7th Pim, Daily Racing Form, 1938-11-08

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1 12 BITLES Altawood Nov 11 1924 230 3 113 Purse 1000 T rl 15rl J 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners twice since October 15 Weight 118 Ibs Winners at one and onehalf miles or over since October 15 2 Ibs extra Nonwinners since October 20 allowed 3 Ibs since Octo ¬ 1 ber 1 6 Ibs Claiming price 1250 if for 1000 allowed 3 Ibs I Index Post BestatDistance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price f 685231 8 Later On AD 107 234 6112X1250 C 6S523 7 Would DarcPim 113i236 7 120X 1250 c 68207 3Wispy 5 110X 1250 f 68161 6 Balapin Bow 114 244m 6 112X 1250 j 68522 5 Prettylass 6 112X 1250 68201 1 Guatemala 5 109 1000 f Index Post BestatDistance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 63202 2 Queen Elizabeth Bow 114 243 5 106X 1000 68485 4 Bargain Boy 5 112X 1000 68593 9 Stepee HdG 105 240 6106X1000 67768i 10Flying Feet 4 101X 1000 Later On X J ± f Trainer P B Codd Owner P B Codd CoddNOT NOT 338Pim li 236 ft 4110 112 7 5 3J 33i LgdenJ2 1250 66 WldDarell3iMothel 112ItalHarry 10 n Sepl438Aqu 1ft 145 ft 12 111 4 4 44 J 3 LongdenJ3 1400 71 GdFlavr HZCtalPce lllBrtlce 6 7UKl838Sar 11 209 sy 12 1154 6 54i 5 MilitelloD2 1500 50 SomeBoy 1220utboard 103Howard 6 7j Auzl23SGSar 14 156 gd 85 T117 1 4 4 i 4 LgdenJl 1400 47 SomeBoy 117Jinx HOMandasBaby 4 AueZSSSar 11 155 gd 10 1154 4 4i 53 MilteloD 1400 55 Bolamola 120Ifi5h End 113Uvaldt 7 Ju Jul2538Sar 11 152 ft 7 120 7 8 7 i 64 LngdenJ 1400 63 Celcstino 120BadDrmsll5MorePep 9 Ju Jul gSSEmn li 234 ft 10 113 6 4 4 i 34i LongdenJ 1750 72 MsChoict 108Misrulbl20MMuddli 1937 record 29 3 2 5 2BOO 1933 record 30 437 2955 2955Oct Oct 11 Jam 34 ft Itl6d Oct 4 Jam 12 ft 55b 55bU7 V U7 U7Yil WOUId Yil A Uare nro A V 1 l 9ft U Ch g 7 by Wildalr Olive Wood by The Manager Trainer D Kearney Owner Mrs M Sussman SussmanKm Km 338Pim li 236 ft 4910 113i 6 6 lh li Gilbert 1250 70 Mothel 112LaterOn l Italnllarry 10 Oct2938Lrl 1ft 151 hy 10 llli 9 6 64i 2J GilbcrtJ 1400 52 AngSaxon 113Carnagel06FchTrap 9 Oct25386Lrl 1ft 204 hy 5 113 9 4 39 3 = J CorbettC4 1500 51 Hdllunter 113ScrBrainll3Balapin 10 Jr ° Obt2038Lrl 1ft 200 ft 7 11011 4 4H 31 CorbettC 1250 72 Palan 113Prettylass 109GreenMelon 11 Octl338Lrl 1ft 200 ft i 109 9 2 I 2 CorbettC 1200 76 Ptylass 106InMemoryl04Orthrism 12 I ° Oct 332Lrl 1ft 200 ft 14 113 