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FAIRMOUNT PARK COLLINSVILLE ILL SATITBDAY JUNE 4 1927 Fairmonnt Park 1 Mile Seventh day Fair mount Jockey Club Inc Spring meeting of 32 days Weather clear Stewards T C McDowell J B Campbell and A T Spivey Placing Judges B Berryman JG Rceder and R S Shelley Starter AV Snyder Racing Secretary J B Campbell Racing starts at 145 p m Chicago time 245 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race Indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIEST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Doctor Glenn Nov 3 1925 1JG 5 108 Purse 1COO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 7CO second 200 third 100 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Eqnir Book Strt 08237 POLAND WB C 10S 2 2 1 1 1 1 R Pafqln J G Brown 970100 13388 QUEN OF ALLAHw 4 108 5 5 4 5 4 2 L Gevlns VHBlanton 1950100 13980 STARLESS w 3 106 3 6 T 31 51 3 F J Baker Mrs G H Abbott 785100 13643 ROYAL CHARLIE w 8 113 1 1 8 8ak 6 41 D Frostte H Herron tSOO100 11366 THE CAPTAIN w 3 108 4 3 2 21 2 5 L Pichon A L Kirby t 13944 MURKY W 4 103 12 7 5 7 8 6 H Pbllpbt E McCuan 7210100 7210100139441FALLEN 139441FALLEN LEAF w 3 105 8 4 31 4h 311 71 L Aron Missouri Stable 225100 10982 SPECIAL w 5 113 7 S 6 61 71 S1 N Burger S W Grant t 13980 BOBBY JONES w 3 105J1Q 9 10 94 91 91 W Curran Capital Stablo 405100 13946 = GAY HALLIE w 3 105 11 11 U ll lOl 104 C Yatea W M Cain 5S5100 08627 DOUBLE RNBOAVw 4 105 910 91 101 II1 L McClalr AV J AVhalen 18445100 12372 BECKY SUE w 4 111 6 12 12 12 12 12 L Lang Mrs J Phillips 1140100 1140100f f Field Time 24 49 102 109 Track good 2 certificates earned Poland 2140 straight 1200 place 750 show Queen of Allah 2170 place 1220 show Starless G40 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Poland 970 to 100 straight 500 to 100 place 275 to 100 show Queen of Allah 985 to 100 place 510 to 100 show Starless 220 to 100 show showAVinncr AVinncr B g by Polymelian 1 May by The Commoner trained by J G Brown bred by Hlmyar Stud AVinner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 151 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start bad and slow AVon easily second and third driving drivingPOLAND POLAND showing the most speed raced into a good lead at once and holding It well won easing up QUEEN OF ALLAH saved much ground on the stretch turn and finished fast STARLESS came fast when ridden hard and finished well ROYAL CHARLIE stumbled soon after the start then closed a big gap FALLEN LEAF tired in the last eighth THE CAPTAIN tired badly GAY HALL1E began badly BECKY SUE was practically left at the post postScratched Scratched 13857JFoxmore 108 13855 Foretell 111 139785nobson 113 13802 Mickey Free 113 13471 Ben Omar 103 02500 Mussolini 103 103Overweights Overweights Fallen Leaf 2 pounds Bobby Jones 2Vi Gay Hallie 2 SECOND EACE 58 Mile Candy Queen June 24 1926 100 2 101 Purse 1000 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses A AVtriSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Book Strt 13542 FRANK FULLEN w 112 5 3 4 410 31 lh L Pichon F Swain 1 13908 HOMEWOOD w 112 2 1 2 2 21 2 L McClair C G AVeiland 2U 2Uiuv iuv 13904 13904SCLEORA SCLEORA w 109 3 2 I1 I1 11 3 R Cheham I Jonca 295100 13542 LILA G w 109 1 4 31 31 4s 4k L Lans AV M Cain i iSHASTA SHASTA KLAN w 111 4 5 51 5nk 5 5l H Elston Brown Ssta Sfk Fm St 35CO100 35CO100SWEEPANOLA SWEEPANOLA w 110 6 6 6 6 6 G D Frpette H T Archibald 2200100 2200100Time Time 24 49 101 Track good 2 certificates earned Frank Fullen 470 straight 310 