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lORKINARL KINGl war ka$ BWe SECOND BjMVldiHHH BROWN SINNER, THIRD B MmMM WtM fll fll H ll Thursdays Parlay: W VM S I fl I 1 1 BEAVER, .58, WON 1 IH S I fl I 1 1 BAGGAGE MISS, 2.44, .34, 3RD If f Q n I 81 H J Wednesdays Parlay: WumMmmmmmamimM everfair, .8o, won - PORTERS DREAM, LOST W FREE! SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY! FREE! TODAY ONLY! SfFREE! LIMIT WIN BOWIE PARLAY! CONCRETE PROOF TO SKEPTICS !"rW Come with me today all you "Doubting: Thomases" Ill give enough proof to satisfy the most hardened turf skeptics that what I say goes. Ill give you a chance to give that "Bookie" of yours the "horse laugh" for months to come and dont forget, these two limit Bowie winners are free today to all -new subscribers dont miss them! Dont go down to Washington Park today unless you have my two limit winners marked on your program. Youll get plenty ! ! DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS, DALLY! City clients, call in person or phone FRANKLIN 0596 for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. ,No delay ! ! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St Room 708, Chicago, HI. rilVfPfilflTltftTUE MAN WHO ROUTED THCl VIM 1and1I1KIiU CHICAGO BOOKIES $ f If m ACQ AIMED BY EVERY NEWSPAPER IN THE. COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESS- . i MO CiM I HAkJ m. i I fW. SULLIVAN NOW READY AGAIN and BOOKIES 60KT LIKE iT j YESTERDAYS TWO WINNERS: , WEDNESDAYS "PREMIUM" PARLAY WON MORSUN, WON TUESDAYS PARLAY: KANAL, WON BRASS MONKEY,, Ran Second THURSDAYS TWO HORSES: NORTH SHADOW, WON BOBSLED, .24, .92, 2ND MONDAYS "PREMIUM" PARLAY: EXCELLENCY, .80, WON WON Paid Big Odds We were NOT up to our "AVERAGE" this week. "BUT" we still showed a GOOD PROFIT. W" Sullivan "Knows Something" Today Two 10-1 Winners ! For every YOU BET on this PARLAY today, you should WIN yourself over 0. Lets Go. SSF DONT GO TO WASHINGTON PARK TODAY BEFORE YOU GET MY "PARLAY" OR YOULL BE SORRY TERMS, S3 A DAY. City readers, call at our office or phone RANDOLPH 9195-9196. Parlay will be sent to you with messenger. No charge for messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN readers, parlay wired to you. "Mysterious" J. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St Suite 1325-1327, Chicago, I1L " PARLAY THESE TWO HORSES WIN ONLY DIRECT TRACK INFORMATION NO GUESSWORK COTTON CLUB First Race Washington Park FLAG BEARER Third Race Washington Park READ TOMORROWS ADVERTISEMENT FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS G. T. A., New York ATTENTION! PLEASE! A day by day account for 76 days, showing the remarkably consistent results which may be obtained through the application of simple reasoning and most .ordinary common-sense. My manuscript, "COMMON-SENSE BETTING" will teach you how to apply it. Most winning days in a row, in this record, were 15. Most losing days in a row, at any time, only 2. Most won in one day, based on a flat bet, 145.77. Extraordinary possibilities of consistent, profit. Manuscript and record, . Send dollar to E. BOYD, 1615 Blue Island Ave., Chicago, III. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. For Sale on All Stands 35 Cents Per Copy NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY YESTERDAYS BOOK STAR SPECIAL: MINDREADER, 12 to 1, WON TODAYS CODE PARLAY: BOWIE Whip-8-10. WASHINGTON Saddle-9-11. 0 FOR TODAY MAKE 00 WEEKLY Wager daily on each parlay for six 6 consecutive days and you should net 00 weekly with this service. TODAYS SPECIAL FREE CODE: BOWIE Green-9-2. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City, N. Y. PLAYERS NOTICE! Will send our new Kentucky System on approval for 10 days free trial. Must pick 3 or more winners daily, otherwise you owe us nothing. Should average 5 per week on flat bets. First come, first served. Send f oryour copy today! SEC0RPUB.C0. Dept. 5 Aurora, HI. 538 South Dearborn St. Chicago, Dl. Prica. 