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Latest Workouts From Major Tracks TracksK K x H Handily B Breezing D Driving E Easily 0 All out U Eased up Figures preceding horses name show date ol last previous workout Track record Is given after distance distanceNames Names of horses making fastest time at each distance in black face type FRIDAY MAY 14 1943 1943DETROIT DETROIT DETROITTrack Track Good 38 MILE MILEAerial Itchin 41 b bKingsMount Wise Brave 37h Aerial Bomb 36h KingsMount 38 h 12 MILE 511 Ariel Image 38b Liselott 39 b 430 Aunt Lucy 51 h 56 Briar Sharp 37M h 511 Masked Duke 39 h 325 Bill G 49b 511 Bursweep 37 h May J 38 h Baby Therese 52h Boy Angler 39 b Meritorious 40 b 511 Brown China 53y5b Butsys Rose 39 b 425 Nippy 38 b 512Castraw 51h 51h36h By Conscript 37h Nagala NagalaBold 36h 512 Eugene 50h 50h36y5h Bold Bob 40 b 511 Our Advice AdviceBonnie 36y5h Fleets In 50h Bonnie Andrew 41 b Pairco 38 h 511 Hover HoverBachelor 53b Bachelor Boy 36h 512 Purple Magic 39 h 512 Irish Flight 49 h h38h 511 Bull Whip 37b 428 Quarto 38h 512 Mizzle 51 h h38h Bin Bin 38 b 511 Red Rebel RebelCo 38h Ocean Bound 52h Co Appointmt 40 b RayG 40 b 512Ovala 51 h China Boy BoyDepi 38h Rubber City 39 b 512Piplad 51 h Depi 37 h Sky Soldier Soldier3835h 38 h 511 Pete Jr 51b 51b3835h DepiDon Don Listo 3835h Sherlock Sherlock36y3h 3835h 511 Pink Gal 54 h h39h 54 Field Lark 36y3h 51 Sarah G G37y5h 39h 325 Star Blen 51 h 511 Flying Julia 37y5h 511 Star Back 39 b Straw Stack 54h 324 Flying King 40 b 511 Smacked 58 MILE 58 315 First of All 37 b 510 Scotty Torch 38 h 512 Dissension Sir l04ysh Gallant Hour 39 b Stone Wall 38b 24 Golf Widow 107 b 430 Gold Princess 38b 43 Sugmae 39 b 512 Lady Rebecca l01h l01h40b Hortdal 40 b To Boot Boot38h 40b 5llPairfort l04ysh l04ysh38h 513 Here She Is 38h 325 The Giggler 38h 512Sidout l03h 511 Happy Choice 39 b 325 Wise Colonel 38 h 511 Tidy Peter 107 b AERIAL BOMB has her speed NIPPY and GOLD PRINCESS were given easy threeeighth breezes SMACKED and FIELD LARK displayed speed together BILL G and PETE JR were going easily in their halfmile trials LADY REBECCA turned in a sharp fivefurlong move SATURDAY MAY 15 1943 1943HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNE Track Slow Dogs Up 38 MILE 422 Black Fire 53 b 512 Fly the Coop 1 09 b 512 Busy Ellen 56 Black Swan 54b 51 JuneT 105 h 512 Bitter Ender 57 Castleman 53b 511 Kanopolis l07b 513 Big Boy 510 Gainer 52 h 512 Liberty Bon 1 05b 428 Boselda 511 Grand News 50h 50hHopedale 510 Legal Eagle 108 b 428 Bosweco Hopedale 54 b 51 Purple Wrack 106 b 512 Broadcloth 54 Mischief Afoot 54b 54bMaple 511 Reaping Gem l07b 512 Camelina Maple Heart 53 b 57 Taint Fair l07h CamelinaForeign Foreign Shot 511 Ruditaurus 55 b b510Reztips 57 Whiscendent 109 b 511 Gem W 510Reztips 52 h 512 Hadaboy 511 Sales Talk 50 h 34 MILE 11056 58 Ice Water 58 Vinum 51b 513 Meandyou 511 Blue Delight 119 b 429 Many Bangles 58 MILE 59 424 Chi 123 b 511 O Play 53 AlauFeu l0iysb 310 Dancing Light 123 b 512 Occupy 514 Arched l06h l06h510Ahied 58 Highthorne l21b 512 Sara Phara 510Ahied l08ysb 55 Kiss Kiss 120 h 512 Sonny Casey 57 Bip 105 