place 270 show Homewood 330 place 280 show Cleora 260 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Frank Fullen 135 to 100 straight 55 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Homewood 55 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Cleora 30 to 100 show showAVinncr AVinncr B c by Lucky Hour Rainbow Division by Stalwart trained by F Swain bred y Mr AV E Caskey Jr JrWENT WENT TO POST 227 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same sameFRANK FRANK FULLEN began slowly but saved much ground on the stretch turn and Incky in finding racing room got up to win in the last stride under a good ride HOMEWOOD probably best raced well and would have won but for racing wide on the stretch turn CLEORA showed the most early speed and finished fairly well LILA U was close up for a half mile but tired tiredOverweight Overweight Shasta Klan 1 pound THIED EACE 1 Mile Edward Gray Oct 23 1926 139 6 112 Purse 10CO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 203 third 100 Index Horses AAAtPPSt ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Book Strt I3950SWEEPNET w 4 110 4 3 lll 1J I1 11 1 C Yates P Reutcr 150100 1501001390GLORIA 1390GLORIA QUAYLEwn 5 103 8 4 2 2s 21 2 2 H Philpot E McCuan 475100 13689 TALEQUA WB 5 115 3 1 31 35 3 3 3 E Legere K Pitt 2101CO 13867 AVILLIES MAID WB 4 103 5 8 6J 51 4h 4l 41 L McClair AV S Trevey 1400100 140010013808LETTER 13808LETTER SIX WB 4 113 2 5 51 4h 6 5s 5 R Pafqln E A Crcceliua 1935100 13424 CHARLEY IRWINw 3 107 7 7 4h 51 61 61 L Geving W C Weant 6210100 6210100138131WILLM 138131WILLM DIGGINSw 4 113 1 2 71 71 7 7 7 W Curran New Orleans Stablo 1SKMOO 13978 BETSY BACON w 5 107 668 8 8 8 8 L Lang Mrs J Phillips 2305100 2305100Time Time 24 4S 115 141 Track good 2 certificates earned SweepNet 500 straight 320 place 270 show Gloria Quayle 110 place 290 show Taleqiia 280 show Equivalent booking SweepNet 150 to 100 straight CO to 100 place 33 to 100 show Gloria Quayle 103 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Talequa 40 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B f by Sweep Netie K by St Martin trained by P Reutcr bred by Messrs Gorhai Bros Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 302 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same sameSWEEPNET SWEEPNET away well took the lead quickly and keeping It gamely to the end tired and barely lasted to win GLORIA QUAYLE began slowly and had to race wide on most of the turns but was going fast at the end and would have won in another stride TALEQUA was elose up for a half mill but sulked and raced wide into the stretch AVILLIES MAID raced well LETTER SIX ran poorly and can do better betterScratched Scratched 13 S1 Blarney Stone 112 13978 Escolane 112 13930Powder 113 11S03 Head Cover 112 13GOO Iove Child 107 13945 AVood Fairy 98 13930 Jack Knight 110 13903 Flames 113 13943 Miss Carew 98 98Overweight Overweight Charley Irwln 4 pounds t f 4QO FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Edward Gray Oct 23 1926 139 6 112 Midwest Purse JLrlrVftfO Purse 12CO 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 810 soc ond 240 third 120 Index Horses AWtPPSt y Str Fin Jockeys Etuiv Book Strt 13860 HORNSBY w 3 100 5 4 3l 4 2 11 U L Pichon Respcss Laffoon 13859 SEA ROCKET WB 4 111 2 3 C 5 61 4 2 F J Baker C A Coylo 13860 MALOS MEMORYw 3 M 12 2 2 4 5 3 C Yates Audiey Farm Stabl 139 J8s IMPUTATION w 5 114 3 1 1 li 1 21 4 O Clelland Harnetl Bros IHf 48 1nnRinOE w 3 103 4 5 51 3 S CS Philps L Ribes 13907 JACK HORGAN WB 3 105 S 8 8 8 8 6 6 = L Aron Mrs AV F Meehan ii07nHAUUVL ALE wu 7 m 7 7 7 7 71 7 7 J McTjme J Booker 7H100 7H10013830ALMADEL 13830ALMADEL w 5 103 6 6 4 3 31 8 8 L Gevlns H P Headlcy 140100 Thno 140100Thno 23 471J 1135 140 Track good 2 certificates earned llornsbv 1040 straight 4 CO place 380 show Sea Rocket 1CGO place JS90 show Mallards Memory 100 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking llornsbv 420 to 100 straight 130 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Sea Rocket 730 to 100 place 313 to 100 show Mallards Memory 415 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Busy American May Star by Duval or Marathon trained by L Gentry bred by Mr Polk Laffoon LaffoonWENT WENT TO POST 335 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Fame Fame1IOKSNBY 1IOKSNBY close up in the early running and under restraint saved much ground on the stretch turn and coming fast in the last sixteenth outfinished SEA ROCKET The latter was far back frr a half mile and raced wide on the turns but came fast in the last eighth MALLARDS MKMOKY ran a KOH nice and was close up all the way REPUTATION showed the most early speed but failed to stay the route IOUltllMJK also tired right at the end SIIADOWDAIK appeared sore when going to the post anil ran a poor rue AIMADEL quit badly after going ihrufuuartttrs ihrufuuartttrsScratched Scratched iS59Travrller 111 111Overweight Overweight Mallards Memory 4 pounds Jack Horgan 2 Continued on twelfth page FAIRMOUNT PAEK PAEKContliiuril Contliiuril from third pace FIFTH HACK 1 14 Miles Hacto Juno 19 1926 203 3 121 Second Running FAIRSroUNT DERBY 25OCO Added 3yearolds AUowanccs Net value to winner 21 400 second 3000 third 15CO fourth 750 AWtPPSt 1 Str Kin Jockey Eqniv Book Strt 13303 BUDDY BAUER vn 118 7 6 5 41 21 IS 11 A Johnson Idle Hour Sfk Fm Sta 2C50100 13303WHISKEUY wn 126 3 2 41 31 41 3 1 2s E Ambrse H P Whitney 425100 13845OSMAND w 118 4 3 U 11 2h 3S E Sande J E Widener 13C38 JOCIC w 118 1 4 2 3 4 4 E Legerc E B McLean 13853ROLED STOCKINGwB US 6 5 31 5 5 51 5 1 W Pool J W Parrlsh 665100 13852 HANDY MANDY w 111 5 7 7 7 7 6 6 W Lillcy H P Hcadley 3280100 13303 BLACK PANTHER w 118 2 1 6 6 61 7 7 O Brassa W J Salmon U40100 U40100Time Time 23 46 112 1384 205 Track good 2 certificates earned Buddy Bauer 5520 straight 1460 place 500 show Whiskery 570 place 510 show Osmand 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Buddy Bauer 2CCO to 100 straight C30 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Whiskery 1S5 to 100 place 155 to 100 show Osmand 50 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by North Star IIITBed of Hoses by Cunard trained by F Brooks bred by Idle Dour Stock Farm FarmWENT WENT TO POST 419 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBDDDY BDDDY BADEIl superbly ridden and in close up pursuit of the leaders in the early running raced Into the lead on the stretch turn and under hard riding held WHISKERY safe through the final drive WHISKERY was close up from the start but was taken back several times and suffered from some interference when OSMAND began tiring but finished resolutely OSMAND raced well and took the lead but tired when ridden hard through the last eighth JOCK showed his usual speed after beginning slowly but was done after going a mile and was ridden hard to near the end ROLLED TOCKINNSG was done after going threequarters BLACK PANTHER quit badly badlyOverweight Overweight Handy Mandy 2 pounds SIXTH RACE 54 KHe My Colonel June 16 1926 11154 4 104 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 