8 5 5i 5 MorrisR8 1250 69 Mardromel 107WdCounlll2PgDan 12 f1 Scp283SHdG li 236 ft 32 fll2 9 4 24 2 CorbetlC4 1300 62 Shot Up 112 Sciva 111 Justa Gal 10 fe Sep23388HdG 1ft 148 gd 40 114 1 6 53i 2 i MorrisR2 1000 68 PlaygDan 117Screenl09BrihtGem 12 f Sepl738IdG li 207 ft 10 107 766 63 DuppsL3 1000 64 WildCnt HSMadFrp llOGloping 7 A Ai52733Nar li 251 sy 10 106 9 5 72 ° 722 CastilleD 1000 31 MaChoice 107GdVisty93LitBanr 11 1937 record 22 526 4070 1938 record 26 362 3375 1 1 Sent 27HdG 38 ft 41b Sent 20 HdG l2m ilHh Seot 12 HdG 34 ft l20h l20hWi V Wi Winv nispy Upsetnispy nv Y A I 1 ft B m 5 by Waygood Onup by Upset JLJUU Trainer R Reeves Owner Mrs R Reeves Oct2633LrI ReevesOct2633LrI 1ft 204 si 1151101 2 2 i 1 DuppsL2 1500 53 InMemy 108Orthprismll5Fredalva 10 ° Octl738Lrl 14 153 ft 3 110 3 3 31 3 i LeBlcEi 1200 70 ScyNurse 106Packagell6ItnHarry 11 Ortl283Lrl 1ft 143 ft 15 110 8 8 544 543 SmithFA Alhr 67 SeaGull lOSLoneHdlllSchleyNurse 12 Oct 538Lrl 1ft 147 ft llf llli 977 5 ° HowellR 1400 66 HhTsion 113Balapml08Jobakheta 12 5l Scp24388Lat 1ft 146 ft 8 11010 4 5 5 LittrellJ 1250 71 BterBerry 114LongFacell4Mature 11 1 s Sepl738Lat 3120hy 6i 115 7 4 22 2 GrillF3 1000 45 Blagden HSPreAndrellSGandsIick 7 i f Sep1438 Lat 3 118 m 165 111 3 5 4i 2 LittrelU 1250 48 JFrcis 116KtuckyJane 105AdaW 6 1 S Sep 738 Lat 14 157 sy 1710 4103 5 1 I8 1 LJltrellJ 1000 54 CrkBoy HOKvsPnant HOVvesta 9 4500Seot 1937 record 23 476 3035 1933 record 25 643 4500 Seot lLat34ft l17h Aur 16 Was 34 rd 2b Julr 19 AP 34 ftia8b uaidpiu P ftia8bP lanTn A V 1 1 9 Ch g 6 by Olambala Pincushion by Polymelian 1 J Trainer J Davis Owner M M Morin ° Oct2538 MorinOct2538 ° Lrl 1ft 204 hy 9Jf 110 8 5 5 41 ScottR10 1500 47 HdHunter 113SrBrainll3WdDare 10 I I c Ort2038Lrl 1ft 200 ft 4710 10810 5 6 6 LeBlcE 1500 66 Palan 113Prettylass 109WouldDare 11 c Octl238Lrl li 207 ft 2i 106 6 2 33 3 LeBlcE 1400 70 KindacornllSMothel 112PrcePettie 8 I 1 fDead heat heatOctlO38Lrl c OctlO38Lrl li 206 ft 3 103 8 4 43 4i DuppsL 1400 72 Kindacorn HOJavamocha 113Palan 10 c Oct 533Lrl 1ft 147 ft Si 10811 5 33i 2i DuppsL4 1400 74 HighTensnll3Jobakheta 106Jolyon 12 A Aue2338Nar 1ft 147 ft 46 11310 6 5f In MerrillM 1250 79 Screen 113 JoyFIag 116 LinasSon 12 Au5l233Nar 1 146 si 9i 111 10 9 8 7 i HowellJ 1250 71 RPinct 113SanPtroll3CneysPet 10 1937 record 32 645 4355 1933 record 20 321 2600 Oct 2600Oct 24Lrl 12 sv 55b Oct 18Lrll2 