36c On 8al Evervwhpre Price 33o TODAYS SATURDAYS FREE CODE: WASHINGTON September-Miami-Boston-Nashville. Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUDJE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS CARMACS RELEASE FOR SATURDAY: WASHINGTON PARK Wood-41-44. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR SATURDAY: BOWIE Near-49-49. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF MAY 27 ! BILLY KELLY K0DE KARD BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR SATURDAY: WASHINGTON P-10-3-2-15. BOWIE S-6-15-19-8. RAY PAXON 320 EAST THIRD ST. SUITE 401, CINCINNATI. 0. TODAYS TWO FREE CODES: BOWIE Tar-12-1-5-24. WASHINGTON PA R K Ice-20-1 0-6-1 9. MASTER PRICHMAKER METHOD Provides me a comfortable living month in, month out. Will Jo the same for you. Free details. Write. ZENFRED E. WHITE Box No. 1, Station H. New York City MAKE 0 A DAY FOR LD7E! I will sell a limited number of copies of my 5 Common-Sense System fully copyrighted, at per complete copy. Send at once ! Start to win ! Proof mailed FREE! G. DUDLEY, 2314 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, 0. COMPASS For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents Free Code: RED George-18-46-48-56. Code Parlay: BOWIE June-70-40-76-60 and WASHINGTON May-50-56-46-66. Clockers Code: WASHINGTON Ford-19-61-33-37. MAN O WAR 25 Cents ON ALL NEWSSTANDS 25 Cents Free Code: BOWIE Spur-34-23-30-17. Code Parlay: BOWIE Billy-57-17-63-57 and WASHINGTON Harry-37-19-19-19. Jockey Code: DOG Mills-44-43-24-37. COMBINED TRACKMAN TURF WEEKLY 35 Cents For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents Todays Free Code: WASHINGTON Sam-20-21-5. CHIEF TRACKMANS PARLAY: BOWIE Buck-5-13-18. WASHINGTON Buck-23-7-19. CARL BRADY TURF WEEKLY, 35 Cents Sold at All Newsstands New Issue Out Today Todays Free Code: BOWIE Peru-18-56. TODAYS PARLAY: BOWIE Red-15-17. WASHINGTON G reen-1 5-26. GRANDSTAND TURF WEEKLY FOR. SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS TODAYS FREE CODE: BOWIE Grand-24-71-22-27. NEW WEEKLY OUT 35 CENTS FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS BOWIE FREE CODE: Ten-Arc-Ice-Dog-Red. And everything is ready for the prospective. 6-1 SHOT 5 FREE SPECIAL WASHINGTON PARK: Tax-Fog-Pur-Em-Dig. Mighty fit and the connections are confident of winning. OCCASIONAL CODE: WASHINGTON PARK: Tab-Van-New-Sun-Era. New WEEKLY OCCASIONAL CODE CARD for sale now at all newsstands. Price, . Good for one week. ONCE AGAIN! ANOTHER SMASHING WEEKLY LAST WEEKS SUPER SPECIAL: Uncle Donald 27.80, 9.00, 2nd We just missed putting over a 60-1 shot by the narrow margin of a neck. Thats the KIND OF LONG SHOTS you get in the WEEKLY MASTER CLOCKER. OTHER LONG SHOTS LAST WEEK: YOUNG BILL, 7.64, WON CLOTHO, 2.80, WON HOME WORK, 1.00, WON INDIAN RUNNER 1.00, WON GREY SASH, 3.68, WON TAMERLANE, 5.42, WON Band0W COST, 1.40, WON AND TOP HORSE: Babee 7.50, Won Now do you wonder WHY the MASTER CLOCKER is the STANDBY of thousands of clients? Go right now to your newsdealer, before he sells out, and ask for the WEEKLY MASTER CLOCKER 35 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NOTE- Sent by SPECIAL UBSUUPTION, right off tho press, 10 weeks for . Remit by money order to the MASTER CLOCKER 440 South Dearborn St. Chicago, III. CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH THE "PINK SHEET" PRICE, 15 CENTS SATURDAYS TWO FREE CODES: BOWIE Rich-24-33-36. WASHINGTON PARK Mare-36-35-39. To Decipher Free Codes Buy a Telegraph CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. per Month by First Class Mail S8 per Month by Air Mail LADY DEAN, 14.86, WON LADY OF GRACE, $ 8.12, WON was Wednesdays Daily Two-Horse Wire. Terms, for 6 days. Code: AUGUST Grape-41-59-59-2S. Standard Turf Guide, Congress Bank Bldg., Chicago, III.