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_ w , — _ — T. C. BRADLEY RESIGNS LEXINOTOX, Ky.. April 20. Following the opening of the meeting of the Kentucky State Racing Commission this morning. Thomas C. Bradley at a meeting of the Kentucky Association resigned as its vice-president and general manager and Thomas S. Scott was elected to succeed him. The racing commission appointed Messrs. Charles F. Price, S. C. Nuckols. T. C. Bradley and W. S. Sherwood to be a license committee. It will hold sessions on Wednesday and Thursday and make its report on Friday. IScst move of the day at the Kentucky Association track was made by J. T. Looneys Alleghan. bay colt by B *ei eat — Tea Pin. which went a mile in 1 :41. Other gallops at a mile were Happy Hob. 1:44; Skivesdale. 1 :44Vr. and Spanish Lay. 1 :4.".*-,. Mose Coldhlatt got in with eight horses. The stables of .. Frank Croissant and Phil T. Chinn are expected tomorrow.