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TrrrrrrrrirrTrrTrrirTrn Thursdays Washington Parlay: SlSiNSJ Beaver, .58, Won Baggage Miss, 2.44, .34, 3rd 1 I Wednesdays Parlay: I J Everfair, 3.80, Won fJk Porters Dream, Lost Honesty Is the Best Policy "Field" Never Misrepresents Thats why any man who has had the pleasure of doing business with me will tell you that "FIELD" WILL GIVE YOU AS SQUARE A DEAL AS YOU EVER GOT IN YOUR LIFE EVERYBODY GETS THE SAME SERVICE NO RED TAPE ! ! EST FIELD FOLLOWERS "CLEANED UP" OVER 50 LAST WEEK m. W DONT FAIL TO GET FRIDAYS LIMIT WIN PARLAYS W "BOOKIES" WILL PAY OUT "PLENTY" AFTER TODAYS RACES ! ! W TWO FOR ONE PRICE ONE AT WASHINGTON ONE AT BOWIE -S DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRD3E NOW! TERMS, DAILY! City clients, call In person or phone FRANKLIN 0596 for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay ! ! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 708, Chicago, 111. NEW WEEKLY OUT 35 CENTS FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS BOWIE FREE CODE: Tax-Gag-Dig-Sky-Aft. WASHINGTON FREE CODE: Tee-Sky-Sea-Aft-Caw. OCCASIONAL CODE: WASHINGTON PARK: Tow-Fee-Gum-Oil-End. REMEMBER: WEDNESDAYS FREE CODE: Everfair 3.80, Won So dont fail to get the NEW ISSUE of the WEEKLY MASTER CL0CKER 35 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS RAY PAXON AMERICAS LEADING HANDICAPPER AND TURF INFORMANT TWELVE DAYS WINNING CODE CARD SERVICE FOR Paxons Daily Code Releases are the last word in turf information and can be obtained for the small sum of . Two horses are released daily in code, compiled by track experts who cover every angle before they are released to Paxons many clients. During a long period of time these releases have shown a large percentage of winners. Paxons Code Cards are mailed everywhere. With the help of this Code Card, a nominal profit can be j made off the races. Send in your subscription- today I and receive Two Code Cards by return mail. WASHINGTON PARK SATURDAY SPECIAL Paxon has uncovered a horse which is fit and ready for a winning performance. He has personally made arrangements for this release and saw the horse run a mile in 1:39 for his final workout. This racer has not shown much during his spring campaign and should be about seven to one in the betting. Wire or mail one dollar for this special at once, as Paxon can handle .only a limited number of subscribers. RECENT WIRE SPECIAL WINNERS: MACK SENNETT, .00, WON BERTRANO, 2-1, WON SNOBFUL, 0.00, WON BARNEY SEXTON, .18, WON SETITS BALLOT, 8.82, WON YOUNG BILL, 5.19, WON - FRIDAYS CODE HORSES: B 0 WI E Wire-7-24-9-24. WASHINGTON Door-9-10-9-10. Mail or wire your subscription to RAY PAXON 320 EAST THIRD ST. SUITE 401, CINCINNATI. 0. CARL BRADY TURF WEEKLY, 35 Cents SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: WASHINGTON York-32-32. TODAYS PARLAY: BOWI E G reen-8-19. WAS HI N GTO N Green-1 0-6. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. For Sale on All Stands 35 Cents Per Copy Todays Free Code: WASHINGTON Blue-21-15. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: BOWIE Cap-21-24. WASHINGTON Belt-15-19. GRANDSTAND TURF WEEKLY FOR SALE AT All NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS TODAYS FREE CODE: WASHINGTON PARK Services-44-29-53-17. XlfM wr m ACCLAIMED BY EVERY NEWSPAPER - IN THE, j COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESS . AA eiui aw..! m im m fR. SULLIVAN 9 now ready again bookies bbkt uk t a THURSDAYS WASHINGTON HORSES: TUESDAYS PARLAY: BOBSLED, .24, .92, 2ND BRASS MONKEY,, Ran Second EXCELLENCY, See 8th Race north shadow, won Remember, we advertise losers as well as winners. MONDAYS "PREMIUM" PARLAY: Wednesdays "PREMIUM" PARLAY WON I WON Paid Big Odds m ALL YE "SKEPTICS" AND LOSERS HERE IS YOUR "BIG CHANCE" TODAY iST SULLIVAN IS GIVING "FREE" TODAY A "DAILY DOUBLE!" 