h 512 Leos Brandy 1 21b 513 Wiseasyou 510 Courteous l07b l07bDawn 511 Occupation 118 b 12 MILE 48 Dawn 108 b 511 To a Tee 118 b 57 Aonbarr 510 Edith T 109 b 512 Valdina Vicar 124 b SALES TALK displayed speed GRAND NEWS is rounding into good form VINUM worked well in hand BLUE DELIGHT was going easily in her threequarjter trial OCCUPATION working with TO A TEE was well in hand through his three quarter trial SPORTSMANS PARK PARKTrack Track Slow Dogs Up 38 MILE 510 Rogers Boy 40h 510 Dark Cloud 54h 54 Constant Aim 42 b 425 Free Miss 56b 512 David B Jr 41b 12 MILE 415 Tetragal TetragalKeenCarona 54 b KeenCarona 42h 423Alaflag 55b 514 Volcano 53h AQUEDUCT Track Muddy 38 MILE 511 Swish 52 b 513 Susans Trick 108 b 23 Cumshaw 36h 58 MILE 59 512 Top Gallant 106 b b512DeKalb 512DeKalb 37 h 55 Abrasion 103 h 5llTammysOwnl06b 5llTammysOwnl06b428Stevada 428Stevada 37h 58 Baby Connie l05h 57 Selhaste 39b 217 Down Six 106 b 34 MILE 110 12 MILE 58 Dark Mischief l04b 512Anibras 118 b b513Challo 513Challo 53h 5llDegrande l0625b 511 Counsellor 120 b 513 Exposed Card 53h 57 Forky Parson 110 b 511 Great Albert 117 b 421 Grey Victory 51b 510 Fettacairn 105 b 56 Jaquita 120 b 511 Grey Squire 53 b 512Knute 109 b 511 Mighty Master 120 b 511 Head Sea 52 b 511 Lieut Well l06b 78 MILE 123 421 Miss Drummd 52 b 512 Oakford l06b 56 He Rolls 130 h 510 Minefinder 50 b 512 Pariferda l06b 512Thorino 133 h hNightland Nightland 51 b 511 Pony Express l03h 57 Trierarch 131 b bSmart Smart Crack 52 b 54 Red Fox l05h 1 MILE MILESister Sister Rolls 49h 511 Ravenala 103 h 55 Boslet 148 h hRAVENALA RAVENALA is holding his form ABRASION went handily in his work HE HEROLLS ROLLS showed a good effort BABY CONNIE and RED FOX worked from the gate In company BEULAH PARK PARKTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 511 Razor Sharp 42 h 513 Tidkin 50 d 420 Boston Lassie 37 h 52 Ruckelle 37 h 58 Wise Margaret 53 h 56 Buffalo 42Mb 52 Sunny Fly 37J5d 430Weslow 53 h 53 B P Greenock 39 h 12 MILE 46 58 MILE 59 55 Dont Point 38 5h 5 11 Brother Jim 49 d 510 Aureate l03d l03dFallenger Fallenger 40 Nh 51 CommdoTom 51h 511 Alma June l04d 425 Franks Boy 371sb 55 Commission 50h Bonnie Pal 108 li 511 Golden Bert 38 h 54 Catcher Upper 53 h 514 Darby Dontte 105 d 429 Great Clermnt 41h 514 Double Witch 52 h 512 Lady AU 104 d 56 Happy Indian 37y5d 51 Early Action 52b 512 Onette l09h 47 Kentucky Boy 38 h Front Fender 54d 511 Peggys Boy l03d 429 Lady Lucille 37 h 511 Mountaloon 50h 511 Morocco Irene 36h 511 Morocco Light 50 h 34 MILE 111 111Mint Mint Gate 38 h 54 More Water 53d 52 Baskeroll 117 d 511 Morocco Sir 36 d Miss Warning 49 d 429 Fair Jule l17h 59 Nabroj 36h Silver Glory 51h 55 Gay Prank l17d 424 Prince Beiltro 37h 428 Thorn ONight 51h 417 Present Arms 124 b NABROJ displayed good speed AUREATE was under a hard drive from the gate HAPPY INDIAN and SUNNY FLY were in company PRESENT ARMS breezed an easy threequarters trial1 Thti following broke from the gate AUREATF DOUBLE WTTCH MESS WARNING THORN ONIGHT and WISE MARGARET BELMONT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 425 Spoon Bread 53b 510 Rascal 120 b 427 