans ch. g, 5, by Short • ■Tsbjbjsj Gentlewoman, by Sain I trained by C. N. Freeman; bred by Short Grass Stud. Went to i ost at 2:15. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 7S390»Ballynew. 108; 7S533Mad Nell. 108; 78533 Josie M.. 105; 77918 First Blush, 110. Overweights — Knot Grass, 2 pounds; Virge, 2; Gus Scheer. 4; Apple Jack II., 3. 7R57R SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April l ou l u 23 i923_i;05%— 7— 104. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to ! winter 76; second, 5; third. 0. Ind Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. 2t. ■" »h. | | 78533 Winchester 107 1 F Seremba 1950-100 78339 Bill Blackwell 113 21 J Winans 880-100 i 78533-Wilton Flannal03 3»* J Jones 320-100 78S87 Joyce Hoffmanlll 4l L Aron 140-100 I ] 78533 Hysteria 108 51 T Bonham 1410-100 ! , 78391 Lieut. Perkins 104 6» W MarUn 1320-100 1 78533 Kendall 110 7« F Hunt 1100-100 73782 Mavrose 108 8» R Holloway 2890-100 1 78431Red 110 9 W Dunkson 1300-100 | Time. 1:09. Track fast. mutnels paid Winchester, 1.00 straight. i 2.80 place, .S0 show; Bill Blackwell. .80 ; place. .00 show; Wilton Klanna. .80 show. , Equivalent liooking odds Winchester. 1950 to | 10O ftraight. HMO to 100 place. 390 to 100 show; , Mil Blackwell. 390 to 100 place. 250 to 100 show ; j I Wilton Flanna. 90 to 100 show. Winner H. MclJueHinss b. h. 6. by The Manager Miss Declare, by Dick Welles trained by G. Mi-Bride; brrd by Messrs. J. I. Carr and Bro. I i Went to post at 2:49. At post 1 minute. Start : good and slow Won handily; sc. oud and third driving Scratched TMM Qulncy Ward, 107; 77614 Flor I enee B. Walker. 100: 7S521 Blue Miss. 100; 7S547 I.ucky Pearl, 107; 74907= Our Kate, 105; 7."320 Hoover, 113; 78548 Without. 102. t»verweights — Winchester, 3 pounds; Red. 3. 7R7fi THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April IOc,u 23. 1923— 1:05 j— 7— 104. Purs* 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; seoend, 5; third, 0. Ind. Horse. Wt Fin Jockey SL PI 8h. 7851 9 -Reluctant 105 V H Farland 450-100 78521 Stacy Adama 110 2» F Hunt 300-100 78519 Punctual 106 31 O Atwell 1100-100 74873 Dixie Dick 119 41 R Carter 2130-100 784 79»*Mr. Beck 99 61 D Randell 8.0-100 7794 4«Snnierby 97 6* J Paz 530-100 l 78385 S:in--ho PansyllO 7l W Dunkson 7S0-100 78548 Miss Etta 100 81 W Martin 1620-100; 1 78547 Ruth Wehle 101 9 H Paden U350-100 i 78435 Prairie 108 10» C Greenwd t 78485 Primus 110 11* W Franklin t 77616 Forewarn 118 12 T Bonham 1800-100 ! I tMutuel field. Time, 1:09%. Track fast. I mutnels paid -Reluctant. 1 00 straight, .80! j place. .20 show: Stacy Adams. .20 place. .00 i show: Punctual, .80 show. Eiuivalent booking odds Reluctant. 450 to 100 straight. 190 to 100 pl.v e. 110 to 100 show: S-:ny A. lams. 110 to 100 pla-e, 10J to 100 show; Punctual, 290 to 100 show. Winner W. II. Coopers br. g. 6. by Sweep — c.nnwnd, by Goldfinch i trained by C. N. Freeman; bred by Mr. W. H Oota. Went to post at 3:20. At post 2 minutes. Start good and siow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 78458 Cacambo. lit; 78536 Lank. 110: 78547 Eddie Tranter, 104; 7S547 The Muleskinner, 104. Overweights Ruth Wehle. 4 pounds; Prairie. 4. 7 8K77 FOURTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. April • ow ■ ■ 23. 1923— 1:05%— 7— 104.1 purso 00 3-year-clds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third, 0. I In» Ban* Wt Fin. Jockey St. PI Sh. 78309 Ai guinental 108 1» II Farland 940-100 78433 Baths Dream 109 2» C Grosa 630-100 ! 75242,Balefull 11a 3* J Majeatlo 630-100 78523Gret Nuithn 109 4l T MiCormk 680-100 1 [j . I, I ] . I | i i I [ ! , i • ! | | i I ] ! , 1 1 | i ; , | , j I I i : I 1 i ! I I j i I ! 1 78548 Mel vlna 108 6 A Roach 210-100 78548 My Error 107 6» D Froggtte 1350-100 784 77 Copperhead 111 71 G Dyson 2080-100 78524 •Patsy Howe 110 V C Hooper 1440-100 Daisy Carter 108 9 W Franklin 1110-100 Time, 1:10. Track fast. mutuels paid Argumental. .80 straight. .80 place. .00 show: Seths Dream, 20 place. .40 show: Baleful, .60 show. Equivalent booking odds Argumental. 340 to 100 straight. 