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I . j Entries and Past Performances TIJUANA ■ TUESDAY, APRIL 6 ! WKATIIIOIl li.Ol DV : TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading Rec," in the entries below show ths best time o? each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a last or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. I tSORT IS FIHST INDEX OF 195«. 00403 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL Racing Marts at 1 :4J p. m. Chicago tim 3:401. ® Superior mud runner. XOood mud runner. $: Fair mud runner. M Maiden*. ■ Apprentice allowance. The following abbreviation* are used to desisn.ite tracks at winch time records shown in entriee were made: "Akron Ak CKing Edward K Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park Lr Aurora At tLansdowne Park ...LP Belmont Park BP Latonia L% Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Ln Blue Grass BO Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBrooklyn Park Br Marlboro Mb Churchill Downs... .CD Miami M: tColumbut Ce i Mobil- Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal MP. Connaught Park CP Niagara Fallt KF tDufterin Park Du Omaha Om tConneaut Lake CL Orlando Or Dade Park DP Phoenix Pii tDelorimier Dl Pimllco Pni Devonshire De Raceland V..1 Dorral Do Reno R» Empire Em tSalt Lake SL Fair Grounds EG Saratoga Sa Fairmonnt Park . . FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TB Hamilton Hm Thorncliffe Tb IHastings Park HP Tijuana Ti HavTe de Graoe HG tTimonhrm Tm Hawthorns Hw Toledo To ni va na Hv United Hants TJH Huntington Hu tWheeling Wh Jamaica Ja I Willows Paik WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wt tKemptoti Park KP Woodbine Wo Kenilworth Ke lYoungstown "ff© IR.Mgniie* hair-mile track. Tijuana Kile Track. First Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2 year olds. Maidens. Track record: March 23, 1924 :53%— 2 118. Todays Ind Horse* Post Pos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. 00512" Assa lift. 4 1 1 ■ . ■ tXk 00272 Palolo. I TilOO :55% 115. 720 90440* Shasta Negrn. 2.. 115. 715 00626 Sergeant Seth. ITi 118 :54% US. 710 00526 Cum Moots, 6. . .Ti 110 :" « 108. .705 00526 Toil Sloan. 7 Ti 110 :5«% 108.. 700 00468 Nasi.- Wing. S..Ti 107 :57% 105.. 095 9*701 1*1 Jolla. r. 100. .COO Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 19. 1924 1:01% 4 106. 00469- 1 oomb*. 3 Ti 107 1:08% 8 110X725 00470 Doctor Tubbs. 12. Hu 106 1:08% 7 115X720 00437 Rcmorecarcful. 11 Ti 108 1:08 7 110«:715 00521 Mack Pal. 1 ..Ti 116 1:08% ■ 115.710 00132 Ostfm Ila!l. ." . Ti 112 1:11% 4 115x705 00470 Full Moon. 9 ..Hv 102 1:08% 8 113X700 00363 Star Curse iM. 7 Ti 95 1:08% 3 100.695 00521 I lorn-reek iM. 10 Ti 110 1:10% 4 110. .680 88340 Assent M. O.Ti 102 1 10%s g 100X«S5 00273 Pigmy IM. 4 Ti 90 1:08, ■ 100. .680 S0441 Flower of MM i M i . 8 I 90 . . 675 00432 Lilliputian tM,2 3 100.670 Third Raco— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 0O 3 year ! ls and upward Claiming. Tract record Jan I.l. 1924 1:04% 4 106.1 00469 Msroritt, 9 Ti 114 1:09 I 115.. 725 00470 Shady Brook. I ITi 111 1:09% 4 115. .720 00432- i.cncral Frver M. 3 Ti 104 1:07% 5 110.. 715 03437 Tolicha. 1 Ti HIM 3 100x710; 00021* Swift Lady. 4. IT ill COS I 93:-: 705 00469 Midnight Bell, 10 Ti 107 1 :0S - ■ 10* TOO 00513 Qlaaaar, i ....TI los i io-- 7 MS. .ON I 00439 False Alarm. 