Allessandro 40 b 58 Sebenoa 48h 55 Suntegra l14li l14li3T 510 Colchis 37 b 58 MILE 58 510 Tricks 118 b b35b 59 Exceptional 35 35b 514 Count Fleet 58h 58 Vietta l1435h 53 Lady Eli 39 39b 58 Diamd Shoals l04b 510 Yankee Girl 116 b 57 LadyPharned 39 b 511 Dry Goods l04b 58 Yarrow Maid l14h 35ysh 56 FairCrystal l03b 511 Yolandita 37 h 511 Flash l04b 78 MILE 122 59 ZacaGray 35h 429 Lucky Draw 100 h 511 Agrarist 132 b 12 MILE 513Lilson l02li 512 Cincus 131 b 514 Attention 51b 58 MissQ l02h 513 Dairy Lady 131 b 425 Boundg Home 51h 513 Meal Flag 105 b 512Devie 130 b 513 Billoxi Bay 51b 55 Pomayya l01h 512 Famous Victy l27h 57 Chance Mate 49 h 513 Santa Stefana 109 b 513 Golden Fleece l32b 56 Crazy Horse 49 b 511 Spirit l05b 512 Poacher l29b l29b510Chorsie 510Chorsie 49 h 511 Wildebeest l02b 511 Valdivia l32b 512 Donitas First 48h 34 MILE 110 1 MILE 134 513 Extra Base 48h 514 Bottom Rail 115 h 59 Cherry Crush l48b 511 Great Ripple 51b 512Bourmont l16h 512 Four Freedmsl 40h 511 Generous 50b 59 Curious Coin 123 b 59 Good Compnyl43h 513 One Look 48h 510 Fresh Start 120 b 59 Gothic l4235h 512 Piccadilly 53b 511 Halberd Il6h 512 George Lamzel S b 513 Photogenic 48y5h 514 Highborough l1335h 427 Jack Twink l43h 511 Platter 49 h 511 Irish Nora l16b 510 Kings Abbey 143 h 510 Plane Spotter 50 b 510 Little Diana 116 b 511 Romanov l46b 512 Rodney Stone 48h 55 One Dollar 116 b 53 Star Beacon l38h 56 Renraw 49 h 53 Pugilist 116 b 5llSalto l40h 513 Sea Fare 50b 510 Petrify 120 b 1 18 MILES 148 513 Spare Man 48y5h 51 Rock Knight l13b 512 Seamanlike l57b COUNT FLEET was accompanied by BOTTOM RAIL He showed high speed under restraint doing his fractions in 22 34 46 58 and galloping out an additional furlongr in 113 HIGHBOROUGH appears in fine fettle ROCK KNIGHT was under a mild drive v vI I Training Track Track Slow 38 MILE MILEBoston 54 Cassis 50 b bDejection 514 Hasteville 104 h Boston Man Dejection 54 h 513 Surrogate 103 h 59 Bill Sickle SickleDaves 56 Docdonough 50 h 57 Vincentive l04h Daves Cliff 58 FiveoEight 52 b bGas 34 MILE 430 Flippancy Gas Bag 50 h 512Buzalong l1835h 510 Jamesborough 58 Honfleur 53 h 512 Headoverheelsl20h 5 12 Liberty Ite 5 6 Proud One 50 h 512 Hard Blast 1 18h 413 Pharblaze 57 PenobscotBay 51 h hRagoon 513Lotelad 120 h 430 Samaritan Ragoon 53 h 55 Tack Room 120 b 511 Umbril 56 Thespian 52 h 78 MILE 430 War Glenn 59 True Blue 49h 510Narki 133 V5h 12 MILE 58 MILE 1 MILE 512 Ariel Lad 55 Bulls Eye l053sh 54 Belay 150 b 510 Blenette 58 Hermar 104 h 510 Bottle Imp 147 b CHARLES TOWN TOWNTrack Track Good 38 MILE Upcheek 41 i Two Straws 52h 52hBeans Beans 40b 58 MILE 427 Consignment 41 b 12 MILE 48 All Whims l08b 53 Greta J 39ysb Breeze Along 52h Bear Cat l04h Grey Moose 41 b 510 Chilly Ebbie 53b Curl On 105 h hGirlie Girlie Star 38h 53 Grand Archer 57 b 59 Some Where 104 h 510 Lackawanna 41b 413 High Standard 57b 511 Tacaro Ginny 105 h hLendaHirl LendaHirl 39 h Kindly Light 56b 34 MILE MILEMerciless Merciless 38h LilaD 56 b Chancer l18fgh 512 Nibby Jock 40b 511 Lucky Dot 52y5h 512 Fair Flame l20b l20bPilate Pilate Echo 41 b My Guide 51 h 510Ginobi l19ysb 424 Plain Bill 39 b 