ft ilh Oct 4Lrllm ft l45h I rrcuyiass Proffwlacc l45hProffwlacc V A 1 11 1 9 B m 6 by General Lee Princess by Ambassador IV SmithNOT Trainer E R Mitchell Owner Mrs J Smith NOT 338Pim 1ft 148 ft 5 115 1 6 533 41 EecardR2 1500 75 CticLesd 103DkRevuell7SeaGull 12 B1 Oct2033Lrl 1ft 200 ft 9 109 2 2 2k 2h EecardR3 1250 73 Palan 113 WuldDarell073reenMelon 11 c OcU338Lrl 1ft 200 ft 31 106 12 6 21 1 EccardR 1200 76 WdDart 109InMemyl04Orthrism 12 I j Oct 333SLrl 1ft 200 ft 65 10511 7 7i 7 WitmerG 1250 67 Mardromel 107WdCountll2PgDan 12 I s SenlO385Tim alft 151 ft 2310 T112 1 KirkW 900 Heart Play 115 Morlute 107Huppy 8 7is IScpSSSOTim alft 154 si 8i 115 3i KirkW 800 BcstPolicy 107Huppy lOSJustaGiro 8 5 Sep3385Mar 1ft 154 ft 12 109 6 BergM Hep JamesBoy 107MissH0rdl07Tracbe 6 Aug2738Mar 1ft 1 8 ft 6i 112 1 ° PalumboS 900 Fenway 114 HeartPlay 107 ElsieJ 8 I 1937 record 34 664 4415 1938 record 27 434 1945 Oct 1 Lrl 34 m 123b June 3 Aem 3 8 sv 40b Aor 21HdG 12 ft ilh CnafprnaJq UUaiemaia ilhCnafprnaJq 1 1U OQ B 5 by Cynic Isabella by Spanish Prince II Trainer T Wiltshire Owner Mrs T Wiltshire Oct2638 WiltshireOct2638 = LrI a 2 3 9 si 5i 1354 4 424 43 KingWS 1500 BigMarch 133 Bell Man 136 Claque 7 Octl7382Lrl a 2 355 ft 34 1342 2 4 4 ° KingWi 1400 Prattler 152LitWomanl45Valpuisx 7 Decl637CT 1ft 143 ft 20 111 4 3 43 53 RootR3 1400 71 Clnlleels 112iInactivel03GdCross 8 l Decll376CT 11 203 ft 18 110 3 3 li I2 RootR 800 77 Luculent 113 Taipan 107 Ben Gay 8 J Jua24372CT 6i f 122 ft 11 111 6 PalumboS 600 74 MIngua 100TopsieII112TriesRuby 8 J JunJ9373CT a4i f i2hy 7104 6 Smith W 500 62 TomsBoy lllMyFirthl09MsWrlt g 1937 record 12 2 1 0 715 1933 record 2 0 0 0 100 I Oneen VJUCCU Elizabeth ll2auciu y A 1 IUO Ofi B m 5 by Victorian Perseverance by Mont dOr II Trainer C 0 Ferguson Owner W H Royle 10Jul Oct26383Lrl RoyleOct26383Lrl 1ft 206 si 41 11010 7 5si 4 i KsingerC3 1500 40 Army andNavy 108Mayrol05JoIyon 10 Jul 438sCT li 207 ft 8j 103 6 5 ScoccaD 600 FlCarpet 115Flagjtickll4LiAction 8 J Juo2238Del 1ft 147 ft 53 106 7 7 7 7 MaloneyC3 1400 62 JobakhetallSDDulcin lllBgCont 7 J Jun 9336CT li 203 ft 4910 109 7 3 PalumboS 700 HelenBab HlLtlePercyllOMamuck 7 1 I Ha 2333CT 1ft 156 hy 14 109 62 ScoccaD 1000 EarlyBrm HlCtcrdoollSJmsBoy 7 1937 record 14 403 1365 1933 record 14 103 1000 i 1000Oct Oct 24Lrl34 sv l Ob 7uaigaiu 1 Bargain ijujr BoV X 1 ij 1 2 B 9 5l by NoahBargain II by Matchmaker