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Detroit Will Follow Last Years War Relief Plans PlansTo To Contribute Admission Fees of Four Saturdays and Memorial Day DayDETROIT DETROIT Mich May 15 Following the pattern of a plan adopted last year the Detroit Racing Association will con ¬ tribute for War Relief purposes the entire receipts from admission fees taken in on the first five important days of its 73 day meeting opening at the local Fair Grounds next Saturday The five big days in which service men and their dependents will sriare will be the first four Saturdays and Decoration Day which this year will be observed on Monday May 31 31Last Last year the Detroit Racing Association turned over admission receipts from the first two Saturdays and Decoration Day amounting to 23976 and an additional 1024 contributed by the track operators as the first sum from its numerous activi ¬ ties in behalf of war relief Its total con ¬ tribution to war relief last year was 81336 81336Guarantees Guarantees 35000 as First Contribution ContributionThis This year the Detroit Racing Association guarantees at least 035000 as its first con ¬ tribution and it is believed that with a favorable break in racing attractions and weather proceeds from the four Saturdays and Memorial Day will exceed that figure Later during the meeting other activities and contributions will increase the local associations efforts in the cause of war relief The raising of money for assistance to men in the armed forces and the lead ¬ ing agencies engaged in such work will be the keynote of the entire Detroit racing season seasonAnother Another cooperative policy of the local racing association is the release of a num ¬ ber of men formerly employed as sellers in the parimutuel department to war work This year 120 women with a prefer ¬ ence to the dependents ot men in the arnied forces have been taken into the parimutuel staff They will serve as sell ¬ ers of tote tickets throughout the meet ¬ ing and this plan will remain in force for the duration durationMale Male parimutuel cashiers being retained are all past the draft age with no special qualifications for Industrial war work workIt It Is the plan of the management to have havehorsemen horsemen take a part of their purses In InWar War Bonds and some of the many special specialContinued Continued on Page Five Detroit Will Follow Last Years War Relief Plans PlansTo To Contribute Admission Fees of Four Saturdays and Memorial Day DayContinued Continued from Pane One Oneawards awards to be made during the meeting will be in the same savings certificates certificatesThe The Detroit Racing Association has been authorized as an issuing agent for War Bonds by the Federal Reserve Bank and will again operate special windows where patrons horsemen track employees and others may purchase bonds and stamps During its meeting a year ago the local as ¬ sociation sold over 300000 in bonds and stamps and this year officials confidently expect to exceed the 500000 quota set for them themOpening Opening Saturday with one of the richest inaugural programs in its history the Fair Grounds will operate daily Sundays ex cepted through August 14 Programs will embrace eight events and many of them will feature races over the new steeplechase and turf courses Weekday racing will start at 445 p m while Saturday and holiday programs will get under way at 215 p m mSaturdays Saturdays sport will have its principal events in the 5000 Boots and Saddle Handicap a sprint of six furlongs for threeyearolds and upward the 250 In ¬ augural Handicap a mile and onesix ¬ teenth test for horses of the same ages and the 2000 Bugle Call Purse for twoyear olds at four and onehalf furlongs