511 Miss Shotgun 51h 511 Pone l20b l20bRevelry Revelry 40b 58 Marandan 53h 510 Sting Lea l19h 51 Sandy Trail 41 b 512 Playful Star 53b Silver Beam 120 b bSure Sure Cook 38b 421 Royal Business 55b 510Tinto 121 b 430 Sir Reg 42 b 511 Red Wings 52h 78 MILE 124 59 Stand Alone 40 b Spiking 56b 421 Celtic Knight 136 b 428 TacaroJacopo 40b 512 Terry May 51b 1 MILE 5 14 Tacaro Bras 39 h 51 TacaroPilata 53b 511 Hot Man l59b MY GUIDE showed speed in his trial ROYAL BUSINESS was only breezing breezingBREEZE BREEZE ALONG was restrained to CHILLY EBBIE in their morning trial STING LEA worked impressively from the gate TERRY MAY was well in hand throughout throughoutSOME SOME WHERE appeared to like the rough going s SUFFOLK DOWNS DOWNSTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 512 Port Spin 53 h 34 MILE 109 109Aunt Aunt Millie 38 h 419Rissa 49 h 426 Bunny Baby 119 b b329Bostee 329Bostee 38h 513 RomanNymph 52h 54 Brass Tower 116 h 58 Lord Win 35h 420 Sun Valley 49y5h 511 Burgoolette 115 h 510 Like Greenock 38ysh 58 Sentinel 49 h 55 Boy Baby l16h 54 Little Bud 3735h 56 Selmalad A9Vsh 512 Bright Bobbie l17h 53 Little Suzanne 36 h 55 Side Boy 50 h Comedian 115 h h49h 514 Mad Bunny 38h 56 Top Straw 49h 511 Genal Mowleel15h 39ysh Taking Ways 50y5h 55 Four Eyes l18h 55 Mokablue 38h 56 Wishing 49 h 5llGaspr de Salol22b 513Moonmiss 40 h Zacharias 47 6h 511 Hornblende l18h 52 Pompeco 36 h 54 Mare Nostrum 120 b 58 Patron Saint 38h 58 MILE 58 58Pilot J 426 Noble Boy 1 18y5h Pilot Star 39 h 5llArgella 1 1RomneyRex 103 h 510 Faille 119 b bl06b RomneyRex 37 h 418 Betty Leon 11 l06b 512Quaroma l17h 511 Tyrone 37b Celaeno Celaeno38h 1 44 Two Kick 38h 56 Consomme l02h 430 Spartan 120 511 5llCopin Copin l01h 57 Speedway 116 h 12 MILE 56 Crosscountry l04h 510 Snowline 116 h h5llAlport 5llAlport 51 h 52 Demolition 102 h 512 Twinkippy l13h 511 Bellarmine 50 h 511 Good Looking l02h 429 Visiting Nurse 114 h 51 Bay State 52h 421 Guy Fawkes 103 h 512 War Result l17h 513 Battle Jack 50 h 56 Johnnie J 104 b 78 MILE 55 Broadhead 49h 512Librty Squarel03h 323 Hy Gay 130 h 54 BelmarArra 54 h 55 Last Frontier l01h 511 Maezaca 133 h 56 Blockader 51ll Manador 104 h 53 Scotch Abbot 130 h 57 Crack Timber 51 h 227 La Reinette 104 h 423 Winning Smilel 30 h 58 Fire at Will 51 h 513 My Elsie l06b 1 MILE 136 512 Hard Bargain 50h 57 Multi Quest l05h 57 Brother Dear 143 h 58 Hill Sun 49h 512 Robespierre 102 h 5llBonheur l43h 428 Kitchener Kid 49 h 430 Richestan Richestan5llMianami l05hr 426 Challomine l42V6h 5llMianami 50 h 59 Rodin 106 106sb sb 513 Kansas l43h 54 Middle River 51 h Stormcock 104 h 511 Misty Lady l44h 512 Misfit 5iy5h 512 Sun Ivy l03h 513Shepson l4535b 427 Nilon 52 h 511 True Heart l04h 512 Satin Cap l44h 54 Petes Bet 49h 511 Unimond l0445h 51 Sharp Reward 147 h RANGE DUST ran out in his work BROTHER DEAR and CHALLOMINE worked together The latter was the best MAEZACA ZACHARIAS and TWINKIPPY worked from the gate MISTY LADY and SATIN CAP worked in company CHURCHILL DOWNS Track Slow 38 MILE 12 MILE 46 53 Pukka Gin 52Ysb 413 Pennington 52 1 59 Countmein 58 Bolo Brook 51h 58 Sweetest Girl 52 h 429 Dove Pie 