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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesLATONIA LATONIA MONDAY JUNE 6 r rWEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK SIOW Ilacin starts at 200 p in Chicago daylight ribs time 200 200Latonia Latonia 1 Mile MileFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1JOO 3yoarolds and upward Fillies and Mares Maiming MaimingTniik Tniik rerord Sun Has June 20 1924 109 S 107 107Todnys Todnys TodnysInd Ind IlorsePostPos Wt Uec AWtHan 139G01 Sominola 9 CD 10l 113 3 102 725 08864 Christmas Morn ins S Lat 91 113 4 107X720 10651 OM Setli lMIa 107 112 G 112X715 13854 Pandy llav 100 112 4 114 710 13793 Shailowy 7 CI 100 113 54 3 102 705 12302 = Puttom Dollar 4 IK 115 112 3 105 700 13093 Nettie Sweep 2 JP 103 113 4 107XC95 11810 Ilil c K 3FP 107 l13Js 3 105 CCO 13362 Crooked Work 5 CU 105 115 3 105XC80 105XC80Sscond Sscond Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 1400 2yearolds Maiden Colts Coltsand and Jcldinss JcldinssTrack Track rword rwordDistinction Distinction June 10 191 52 = 5 2 107 13797 rpno k 15 11G725 11G72513S31 13S31 Mirrivk 4 110 720 13931 Keith 13 11G715 137945 Colonel Sliaw S 11G710 12057 IVllcsrino lL x 115 57h 110 705 13499 Denny Cooney 10 11G700 13897 Queenston 10 CI 11G 58 116 G05 13933 Ivorlastins 11 110 COO 11255 Turn Over 12 11GCOO 13794 Kcdonna 3 11GG85 12705 Leather I5reeclie 7 11GG85 11989 Parney Colo 11GG85 11GG85127S3 127S3 U 1 Ace 14 11GG85 11GG85The The Cyrenian 2 116 116Mickey Mickey D 5 11G As os or Charlie CharlieG G 11G 11GThird Third Race 1 116 Miles Pnrse 51400 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Chillioxree Oct 4J 1924 142 3 115 13935 NahiKCO 1MU 111 147 4 110X725 12786 Allaire Lat 92 l47Vt 4 1 OS X 720 13854 Midnisht Itose 6 CI 92 145 5 111X715 14103 Nine Sixty SHtn 121 149 4 113X710 11766 Seasrare 10 Lat 94 146 4 110X705 13758 Watchful 7 Haw 102 145 G 110x700 13935 Lonschamps 51 at 103 146 5 110X095 13854 Lady Stone 4 Lat 94 145 4 lOS GOO 14097 My Eva 2 CI 04 14G 4 100X685 100X685C9184 C9184 Dial 9 Lat 117 148 4 105 685 685Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile Purse MOO 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Wise Counsellor June 23 1923 59 2 110 13851 Tiger Flowers i CD 112 101 112 730 13931 SCMHI 6 CD 115 101 103 1OT725 725 13751 Sandy Lady 2CD 113 101 110X720 13897 William T 5 CD 115 101 108 715 13636 McKim M 4CD 114 103 108 710 13794 Lady IJasil M 3 105 705 13794 Devonia M 7 111 700 Fifth Race 1 116 Miles MilesLyric Lyric Purse Purse 1800 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Chilhowee Oct G 1924 112 3 115 13303 RcwSthus 2 Lex 113 144 108X735 13853 War Eajrle 5 Mia 113 l50m 108 730 13756 Canaan 6 CD IOC 147 108 725 13852 Fair Star lPim 121 148 108X720 13338 Itirley M C 10S715 13796 Nevermore 3 113 710 13853 Royal Julian 4 CD 102148 108X705 108X705Cth Cth Race 34 Mile MileWalton Walton Purse Iurse fiGOO 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Sun Flag June 20 1924 109 3 107 10713801s 13801s INDIAN LOVE LOVECALL CALL 5 Mia 100 111 3 110X735 13900 Mally Jane 3 CI 103 111 4 108X725 13501 Laucer 7 Sar 112 113 5 113 720 13850 Snperfrank 2CI 109 110 5113X715 13850 Uoyal Omar 4CD 115 113 4 113X710 09120 Nairhsc 1 Lat 115 l17m 3 105 705 12859 Orman 0 3 105X700 105X700Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 MUes MUesPurse Purse 1400 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record recordChilhowee Chilhowee Oct G 1921 142 3 115 14099 Sea Drift 3 CI 101 145 4 105X725 14103 Dingo 9 CI 113 145 G 1130720 13898 Musician 7 CD 110 148 4111X715 13898 Mum Huff in 10 5 119 710 14103 Up She Goes 2Lat 05150 4 108 703 13932 Counsellor Connol ¬ ly 8 LF 107 148 4 110X70 13799 Kiyi 1 JP 109 148 4 113XG95 13935 The Engineer 5 Mia 110 148 4 110X690 12181 Edith Gibson 4 JP 97 153 4 105X685 08936 Wrack Kay GLat 112 148 5 110XC85