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queaUCt Axiom Handicap 1200 Added 2yearolds ile Miss Sfar Se 25 1922 57 2 107 107E E Claiming price 7000 Ind Horse Wt Rec Rec48GCO 48GCO Jolly King 48724 Abduction Aqu 114 100 1004S4S5 4S4S5 = 15cau Jolie M Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 40003 Donie Aqu 114 l03js 112X710 112X7104SC023 4SC023 Jamison SI 1151705 11517054S037 4S037 Ravine M 114 700 The past performances ot the horses entered In this race together with latest workout and racing record Date Crs DisTJme Tr Odds Jds WtSt StrFIn Jockey PPSts PPStsJolly Best Company Class of Race Jolly King 1 190 90 Br Jr c 2 by Riro aux Iarmes Mary King by Fathsrless Last work 1G9 58 l02sy 2sy JiU Trainer G L Arvin Owner H T Archibald ArchibaldG JonlOSO el g we I00l4m G 120 5 2 1J I1 ThutberH18 10 Saaror lOOFrancock 112 Rock Reef 120 C Jun 4301Bel 4Jfwc 54 ft 10 117 4 43 1 1 Thurberli 2S Soarcr 114ReginaII 107GreenLight 114 C Mv2230Bel 4Jfvc 53 gd 12 112 G 8 Gi 31 ColtilettlF 13 WecDrop HOOldSport 114StarlJton 110 C H 7l930Bel 41fwc 52rn 20 118 5 510 993 9 ColtilettiF 14 Ilellanthiis llSGayPal llSBushman 118 M HvlO30Pim 4J f 55 ft 11 122 10 G 6 G SchaeferL 12 All Hail 122 Soil Gills 122 Colono 122 M Starts 1st 2nd 3rd 3rdAbduction Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won WonThis This year 11 2135 2050 Abduction 1 I O B c 2 by Crimpsr Resist by Ballot Last work 170 5S lOSsy OSsy i O Trainer P M Burch Gwnsr H E Talbott Jr JunHOOAqu 3 l00igd S5 15 ill 111 4 2 1 1 CollettiF 7 Friarltncon HSAlpine Girl lllMeek 111 C Jun G30Bcl g we l00ft 21 Hi 5 3 4H 7 i CollettiF i IIliodLane lllBenuJolie lllZinn 115J C JU72030Del 4Jfwc5G m 1110 10 114 2 21 1J 1 CoitilcttiF 8 GoldenLegendll7PhftomCrdlllZinn 112 C HV 930Pim 4J f SJ ft 3 120 2 3 I 1 CoriejttiF 7 Avalon 120 Forte KO Panetian 115 A jr 130 Pirn 4J f 5ft 2910 10 116 2 1 2 k 13 CollettiF8 12 Voltabushlll ShieldllO ImaginaryllS C Apt2230HdG 4J f 1ft 2o 119 1 1 H in CollettiF1 15 MUKfanopy 100 Zebra 100 Shield 106 C C2nd Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won This year 8000 4900 Beau Jolie JolieLast I J n Ch c 2 M by BD McMillan Hurry Up II by Phoenir Last work 163 j8 03ftJ Tiainer N Tatlman Owner Newtondale Stable Jun G30Bel S we l00ft 8 111 3 5 3 2J MalleyT8 BlindLanc lllZiiiu 115AlpineGirl 103 C CGO Jun 230Bel 41fwc 52i ft GO 113 4 S 85i 55 MalleyT1 15 BIueLawll7BarIIuntcrl20Repance 113 A JU72S305Bel 4Jfwc 52 ft SO 117 12 10 lO JlO1 MalleyT11 19 IarIIterll7Akiahtonll7Repance 117 M M2nd Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 3 0 1 0 5 200 Doilie Doilielast J1O B c 2 by Donnacona Dulcinca II by Yankee last work ICC 58 lft LL LLi i Trainer C Cafarelli Owner California Stable Junl7305Aqu 5Dtift 30 111 4 5 lOUO1 Eabyji 11 Polydor sll4Helianthusll4Barnr 114 A A4S Ape l30Bow 4S gd 13 118 7 5 41 41 SmithF u VanderPool 122Scliooner 115Alrlinerll3 A 3Iat2230StJ 50 sy 1120 120 3 2 2J 1 ° SniithF8 11 BliieIerryll2PlavEmll2SnGWilsnllO A Mai SCO Ma 48 ft 32 120 7 4 3 2 RobsonA8 8 Friar 120AllC61umbia 117Aweless 110 A Mac 130Mia 4Shy G 122 4 3 21 2s RobsonA1 8 VanderPool 122AlColumbiall9Jhangll7 S Sts ts 1st 2nd Srd Wonx Starts 1st 2lid 3rd Won WonThis This year 93215 2700 Jamison 1 jr B g 2 M by St James Feminist by Voter 1I I ist work 107 12 49ft 1 103Bel Trainer A J Joyner Owner G D Widensr 03Bel g wc 59Hm 7 112 3 3 3s EabyJ1 5 Heguile 312Mate 120Pass inlteview 112 A 0Bel g we 100 ft 5 112 4 4J 55i EabyJ 12 XQvenallGlKensingtonlOOKldGrey 115 C ifwc 35hy 15e 117 10 G GJ 55J EabyJ 30 PolydorHsll7BoysIIodyll7Principioll7 M 4 f 5lft 1G IIS 5 4 3s GJ EabyJ 14 Up 118 Pennatc 118 JimmyJingle 118 M Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won This year 4 0 0 1 100 Itavine ItavineLast mBr g 2 M by Sweep Rushwater by The Commoner Last work 170 12 Trainer G Coburn Owner H J Valloft JunlG33Aqu 4A f 5t It 30 118 S 3 5 = 1 5 CatroneF1 IS Chockerbvll8nXewsll8StFrancis IIS M JttnlO30Bcl g we 100 m 40 110 4 G G 5 CatroncFi 7 KnowltonllOllindLanell4P CLl eterll3 A Starts 1st 2nd Srd Starts 1st 2nd Srd Won This year 2