511 Bashful Duck 52 b 58 Valdina Cooky 51 b 430 Ebony Fly 412 Buds First 52h 58 MILE 59 512 Fairy O 510 Breakdown 53 b 412 Benzedrine 106 b 57 Grand Love 512 Glyndale 51h 513 Formal Dress 1 07b 512 Miss Dogwood 512 Illgofar 5325b 424 Grnks Image 108 b 512 Sky Susan 512 Janes Patsy 49h 512 Innate 106 b 57 Squeeze Thru 58 Lyonstown 52 b 34 MILE 110 512 Sun Risk 52 Monks Memo 51 h 514 Flying Easy 119 b Wolletta 58 OldSarge 53 b 511 Valdina Orpn l16h JAMAICA JAMAICATrack Track Slow 38 MILE 56 Faust LT 54 b 59 Fire Nymph 105 b b4l5Chevalet 4l5Chevalet 42 b High Spot 52b 428 Quaker Lad 109 b b513Faiseur 513Faiseur 42 b 52 More Wine 49d 58 Teddy Mars l05b l05b5lOGeriL 5lOGeriL 40 b 513 Red Blossom 51 h 510 Little Flyer 39b 43 Sergeant Bill 51 b 34 MILE 110 110Rita Rita Jane 38 b 5llTacoma 5iysb 5iysbSuper Super Mariner 37 d 512 Count dArgntl19 b b420Tufano 420Tufano 41 58 MILE 58 12 MILE oo Deueoasque JUD n oa joe Burger iiy u 57 Camp Sortie 5425b Broad Wine l0525b 512 W H Kelly 117 h hFAMILY FAMILY DOC went easily MORE WINE worked cleverly W H KELLY was not fully extended WOODBINE PARK PARKTrack Track Fast 38 MILE MILEAbreck 512 Rose Mountain 50 d 512 Billie Day Abreck 511 Star Whiz 50 h 512 Crestwood 118 h 512 Bon Jour JourEye 37h 512 Uplands 49d 510 Cyrus P 116 J5d Eye Mark 38n 510 Vino Tinto 54 h 512 Depositor 118 d 513 Fugacious 36h 58 MILE 59 512 Diego Red 513 Grandpal 36h All Glee 104 h 512 Goggles 513 Heel Up 35h 512 Bunny Rabbit l07J5d High Honors l17h Inconceivable 39h 510 Clocklike ClocklikeJaneMark 104 h 513 Isleworth l17h l17h38h JaneMark 38h 510 Front Attz AttzKalamazoo Attack 104 h 512 Ill Excel 120 c Kalamazoo 39 b 512 Getwise GetwiseMono l03h Kinsail 123 1 512 Mono Miller 36 h 512Heramore 512HeramoreOmpolo l06d 511 MajorMinor l18d l18d3625h 511 Ompolo 36h 510 Loteer LoteerParaboloid 104 h Play Flash 118 d 512 Paraboloid 36 h hRed 510Pompel 510PompelRed l03d 512 Scotchgrass 116 d d39h Red Rival 39h Queen Pal l05h 510 Torch Singer 120 h h36h 511 Saybnara 36h 512 Royal Heels l04h 5llYenoc l19h l19h36h 513 Sweepgold 36h Rocky Trail l06h 1 MILE 13815 12 MILE 47 512 Shining Day 105 h 512 Admiralty 148 h 512 Acquin 51 b Shanty Bay 105 h 512 Bar Fly 148 h SllTBall and Chain 52 h 511 Stoney Brush l03d 514Filisteo l43d 511 Black Ned 52 d 512 Sovia 103 h 513 Silvos 148 h Fairaris 485fh 510 Tinted Chick l02 d 512 Vivid Vision 149 h 511 Hay Knife 52 d The Wraith 107 h 58 Kerry Lass 50J5h 1 18 MILES 151 Lady Awake 51 h 34 MILE 111 514 Astrometer 200 d Lady LadyMona Mona 50ysh 512Brosal l16 d 512Gyntaf 203 d 511 Marys Lullaby 52 h 512 Back Number l18h 514 Raglan 200 d 512 Peach Picker 49d 512Brodear l18d 514Taljpat 203 d dTALIPAT TALIPAT and GYNTAF worked on even terms ASTROMETER and RAGLAN are rounding to form They worked impressively on even terms FAIRARIS showed a high turn of speed and looks good SCOTCHGRASS showed the best move of the morning HIGH HONORS and ISLEWORTH were driving on even terms MONO MILLER and PARABOLOID showed speed on even terms CYRUS P and BROSAL worked on even terms UPLANDS PEACH PICKER HAY KNIFE MARYS LULLABY GRANDPAL SWEEPGOLD worked from the gate