140 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show: Seth s, 210 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Balefull. ISO to 100 show. Winner — Kenton Stables ch. f. by Marathon — Argument, by The Commoner trained by L. G. Bedwell: bred by Mr. H. G. IVdwelli. Went to post at 3:50. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving, second and third tha same. Scratched 7S563 Red Weed, 110, 78312-Dunoon. 111. Overweights -Melrina, 3 pounds; Copperhead, 1; Daisy Carter, 3. 78578 FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 23. 1923— 1:05%— 7— 104. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 00; third, 0. Eq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78534 Pepper Tea 108 ll W Smith 150-100 78487 Stamp 113 2i H Farland 390-100 77932 Avispa 108 3- W Taylor 630-100 78433 Pawnbroker 98 4 * O Atwell 510-109 78522 Ranker Brown 114 5« W Martin 1240-100 75300 Blossom Houselll 6» A Casey 3680-100 78486* Briar Sweet 98 7 D Randell 3160-100 78027 lOestd Boy Kst 81 N Burger 2140-100 75297 Merry Mars 114 9 W Dunkson 2610-100 Time. 1:08%. Track fast. mutuels paid Pepper Tea, .00 straight, 00 place. .80 show: Stamp, CO place, 00 show; Avispa. 20 show. Equivalent booking odds — Pepper Tea. 150 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Stamp. 80 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Avispa, 110 to 100 show. Winner -J. Hays b. m, 5. by Peter Quince -Green Pepper, by Ruskln trained by J. Hays; bred by Messrs. A. E. Hundley 4 Son. Went to post at 4:20. At post 2 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 7S564?Sun Brae. 112: 74908 Pony Express, 112; 7S458?JoIly, 110; 78534«Jago. 110; 78551 Palmetto, 108; 7S551 Full o Fun, 108; 78535 Zero, 99. Overweights- Briar Sweet, 2 pounds; Crest wood Boy. 2. 178579 ■"««« SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards, April 21. 1923—1:48—6—115. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. ! i Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78551 •tTada Velo 103 11 D McAuliffe 260-109 78485 Lucky Run 113 21 L Aron 350-109 78566 -Horeb 113 3« W Martin 400-109 78523 Scraps 111 4" J Majestic 1120-100 78411 Florence Deen 107 5« R Holloway 2130-100 77982 Jacquerie 111 6» W Tavlor 760-109 78551 Great Lady 111 7 C Gross 430-109 Time, 1:48%. Track fast. mutuels paid- Un.le VeU», 20 straight. .20 place. .80 show; I in ky Run, 00 place, 20 show; Horeh, 00 show. Equivalent booking odds Uncle Velo. 260 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show: Lucky Run. 100 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Horeh. 50 to 100 show. Winner T. II. Bernhardts b. g. 6. by Uncle-Velocity, by Henry of Navarre trained by D. Womeldorff; bred by Mr. H. P. Headley. Went to post af 4:.V At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 77011 Current Events, 108. Overweight- Florence Deen. 1 pound. 7858 0 SEVENTH RACE— 1 116 Miles. Aug. 20. 1923—1:50—5—113. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Eq. O.Ida Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 78477*Newport 102 1» D McAuliffe L150-100 78538Dewitt 107 2« W Smith 130-100 78536 Farewell Taps 107 3« T MiCormk 1220-100 78551 Gex 107 41* A Kroger 750-100 78536 Leta 108 5 C Greenwd 7r 0-100 78538 Verdi Loon 103 6* II Hay 460-100 75236 ? La Kro33 103 71 D Randell 1330-100 78536 Mr. X. 108 Sl W Taylor 1710-100 78521 Polite 110 9 O Atwell 1160-100 78537 Kau Gallie 113 Wild J O Brien 1520-100 Time. 1:51%. Track fast. mutnels paid Newport. ." 00 straight. 1.00 place, .00 show: Ihnvitt, .40 place, $..10 show; Farewell Taps. so skew. Equivalent booking odds Newport, 2150 to 100 straight. 480 to 100 place. 350 to HM show; !i. mh, 70 to DX place, 70 to 100 show; Farewell Taps. 140 to 100 show. Winner .1. B. Lewis b. f. 4. by Ballot Hill Top. by Clifford t, trained by J. E. Iewis; bred by s. k. Nictate. Went to swttt at 5:20. At post 3 minutes. Start good and stow few all but Gallie. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 7MK0 Wauk-ag. 105; 7V.02 My Lor--aine. KKL 78566 Little Ed, 105; 78538 II. C. l.iisch, 110. Overweights Newport. 4 pounds; Dewitt, 2; Fare-1 well Taps, 4; Gex. 4; l -ta, 5.