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CONFIRMS DETROIT STORY Judge Joseph A. Murphy to Have Absolute Charge of Racing at Fair Grounds Track. I CICERO, 111., Aug. 1. Judge Joseph A. Murphy, who rendered great assistance in the comeback of racing in Illinois and whose efforts have been most helpful in placing the sport on legal and firm foundation in other parts of the country, today confirmed dispatches from Detroit in which he was reported affiliated with the Detroit Racing Association, which will revive racing at Detroit. The Detroit Racing Association, a group of prominent Detroit sportsmen, headed by Charles B. Bohn, is leasing from the state of Michigan the state fair grounds at Detroit and will hold its first meeting there this fall. Judge Murphy, according to Bohn aid his associates, is to have absolute charge of the racing and will surround himself with a staff of the most capable officials in the country. Several representatives of the Detroit group will meet with Judge Murphy here tomorrow or Thursday, at which time the more important plans under which the meeting will be held will be worked out. From what information Judge Murphy as, a meeting of about six weeks Is contemplated for this year, and it is believed improvements to the plant can be completed in time to open about September 2.