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WOODBINE PARK PARKWeather Weather Clear Track Fast ThreeEighths Mile 53 Colonel Bud 105 57 St Ina Fair Set 38h 56 Costa Rica 105 105Don 58 Storm Light LightStorm 57 Frisinian 37 h Don Mariner 109 Storm Sail 57 Gypsy Sentinel 37 h hHotset 57 Floor Show 109 57 Sweepden Hotset 38h 38hLorraine 57 Grand Token 105 56 Timely Flight Lorraine S 39 b 55 Hey Parma 106 57 Verncdale 58 Miss Sarnia 37h 37hMcMark 57 Hay Knife 103 59 Willie the Kid McMark 38h 57 Kinsail 103 i 57 Wimbledon 56 My Adcl 38h 56 Listycoat 105 1 57 Westys Hero HeroOne 57 Patrisius 37 h 55 Leo D 105I One Mile 13 56 Single Claim 38h 53 Maitland Miss 1051 57 Amhurst 149 h 58 Suntack 40 b bTabsct 55 Pharagal 106 I 57 Budlurc BudlurcDark l47b Tabsct 39 h hOneHalf 57 Samoan Queen 103 i Dark Comet 147 b OneHalf Mile 47 58 Sun Commando 104 i 59 Peterhof l47h 55 Blue Wren 54 h 57 Stucco 105 i 59 Poojia l51h 59 Don Boscombe 51h 56 Worthy Duke 108 1 56 Stoney Brush 147 h 58 Fair Wave 57 b 56 Wee Princess 104 104ThreeQuarters 57 Siete Colorcs l47b 51 Grandmother 51h 57 Suffern l48h 53 Haggis 51h ThreeQuarters Mile 111 57 Standout 152 d 51 Lady Sham 50h 57 Cabin Gal 116 57 The Calf 149 h 54 Marys Lullaby 58 b 57 Fred Tracey 121 57 Trey l50h 56 Model C 51h 59 Frobisher 116 51 Queen Pat 50h 57 Gonewird 123 One and OneEighth Miles 57 Spicy 54 h 56 Holton 117 58 Silent Sea 58h 57 Kindred Spirit 119 59 Bar Fly l59h 57 Thermal 53 h hWise 57 Lucky Shot 115 59 Lady Wales 201b Wise Maiden 50h 50hFiveEighths 57 Marbuer 118 59 Passa Grille 201 b FiveEighths Mile 59 56 Petes Lady 120 56 Sea General 201 h 56 Arjayen l05h 57 Royal Tread 116 57 Skyliner l59h 58 Bold Pirate 106 h 57 So via 116 56 Undisturbed 201 h 57 Blue Yank l03d 58 Sir Bevidere 118 57 Warrigan l59h CHARLES TOWN TOWNWeather Weather Cloudy Track Muddy ThreeEighths Mile OneHalf Mile 48 48Bob Mystery Man 52b 52bMorocco 426 Agnes Knight KnightBelairs Bob Junior 53b 53bBeaming Morocco D 54 b Belairs Beaming Gal 54b 54bClifton 51 Pimlico Lady 5 b bPeace BelairsBay Bay Arnold ArnoldGay Clifton Dawn 53b 53bCanslip Peace Box 54 b bSir Gay Hill HillChief Canslip 53b 53bGallant Sir Cezar 55b 55bScotch Chief Hollis HollisCount Gallant Dipper 53h Scotch Flame 53h 53hScotch Count Me MeCats 57 Headinz Home 53b 53bHes Scotch Flag 54 b Cats Cradle Hes Tops 54b 54bLord ThreeQuarters Mile Delhi Dan DanRed Lord Longworth 54b Blue Prelude 128 b bMagic Red Wings 51 Mud Lover 53ysb 53ysbMud Magic Rock l27b l27bMiss 35 ReadyAbout Mud Dobcr 55 b bMiss Miss Pilgrim 128 b bSchley 419 Schley Goree Miss Rippling 53 b Schley Buck 125 d SCHLEY BUCK was under a mild drive throughout his trial BLUE PRELUDE was only breezing MYSTERY MAN showed likely form and liked the wet going CATS CRADLE and BOB JUNIOR stepped lively from the gate in the muddy going SCOTCH FLAME appeared to hold his speed MISS RIPPLING went under wraps throughout GALLANT DIPPER worked an impressive four furlongs SIR CEZAR was hard held throughout