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SCHUYLER FLOYD Calvert Building, Broadway at 41st Street Bryant 6333 New York City TODAY THE THIRD GREAT SENSATIONAL EVENT The Five Hundred Dollar "Schuyler Investment9 at Havre De Grace JUST A FEW HOURS MORE!!! EVERY DETAIL COMPLETE!! ! NOTHING LEFT UNDONE !! ! Every Means of Protection— the Best That Human Enterprise Can Produce — Have Been Taken to Safeguard the Result Against Loss. To Assure Our Clients of Adequate Returns This Investment Must Yield 1,000 Per Cent Profit— 10 to 1— or Next Five Hundred Dollar "Schuyler Investment" at Jamaica, May 1st, Gratis MAKE YOUR WISHES COME TRUE ! ! ! SUSCRIBE FOR IT THIS MORNING! !! INVEST IN I T THIS AFTERNOON ! ! ! PROFIT BY IT THIS EVENING ! ! ! Terms: Five Hundred Dollars in Advance This inveitmrat 1st the BEST OF THE BEST and -worthy of far higher terms. HERES CONVIHCING EVIDENCE of the supremacy that the time-tested "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" enjoy and Below la their proven record of safety. Saturday. April 12. at Bowie The Blazoned Five Hundred Dollar "SCHlYLER INVESTMENT" LISTEN DEARIE, S10.10-K2 WON. This contianou progress followed The Five Hundred Dollar "SCUIYI.BR INVESTMENT" BARN DOLLAR. S12-2U-S2. WON March 11 at Tijuana • . .,Tb*b *WO £,T* Hundred Dollar "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" are teats of safety. The only hundred dollar "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" released Mac* April 1 have paid as follows: Thursday, April 3: 4 M00N MAG,C 8-30" W0N "Z7~Z v„;.y.;-;,; a.j.buja $ 6.30- won HIDDEN JEWEL 3.30- WON s.t««.y, APm 10: Thursday, April lO: WARNING 3.10- WON FREEZY SNEEZY $ 5.20- WON With one losing horse which was subjected to the non-controllable occurrence interference dntshlns; second. The "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" are like "Sterling" on Silver— THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION GARS WEEKLY 35 CEMTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS TODAYS FREE CODES: HATBE— WYOMING -BHOWN -BOX SUN LEXINGTON— MICHIGAN -IVOBY-RIVEH- PURPLE TTader NO coasideratioa whatever fail to ret these two FREE CODES. PARLAY THEM, win and place. YESTERDAYS SPECIAL: Lion dOr, .00-, Won GARS WEEKLY and GARS DAILY has set them talking from one end of the country to an-otkar. TODAY 00 Special Free!! to everyone that subscribes for a months to GARS WEEKLY, which is . Do you want this 00 SPECIAL? Then WIRE S5 to GAR PTO. CO. FIRST THING this morning- and wo will wire it to yon FREE, and also mail each week for 5 months GARS WEEKLY CERTAINLY A BARGAIN and remember that 4 Straight 00 Specials Won And this one comes just as strong. Wire to GAR PUBLISHING CO., 43S S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. Two Live Ones Today— Get the BEST. SI. 00 Daily at All Newsstands— .00. Cincinnati Agent, Fountain News Stand. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago THREE WINNERS and a second ont of last FIVE CODE SPECIALS. TODAY S CODE SPECIAL: Apnl-Plum-16-18-99-31 Get Book on Bale New. Containing Cede Good for Next Week, loo at all new. lands. STANDARD TTTRF GUIDE 408, 81 W. Qaiacy St Ohica*-e, HL THESWMINCLEADHl cSxncai jreateit Sport Paper 25CENT5- FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS fe"" YESTERDAYS / AA FREE CODE: Mr Lion dOr fuSto .00- Won S3 And just as I told S; y°u ne was t** — -5 _, REAL, GOODS. TODAY we got two that comes extremely strong and as we WANT all our READERS to WEW we cannot resist giving you these two FREB CODES, although unannounced in the paper. They are TODAYS SPECIAL CODES: Havre — Dunkirk-Human-Latent-Oanal- Parch And believe THIS is a IJVE ONE Lexington— Memphis-Might-Intent-Honor-Level Get the SPORTING LEADER and you will find code on PAGE 3. TODAY ALGERNS 0 SPECIAL Given Free Here is your chance again today. I ell yoa here is the GRANDEST CHANCE you ev«r saw; dont miss it; also a Big Lexington Special Expect 15-1 on this one. You couldnt GUESS th!«= one. so LETS GO. FOR THESE TWO ASK FOR Al Gems Specials at Newsstands LEXINGTON— FOR SALE: Newsstands Main and Lime Streets LOUISVILLE— FOR SALE: Eiler and Goodman 227 4th Street NOTICE— MONDAY I will release a proposition calculated to bring joy to my friends. Wire names. JOE MC CARTY SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YORK Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will ho mailed you for on* weeks trial. Xo charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day en the scale of play. For particulars mail this ad., with your same and address to J. K. WILLIS *U Thirtieth St. Miami Beech, Fla.