2nd Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1930-06-20

past performance

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2lld Aqueduct pnrse 5000 3ycarolds Haidcns John P Grier Jnne 1 Mile 25 1921 130 4 127 Ind Dorse Wt Hec AWtDan 47774 Balmoral rBel 112 140 120 725 7254S3252 4S3252 Yarn Bel 112 140 120 720 488002 Captain Hook 120 715 71548SCG 48SCG Trapuiar 120 710 1 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 48800 Red Cross Sister 115 705 47774 We Dun It Bel 107 1JO 120 700 47345 The Boss 120 005 48487 Rasselas 120XCOO The past performances of the horses entered In this race together wltli latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt StrFin Jockey PPSts Best Company Class of Race Balmoral 190 Br c 3 ty Fair PIay Uvonia ty Flint Kock KockLast Last work 108 lml39ft Trainer P Coyne Owner J E Widener Widenerjlaj2230Bel jlaj2230Bel J 140 gd 7e 112 7 4 43X 5i KnightM1 17 II a AVee 101 Milkman 112Hornpipc 112 A AllalGSOBel llalGSOBel gmcl29Um 20 118 495 4si KnislitM 12 Aldcrshot 118 Milkman 118 Xcnofol 118 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 2 2yrj yrj 1 QO Chl c 3 M ty Friar Eock Sea Tale by Sea KinE KinELast Last work 109 34 l23sy L LJV JV Trainer J W Healy Owner A C Bostwick Jun 330 = Bel 1J 149 ft 15 10S1 2 3 3i 2s McAteeL2 4 QuestnrelllJCrucifnlOSNileMdenlOO A Uaj22CO = Bcl 1140 gd 8 112 G 9 ll8 EllisG5 17 B a AVce 101 Milkman 112Uornpipe 112 A ANot Not 129Pim l t 147 m 56 119 13 12 914 S FatorL = 15 FlyingUeels 117Spinach HOGaladay 110 S OcL2S29Lrl 2 l12Vift 33e 108 10 8 751 74i FatorL 210 Crossbonesl08JsCdO115JimmyMoranll2 A AOct2529Lrl Oct2529Lrl 2 l13 4ft 1310 115 974 3 1 MaibenJ lll Hacky H 115 Mucker 115 Mgine 115 M MEcn2129Aqu Ecn2129Aqu Gi f llS ft C 115 2 3 3 = J 23 McAteeL 5 DesertLitllOStarpaticlllQstionrell2 H Equ 1429 Eel I we lI9ft 100 117 16 13 15 D2 MaibenJ 17 Whichone 125HiJack 122GalntFox 122 S Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 5 0 1 1 5 350 This year 2 0 1 0 200 200Captain Captain Hook 1 OA B c 3 M by Peter Pan Stickling by Broomstick BroomstickLast Last work ICO 5Sl02sy J U Trainer M Hirsch Owner Sage Stable StableJunllSOAqu JunllSOAqu g 128 ft So 120 5 2 21 21 Walls11 10 RoylLitl20Crucifixnl20RCr Sisrll5 A Jun G302Bel 2 we 1 113 = 13 ft 12 114 11 4 G4 7l ° WallsP = ° 23 Escutcheon ICOMilkman 114Csarioull7 A Maj29301Bcl 3 vc l15hy 12 IIS 4 6 5J 2J WallsP1 IS ISRomany Romany Baw HSTrapmar llSDaly 118 A Ma 230Mam 2 l13ft 12 120 7 G S9 41 WallsP1 13 Maya 120Dtinnellcnl20RomanyBaw 120 M Ko Kot2S29Bow 2S292Bow 5 125 ft 61f 110 11 8 S10 S51 WallsP 213 Gaylast lOSWcDunlt lOSSnowflakcllO A Koi2G93Bow I 125 ft 78 10G 5 7 7l 71S 7 WallsP 7 HackyII113riuckyPlayll3WeDunItlOG A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Von Last year 5 This year 4 0 2 0 400 400Traplliar Traplliar 1 90 h c MK y TraP Rock Rose Margot by Peter Quince QuinceLast Last work 100 iml43sy U Trainer T JTault Jr Owner Catawba Stable Jun1 130 Aqu g 12S ft 40e 120 2 13 131415 = 4 CatroneF3 1C RoylLitl 0Capnnookl20Crucifixnl20 A Jun C303Bcl 2 wc 113 ft 40 H 2 I 12 ° s McAffeD1 23 Escutcheon lOOMilkman 114Csarionll7 A Ma2930lBel 2wcl15ihy 0 118 8 12 135 31 SteffenE13 18 RonianyBawllSCaptainnookllSDalyllS A Mayl430Jam 2 l13Vft CO 122 11 12 11 11101S 101S KtsgcrC J2 Awakel22MriesDear 117RylLisht 122 M May 9302Jam 2 l123ift COo 110 12 11 11s 10t KsingerC1 13 Conclave 110 Limbus 115 Flossine 110 A May 2305Jam 2 l13ft 50e 120 9 13J21S122 ° KtsgerC13 13 Maya 120Dunncllcnl20iomanyBaw 120 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wonx Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 9 This year 7 0 0 1 100 100JlCl JlCl JlttawLast CrOSS Sister 1 1 Ch f 3 M by Man ° WarScribble by Jlttaw Last work 103 7S l30ft 1 J J Trainer G Conway Owner Glen Riddle Farm Stable StableJunitSOAqu JunitSOAqu 2 12S ft ii 115 9 3 35 4a WkmanR12 10 ItoylLitl20CapnHookl20Criicifixnl20 A Jun 930Bel Jmcl2Gm 8 102 4 2 2l 2i RoseG2 7 Enid 112FirstLadyll2BlackMammy 119 A AMa Ma 9305Pim 1 ° l4GJft 41 1031 6 4 6 G12 McCoyJ2 7 SunFalconllOGnouieBoy 10STailSpinl04 M MArr2230HdG Arr2230HdG 2 l13ift 8 109 2 5 GC2 G5i McCoyJ9 9 Finita 109 Flossine 111 Panda 114 A AAptlS30HdG AptlS30HdG 5J f lOSm 14 110 5 4 4 J 3 McCoyJ S IsliFolIyllSBtyUcau 1131oinciana 113 A AADBl7293Sar ADBl7293Sar 2 l12 ft 30e 111 15 9 13213 BriceD 215 GooscEgll5TheSparel22Snowflake 115 S Sosl429 osl429 Sar 5J f l09V5hy 20 113 9 5 5 4 BriceD 10 MargaretScbtt 113Faultrsll3Gowanll8 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won WonLast Last year 2 This year 5 0 1 1 325 325We We Dull It 190 Ch c 3 M by Dunlin Salvation Nell by Salvation SalvationLast Last work 109 lml47hy L V Trainer E Sietas Owner Mrs B Bennett BennettMa22302Bel Ma22302Bel 1140 gd 15 11211 7 Si 932 CatroneF 17 B a Wee 101 Milkman 112Hornpipe 112 A AApr29305Jam Apr29305Jam 2 l12ft 30 106 9 9 7 7 CatroneF1 9 StarpaticllO RniyBawlOS Martis 114 A AJCoT309Bow JCoT309Bow ljff l45ift4010r 103 11 10 9412 CannonW 415 SnowflakelQSStStimtlKPlkyPlaylOS S SN N S9Bow I 125 ft 71 103 10 2 1J 2 ° RobertnA 13 GayPast 108SnowflakellOValcncnesl05 A ANoi2G293Bow Noi2G293Bow 1 125 ft 18 106 4 3 2 3J QbaumC 3 7 nackyII113PrkyPlayll3BrzgThrull5 A Starts 1st 2n l 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 12 0 2 1 5 525 This year 2 mi nnca nncalast Ch c 3 M by The Manager Latonia by Ogden Trainer T J Tault Jr Owner Catawba Stable last work ICOIm l43sy May 930Jam 2 l12ft GOo 110 11 12 12101218 MormerA8 13 Conclave 110 Limbus 115 Flossine 110 A AArr2230rJair Arr2230rJair 2 115 sl ° 113 C 11 111121 RoseG5 11 QnickStcp 115DtinnelIen 115Surtees 115 C CEcl22S Ec Ecl22S l22S Bel 2 we lll lllft ft 15e 115 14 13 lOSll20 RoseG 14 BrdMdowsllSSunnyMorn 115Titus 115 A ASep Sep C295rel 5fwcl07 sy 50 117 9 3 913 9 = Elstonll 10 SunCraig 117Spcarhcad 117Cysnet 117 A AAns Ans 529Sar sX f lOGsl 100 US 13 13 13 = 1222 SteffenE 1C Squeaky 118 Tetrarchal HSCowlitz 118 A l29eSar o f 107 ft 50 118 15 IS lS ° lS2t ElstonH 19 Powerless 118 Dunrock US Taos 118 A Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Wori Last year 4 This year 2 2RasSClaS RasSClaS 190 B c 3 M llyjeter an Poke Bonnet by Delhi DelhiLast Last work 1C9 1m l4Csy L Lv v Trainer J Bauer Owner T M Cassidy CassidyJun Jun C303Bel 2 we 113 ft 20 114 10 6 741 5 i EllisG8 23 Escutcheon lOOMilkman 114Csarionll7 A Ajra2930Bel jra2930Bel 2 we l15V hy 41 118 1 7 G 731 EllisG1 18 RnyBawll8CtainIIookll8Trapmarll8 A AUa24303Bel Ua24303Bel 2 lllft GO 10719 9 9S2 75i WattcrsC 0 LyCapulet lllJustn llCAldershot 107 A AMay May 2303Jam 2 l13ft 15 12010 7 79 5i EllisG11 13 Maya 120Dunncllenl20RomanyBaw 120 M MNor27291Bow Nor27291Bow g l25 ft 41 112 G 2 22 3 RobcrfnA 14 SusieJancl09BubMcFrrdll5Flamgll2 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Last year 10 0 34 51300 This year 4 J JT

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930062001/drf1930062001_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1930062001_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800