3T WEDNESDAYS "DAILY DOUBLE" WON PAID 10.50 D0NT MISS IT TERMS, S3 A DAY. City readers, call at our office or phone RANDOLPH 9195-9196. Parlay will be sent to you with messenger. No charge for messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN readers, parlay wired to you. "Mysterious" J. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St. Suite 1325-1827, Chicago, III. iffiTtljLfiffi The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 CenU ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS UNCLE HENRY. Regren Washington Park Tip, 2.94, WON SPUD, Regrens Best Bet, 4.76, WON PANCOAST, Regrens Washington Park Standout, 3.18, WON ODD STAR, Regrens Bainbridge Standout, 2.80, WON DORIS JEAN, Bassetts Washington Park Special, 5.48, WON m THE FOREGOING WERE THE WINNING BOLD TYPE SPECIALS IN WEDNESDAYS "PINK SHEET HTLADY OF GRACE, .12, Was a Weekly Winner Advance Forecast-B PLAYERS OF WASHINGTON PARK RACES WELL FIND THE "PINK SHEET" THEIR MOST RELIABLE GUIDE FRDJAYS TWO FREE CODES: WASHINGTON PARK Poor-21-31-20. WASHINGTON PARK Rome-25-28-2L TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mali 111 1 "IV rvTv" DIREC1 STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLY. S RELEASES FOR FRIDAY: WAS H I N GTO N T-5-8-8-2. BOWIE H-15-19-14-11. Thursdays Kelly Code Release at Bowie: DUNFERN, 4.60, WON " WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILL PLAYERS NOTICE! Will send our new Kentucky System on approval for 10 days free trial. Must pick 3 or more winners daily, otherwise you owe us nothing. Should average 5 per -week on flat bets. First come, first served. Send f oryour copy today! SEC0R PUB. CO. Dept. 5 Aurora, III. MASTER FRIGEMAKER METHOD Provides me a comfortable living, month in, month out. Will Jo the same for you. Free details. Write. ZENFRED E. WHITE Box No. 1, Station H. New York City COMPASS For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents Code Parlay: WASHINGTON July-66-62-62-80 and BOWIE April-34-68-54-64. Free Code: GREY Eddie-60-14-58-18. Clockers Code: WASHINGTON Lincoln-31-49-53-59. Jl, M A - MMM Mm mm Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUDDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Readers in the following cities, call accompanying numbers: Chicago Readers, Call Wabash 7124 Cincinnati, Ohio Main 4200 New Orleans, La ....Main 3678 New Fork, N. Y .....Bogardus 5900 San Francisco, Calif. Market 1624 St. Louis, Mo Garfield 4739 Cleveland, Ohio Kenmore 1153 or 1965-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the daily releases of Carmac and Asa PowelL. CARMACS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: WASHINGTON ApriI-32-5. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR FRIDAY: WAS H I N GTO N 0 val-20-49. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF MAY 20 THURSDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: DUNFERN, .60, WON WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Subscription Rate One Month, .25; Six Months, ; One Year, 0. 421 Plymouth Court Chicago, 111. MAN O WAR 25 Cents ON ALL NEWSSTANDS-25 Cents Free Code: BOWIE Saddle-16-24-17-21. Code Parlay: BOWIE Biliy-23-47-57-45 and WASHINGTON George-45-35-65-59. Jockey Code: HORSE Sande-48-27-52-34. SYSTOLOGY I Mast Lady, 1.60, Won A Thursday Systology Winner I OTHER WINNERS WERE: SUBLEVADO, .40, WON I PORTMANTEAU, 9.42, WON I COPPER, 8.40, WON ? I AND I GAY BIRD, 5.70, WON 1 WAS ALSO A SYSTOLOGY WINNER WHAT IS SYSTOLOGY? if It is a volume of eight 8 tested systems, together with other information such as speed tables, progression rates, bookmaking tables, track speed, diagrams and a handicappers manual of information. All of it bound into one beautiful, leather volume, fit for your library. t j f THE PRICE IS 0 PER VOLUME SEND IN YOUR ORDER NOW DONT DELAY C PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., I 443 Plymouth Ct, Chicago, 111.: Enclosed Is $ Please send me copyies of Systology. NAME ADDRESS II CITY STATE 5