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Dick Welles Selections At Havre De Grace GOI.IIKN PKNNANT— LF.NA RINKHVKT— MASTKK WILLIAM. GOLDEN PKNNANT looks like a sure! thing to take the opening race, which calls i j for maiden two-year-olds to race over the j j four and a half furlongs distance. This! , Whitney-bred and owned eolt by Pennant has shown ■ world of speed in his trials and 1 j in his last two races finished nearest to i j ; the winner. He MM to run faster the fur-i i ther he goes and as this will be his first j time at this longer distanee. look for him to do much better. UBNA RINBHART, in , j her only start, finished third, but was manv lengths away from the leader. She is a little better than rated, however, and should 1 go well here. MASTER WILLIAM, if he were to run to his morning trials, would | be the MM to take the show money. This , i son of Kseoba has been whispered about as a worthy representative of his daddy and j if he ever feels in a running mood in a race , will prove to be a keen contender. OON AN— AYF. WOMAN— GAL ATI A. iOOXCAX figures to be the winner of the second race, in which twenty are entered and a big field in prospect at post time. j This racer is in top form at the present and only needs to get a few lucky breaks to chalk up another score to his credit. His last t performance | was a creditable one when he » was home in front of his opponents at Howie. i In a large field, the horse or horses lucky f enough to escape the inevitable crowding ? usually fare the best at the finish. OOON-CAN - is a fast breaker and this is to his s j advantage. CAVE WOMAN raced twice at t Bowie and in each of those races was just t a little short. Its said now that she is in n trim and as she is also a fast starter will 1 | very likely be the one closest to the winner r at the finish. GALATIA. in her present t good form, dopes to be the one to take down n j the show money for her stable. Ml N;0— I. A 1Y iil.ASKKN— U Y.M KHAN A. 1 MUXGO ran a good race his last out and ll| would have been returned the winner had • he not tared slightly wTien racing through ni . the stretch. At the end he was only beaten less than a length in third place. Swenke e i has him in fine erudition right now. and he c is poinp to prove a tough one to heat. t. LADY M.AWMPI ran a smashing; race her i last out and needs but to repeat that per-| ■- formance to be sure of getting a slice of the e . penw. GYMKHANA finished behind LADY Y CLASSICS" in. her last race, and a like effort . today would find her close up at the finish, a. p She will also be benefited by having to carry y eight pounds less than she did her last race. p. i j j j , 1 j i ; j i j , j 1 | , i j , t » f ? - s t t n 1 r t n 1 ll| ni e he c t. i ■- e Y a. y p. DONARITA— 7.KOI1— tJRKKN BLAZES. j. Another bulky field is in prospect in the fourth race, and on figures, DONARITA 2 2 appears to be the one with the most likely n 3 chance of winning. She finished a bang-up second to Flint in her last out and should 4 go well here. ZEOD and ORKKN BLAZES will very likely furnish the most trouble for the winner, with th° formers chances liked the best for getting the place portion of the purse. He won his last two races at Bowie 6 g land right nw is in his best form. QREEN BLAZES also scored in her last start and, if -. 7 she runs as kindly today, should have no trouble in saving the show money. I.OTKII INK- CLIQIK— PRIM K HAM1.F.T. 1 The fifth race on the card is called the -i 2 Bayview Purse, and is the intended feature. If LOYED ONES last race is thrown out 2 3 of the calculations, she stands the best chance of winning it. it was h-r first ap- 4 4 pearanee this year, and she may not have been quite ready. She is a speedy trick 5 -when in a running mood and could beat this bunch easily. CLIQUE did not ro n well in his last race but is capable of doing much better and should l e able to land in second place. Bedwell has been priming PRINCE 7 HAMLET for a winning effort for some time now and. if the first two fail, look j for him to be the one to cop. DR. OMARA — HOWARD UBAY— ROTATION. , Ordinary platers meet in the sixth over the mile and an eighth route. DR. OMARA dopes many points higher than anything else in the race and is looked for to be the easiest winner of the day. EDWARD CRAY S 2 j finished in front of DR. OMARA in his last ] | ! start, but that racer was more or less lucky 4 and dont look for him to be able to repeat : that effort today. He should be able to get j the place portion of the purse. QUOTATION 17 I had a mighty fine workout the other day and on the strength of that trial is given the call over the others for the show end of j the purse. RRKAM OF TIIF. VALLEY— SOU II JtKFF./.K— l»l KLINL DREAM OF THE VALLEY came to Ufa in his last race when he easily led home Rupee and Manifold. If he were to show th" | same effort today he should score again as i easily as his last out. SOUTH BREEZE did not do so well in his only start at this course but he is said to be in the "pink" at the present. If he were to run to his morn-•t j ing trials would be the one to get home in second place. DUCBXJNO merely cantered 1] | home la her last race. Th" same effort to-I I day would make her dangerous company.