Trainer C G Wolford Owner E A Roast NOT 238Spim 1ft 201 ft 183 120 9 7 5 8 3 FowIcrT 125067 Micro 99 Fredalva 116 Mary Allen 11 Oct2338Lrl li 156 m 72f 118 6 8 7 7 FowIerP 1500 39 Contrast 107Jobakhetall8LcHand 9 Octl938Lrl 1ft 147 ft llf 103 4 12 12 12 2 McDottP 1200 61 HijhTenn 110InMemyl06Jobakta 12 S 27WlHr H2ns ft 991 11 6 7 7i HoIIandR 1250 59 Outboard 93Phymorell3Kindacorn 12 7 65i 6 WitmerG 1250 62 PHayjDan 117WoldDarell4Screen 12 Sepl2383Tim alft 150 ft 6i 113 53i CookW 1250 111 Jungo Miss Epe 112 Goodwint 8 i Au530385Mar 1ft 1 6 ft 5i 119 22 GarrettL 1750 DunLuckyll4Boosel 103HppyRoad 7 Au27384Mar 6ifl26ft 12 12110 110 6 1 MillerG Hep RIBness 103StarMitl04LysFavor Ajs20385CF a 1ft 147 ft 22 22103 103 2J BalducciA Hep Suncrax lOgLadysFarll HpyRoad 8 8 1937 record 1 1Auz 1933 record 20 323 1140 Auz 28 Mar 38ft 41h 41hStepeeX StepeeX 10 eteeWrack Sandwich by Huon Trainer W Mein Owner W W Gift Sep2838 Whe 1ft 218 ft 34 113 2 4 4 = i 43 SnyderW 500 JtaPilgrim 113SpotI 113SpotIs s 103BsRun 8 Sep223S7Vhe li 203 si 145 114 7 6 4 4 CookWi 500 BkeHerod 114NevrIdol 109Trstar 8 Sep20387Whe 1ft 206 by 1710109 7 4 2i 1 CookW 500 LLaMame 112TSwagnll2DPwick 8 Sepl5387Tim alft 153 si 4710 104 21 WitmerG 500 Helen Bab 114 Dixie Bee 114 Ado 8 SenlOSSmm alft 151 ft 5i 109 6 SnyderW 500 Arachne 105FmousCrtonll2Ardor 8 1937 record 30 403 1295 1938 record 26 1 5 0 610 Sent 27 Vhe38ft 40b t Flvine ijrujK i Feet cci X 1 ± 01 i B 4 by Fl in Ebony Anna Mac by Uncle Trainer J J Martin Owner J J Martin Octl73oLrl li 153 ft 73 110 5 6 7 7 ColeA 1200 59 SchleyNurse 106Package 116Wispy 11 Oct 738Lrl 1 145 gd 60f 105 4 6 77 7 CoIeA 1500 69 JohnFrancis 110 Waka 104 Micro 12 Oct l383LrI 1ft 149 m 21f 107 3 10 Ifli2 ColeA 1200 47 LtQutler 105TRnerllOHiTensn 12 Sep 7383Tira a6ifl21ft 12 111 5i PalumboS 1000 Idyllic 106RulhLerrl05SquarePIay 8 Jul26382Rkm 1141 gd 20 10810 5 5 i 7i CastilleD2 1000 62 BrnTrust llOBghtGmlGaIIjlsOlf 12 Jul21387Rkm 1ft 1 4 m 225 110 3 3 5i 5 YbryW 1000 35 LeBanner 105WCrackerll4Makeit 9 JuL1838 Rkm J 114 sy 16 104 7 8 8 J 8 3 JtroskjC3 1000 69 HhFinance HSFredickllSFrTinn 8 1937 record 27 11 3 720 1938 record 18 1 2 0 950 Oct llLrl34ft l16h Oct 4Lrl38 ft 38h Sent 24HdG34 ft l20h

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1938110801/drf1938110801_7_2
Local Identifier: drf1938110801_7_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800