7 Ti 112 1 :0i % 5 ll£XCM| 00363 Hen Kripp Ml, 6 Ti 102 1 :0D% ;. 105. I 85 00395 Hard lk-aler M. 8 Ti 108 1:10 I 108. 080 C0469 Wikiup Papoose Mi, I Ti 108 108U 4 108 .675 j Fourth Rice — 5-8 Mile. Curse 00 3 -year -olds and i.pwurJ. Claiming I Track record: March 7. HQft :59 and 114 I 00169 Meddling Seth. I Ti 123 1 :01 5 1 1I 725 00437 Rose Holier! s. 4 Ti 111 1:02% 7 MM..19B 0O395 Wild Thoughts, 3 Ti 101 1:01% 8 106X715 00516 Miss Batata c. 9 Ti 111 1:02 7 111 .710 00437 Pat Carter. 5 . .Ti 109 1:01% 11 113 705 00437 Cocksure, 11 TI 112 1:02 4 lllXTMl , 00524 Rattle Rent. 12 Ti 111 1 01 u 5 108 695 1 00185 Nick Klein. 7. ..IT 111 1:02% io 10S - 090 1 99633 Fay wood, 1 Ti 102 1:02 It ION . iiS5 , 00134 Cuba, 2 Ti 97 1:01% 9 106X61S0 1 00515 Miss Omor-.d. 10 Ti 105 1:02% 4 100/075: 00074 Laara Qaftacy, ■ Om M 1 :02% 6 HI ,70 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pane 00. 3 year oIiIh ami upward. Claiming. Tra k record: March 26. 1924 1:42-7 101.. WW Hooneville. 7. . . .Ti 1 13 1 :49% 9 110x725! 00304 Four-O Five. 5 ..Ti HIS 1:47% I 110. 720 00476 Star Cloudy. 4 Ti 114 1 :4i 5 110X715, 00513 Brad Itrown. I... 8 10S:;:710 00365* Nona Marie. 9. .Ti 10 1:16 I 89 X 705 | 00317 Keala. I Ti Ml 146 t 110/700| 00519 Doctor Rlucs. 2 Ti IDS 1:46 9 115.. 695 | . 00522 Hrnee, 8 Ti 10.5 1:49% 5 110 690 I 00470 Marine Corps. 10 Ti 108 1:45% S110..CS5i j 00397 Es.-ort. 3 ... Ti 99 1 :4sc 4 106 ..MB Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming, j Track record: March 26. 1924 1:42 -T— IM. 198819 If. Warren, 2.11104 1:47% 6 110x725 1 00471- Delhi Oirl. 5. Ti 101 1:4S% 4 99 x 720 i 0C176* Hayseed. I 6 113.. 715 I 00522* Peter Pierson, 4Ti 110 1:46% 6 110X710; 00528 Hyanpom. 9 ...Ti 100 1:43% 8 110x705 00476 Colonel Lit. 7. .Ti IM 1 :45% 9 110.70 00515 Praiseworthy. STi 103 1:46 5 115. 695 j 00365 Harry Maxim. 3.. Ti 113 1:46% 7 118x680 99987 Hal Wright. 1 ... 7 115X6S5 Seventh Race — 1 Mile. Purse $ 00. 4-vear -olds ami upward. Claiming. J Track record: Jan. 20. 1924 1:37%— T 4 9. 0O439 HKE-ECHMIADEK. 6 Ti 109 1:40% I 104X7301 00020 Duty Roy. 5. . .Ti 91 1:40% 6 104X72OI 00372 Setlis Memory. 3 Ti 109 1:41% I 105. .715 , 00473 Reap. 4 DP 106 1:40% I 107x710 1 C0517 Tiapail. 8 Ti 115 1:40% 5 115x705 | 00315 Hands Cp. 1 TI 111 1:41% 5 JO7X70O, 00473* Spear Shot. 2. .Ti 110 1 : 10% 5 110x695! 00372- Poppiua, 7 TJ 104 1:40% 4 110. .690 Eighth Race — 3-4 Mile. I Purse 00. 3-year old* and upward. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 19. 192A 1:10% -4 120. I ■ 00475 Al Hotfoot. ■ ..Ti 113 1:12% 5 115 725 00475- Hilarity. I 5 113x720 00520- lermout .lr . 7 Ti 99 1:13% 3 101. .715 00309 Emma lloaland.2 Ti 108 1:14% I 92x710 i 00399" I.ady Ro*e. 4 . .Ti 113 1:13% 6 108x705 I 00399 Chopsticks. 3 Mil 109 1 12% 5 118x700 i 00520 Serena. 1 Ti ll 5 1 16%sy 5 108X695 ; 00209 Rank Jr., 8 ...Ti 112 1:1.;%* 3 106. 690 Ninth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. I year olds and upward. hiimin. Track record: Jan. 19, 1924 1:04% 4 106.1 O03C9* Ravage King. 6. Ti 105 1:07 3 102.725 00524 Happv. 2 Ti 109 1:07% 3 96. 720 00371 A. Lester, 3 Ti 90 1:08% I 109. 715 00436 Queen Hess. 7. .Ti 105 1:07% 5 110x710 00520 The Caff. 9 To 104 1:07% I 112X705 00280 liolden Red. S.Ti 111 1:07% 11 108X700 03529 Rotarian. 5 Ti 113 1:07 4 108X695 i 99214 Sunny Maid, 4 1 i 108 1:07% 3 94x690 I 00279 Huddv, 1 Ti 109 1:09% I 109 v 685