300 third 100 Index Horses Vt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt 13948 RUANE W 3 UO 1 4 6 6 3 1 L Aron Mrs W F Heehan 600100 60010013858ANACONDA 13858ANACONDA w 4 111 4 1 2 21 I1 2 L McClair C D Pryor 440100 44010013945AGNES 13945AGNES CALL w 5 111 7 2 1 1H 2 3 R Cheham Hamed Bros 460100 46010013394CLOUD 13394CLOUD IDOLIZR WB 3 103 8 7 74 71 51 41 L Hale Pcnthorn Stable 2515100 13858 ALBORAK w 4 114 2 8 S S 61 5 F J Baker C A Coyle 4435100 13858 ROMP WB 5 U6 8 6 J 21 41 6 J McTgue Q W Hurst 155100 12041 HARASS w 4 112 3 8 4 4 1 7 71 E Legere C Graffagninl 2200100 12323 SHASTA LAD VTB 3 105 E 6 51 E 8 S H Philpot Brown Ssta Sfk Fm St 1960100 08971LAVEEN w 6 111 6 9 9 9 9 9 L Pichon S Louis 1470100 1470100Time Time 23 48 114 Track good 2 certificates earned Ruanc 1400 straight 710 place 450 show Anaconda 610 place 390 how Agnes Call 330 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Ruanc COO to 100 straight 255 to 100 place 125 to 100 show Anaconda 205 to 100 place 95 to 100 show Agnes Call 05 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Behave Yonrself Uy Boots by Granite trained by W F Meehan bred by Mr Phil T Chinn Winner entered to be claimed for 4000 4000WENT WENT TO POST 453 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameRUANE RUANE closed a gap and coming with a terrific rush through the last eighth outfinlahed ANA ¬ CONDA The latter away well raced closely with AGNES CALL until in the stretch where he took the lead but tired near the end AGNES CALL set a good pace but tired in the stretch but outfin Ished CLOUD IDOL1ZER The latter closed a big gap ROMP quit badly alter going a half mile mileScratched Scratched 12380 Hidalgo 112 08598 Reddy Fox 110 SEVENTH BACE 1 116 KBec Captain Hal June 12 1928 14JS tr137 1000 Added 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 221 third 114 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr Book Strt 13950 LLE AD ITLLEw 6 114 7 4 2 11 11 I1 I1 L Pichon W M Cain 340100 13800 SWEEPSTAKES w 7 U6 5 6 6 3 2 2 H Elston La Forge Stable 455100 13984 McCULLOCH w 5 111 3 1 1J 2h 41 4 3 H Philpot Earned Bros 1070100 107010013945BOND 13945BOND MAID w 3 105 6 2 3 31 21 21 4 W Curran C W Moore 450100 13401 BATTLE ON w51U434l617 51 5 L McClair R F Brown 1070100 13587 MATBERRY w 3 107 377 7 6 61 61 N Burger 8 W Grant 23S5100 23S51001380C 1380C BLUE TORCH w4U6155 S 617 7 C Yatcs P Reuter 215100 215100Time Time 24 49 115 142 148 Track pood 2 certificates earned Louisville and Nashville 880 straight 430 place 350 show Sweep takes 470 place 380 show McCnlloch 520 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Louisville and Nashville 340 to 100 straight 115 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Sweepstakes 133 to 100 place 90 to 100 show McCulloch 160 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Bulse Rosewood by Magneto trained by W M Cain bred by Mr J W Fairish Winner entered to be claimed for 1750 1750WENT WENT TO POST 535 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingLOUISVILLE LOUISVILLE AND NASHVHLE close up from the start took the lead on the far turn and held the race safe to the end SWEEPSTAKES saved much ground on the turns and finished well Mc GULLOCH pet the early pace but lost much ground on the stretch turn and tired BOND MAID ult in the stretclu BLUE TORCH ran a bad race raceScratched Scratched 13856 Busy Day 106 13641Brown Sift 96 13909Stars and Stripes 105 13978 Bpearo 112 I3SC1 Open Fire 111 111Overweights Overweights Bond Maid 4 pounds Mayberry 1