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Noble Sir 111 Bl c 2 M by Bri ht Knight My Dear by King Jozies JoziesLast Last work 109 5S l05sy JL t Trainer P M Burch Owner C T Grayson Junl2301Aqu g l00 gd 7o 112 4 17 19lslfl CollettiF 20 John F 110 Noa Joyce 112 Flamma 109 C a2230Bel 4J fwc 53V gd 20 107 10 11 ll WolvtonR1 13 WceDrop HOOldSport U JollyKing 112 C May G30Pim 4J f 55 ft 54 112 G G G ° G WoltonR 9 Avalon 117 All Hail 112 Glidelia 114 A rr3030Pim 4J f 54ft 39 115 G G G5 G ColtilettiF3 Glidelia 114SpItRiver HSSmrDy 112 A Arcl5S02IIdG 4i f 54ft G7e 112 15 14 31419 SliaiiksJ 15 Equipoise 118Schoonerll2UnclcSam 112 A At t Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 5 5Moil Moil AlllJ 10 Bt Sl 2 M ty Playfellow Ktoifa by Faucheur FaucheurLast Last work 108 58 102 ft JVU Trainer W J Speirs Owner W Ziegler Jr Junl230Aqu l00g l 20 112 G 15 12s IS17 GarnerM 20 John F 110 Xoajoyce 112 Flamma 109 C Jun 430Bel 4Jfwc 54 ift 30 110 7 2410 FischerU 28 JollyKing 117 Soarer 114 Reginall 107 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 Brolieil Stone 1 1 A Ch c 2 M by Trap Rock Keen Play by Fair Play PlayLast Last work 107 58 l04ft LL t Tminer A J Goldsborough Owner C H Thierot ThierotJun Jun SO qu 0 100 51 30 112 19 19 17101314 McAffeD18 20 John F 110 Noajoycc 112 Flamma 109 C Ma2S30 Bel 4Jfwc 52 ft 30 110 14 1C 151014 McAffeD 1C RondGrey HOMeek llSGreenLight 107 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 2Boilllic Boilllic Banl 110 c 2 M y Scotch Broom Dictation by Escoba EscobaLast Last work 105 5S l03ft J JLU Trainer M Smart Owner S Ross RossT T 1730lAqu g I01ft 20 105 9 9 S ° i S13 CoopcrA 10 ChminyllOIrishMdcnl07BrtComet 109 C IO30Bcl gwclOOV m 30 112 11 10 lOUS1 HebertS6 1C JollyKing 120 Soarer 100 Francock 112 C Jun 430Bcl 4Jfwc 54l ft 12 110 1C S112 i CoIlettiE22 28 JollyKing 117 Soarer 114 Reginall 107 C M 233C5Bel Ufwc ift 30 17 13 11 11 11 ColtilettiF12 14 Avanciousll7Polydorusll7Principio 117 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 Fly GllJ 1 1 O B c 2 M by Rire aux Larmes True Flier by Pennant PennantLast Last work 100 12 497ft LJ LJi i Trainer M Hirsch Owter S Harris HarrisJunl230Aqu Junl230Aqu g l00 gd 10 105 15 14 1SI21717 Calllianll1 20 John F 110 Xoajoyce 112 Flamma 109 C Ma31305Bel g we 101 gd 12 112 4 3 43 5 = 1 AVallspJ C Mate 110 Knowlton 112 Opponent 112 A AMa2S30Bcl Ma2S30Bcl 4ifwc 525 ft 10 111 4 G 73 S5 WallsP9 1C RondGrey HOMeek llSGreenLight 107 C Ma2230Bcl 4Jf we 53Hga G 111 9 9 9i 8 WallsP 13 WcoDrop HOOldSport 114JollyKing 112 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 4FUSS FUSS Budget 1 OP B f 2 ty St Germans Quarrel by Broomstick Broomsticknst nst work 107 5S l04 ft Lv u Trainer W Kelley Owner W Kelley S30 Bel 4Jfwc 53 m SO 110 13 13 12 211 LyonsD IS DkEdwinillGlrishMdenll3Reproof 113 C M 23301Bcl 4ifwc 53ft 30 111 10 3 i 9U LyonsD 20 Meek lOCTraitor 113Kaleidoscope 114 C Ma21SOBel 4Jfwc 51gd 15 109 11 13 13123 LyonsD 15 Novena 115 Marvella 100 Handover 101 O Ma1030 Jam 0 l01ft 10 110 G 5 T 71 BcthelJ8 8 Wee Drop 111 Decdie 115 Nadia K 107 C CMa Ma 230Jam g l00ft 95 115 4 4 4 = 1 41 GarnerM7 9 Westcrnr lllJyJingle 114BnDare 112 C OSOUam l01ft 6 112 1 7 5 422 RobtsnA2 11 MySwectsll3SisAdelcll5Chattey 115 C Starts 1st 2nd 3 Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year G Glllldale 110 Ch c 2 M by Bracadale Hull Gull by Marta Santa SantaLast Last work 109 12 50736y Trainer G H Strate Owner Tedluc Stable Ma23303Wdb 4J f 54ft 112 110 3 7 8ci S ° 2 SniderA3 1 Obscrvationl07NoisyMissll5FtLife 109 C May 9305Jam g l00ft 50 120 S S S4 S8 LyonsD5 8 Totem 120Imagery 120JmyJingle 120 A 4 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonThis This year 2 Peace Dove 1 OP B 2 M by Ncal1 Seaside by Ogden I ast work 152 12 52ft Jv J Trainer B S Cutler Owner B S Cutler Jun 430Bel 4Jtwc 54V ft 30o 11C 15 10 ° 20 ° McTageJ 28 JollyKins 117 Soarer 114 Reginall 107 C Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 1 1Sllicker Sllicker Slice 1 1 fi B ° 2 ly AssaEai Athanna by Atheling n nLast Last work 104 58 l04ft JJO Trainer J Fitzsimmons Jr Owner H W Maxwell MaxwellJunlS30Aqu JunlS30Aqu g 102 m 30 118 10 S 10S3 9 ° AbelA8 11 PassInRevicwllSBathorsellSGnlAllS M MJunlG30Aqu JunlG30Aqu 4J f 54 ft 7o IIS 13 15 15715 9 AbelA 15 CheckerbyllSRNewsllSStFrancis US M starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 Jlod and Heel 1 1 1Last I q B c 2 M by wrack Rod and Gun by Planudes Last work 100 38 38sy syLJO J Trainer J Hastings Owner Ramapo Stable Starts 1st 2nd I 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Madges Fellow mB c 2 M by Playfellow Madges Sister by Miller Trainer D K Kerr Owner Mrs D C Sands Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd