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Late Results Friday May 26 1944 1944BAY BAY MEADOWS MEADOWSFOURTH FOURTH RACE 58331 34 Mile Purse 1200 1200Threeyearolds Threeyearolds Claiming ClaimingHolms Holms Pride 113 Pcderson 1980 820 590 Negoimp 110 Dye 800 540 540Saranap Saranap 116 Lasswell 1070 1070Time Time 113J Off at 303 Pacific War Time TimeAlso Also ran Xeno Sun Night Scot Heather Fox Oh Dinah Enlisted Man Corneida Ever Handy FIFTH RACE 58332 34 Mile Hotel Leamington Purse Purse 1500 Fouryearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesZaca Zaca Gray 113 Zufelt 320 260 210 210Milchess Milchess 115 Neves 370 210 210Dear Dear Judy 115 Gray 210 210Time Time l11 Off at 331 Pacific War Time TimeAlso Also ran Kbraline Browbeat Little Shuffle SIXTH RACE 58333 1 116 Miles Purse 1200 1200Fouryearolds Fouryearolds and upward Claiming Fighting Words 114 Pedcrson 280 260 220 Lady Listo 110 Neves 490 320 320Dundas Dundas 115 Zufelt 310 310Time Time 148 Off at 402 Pacific War Time TimeAlso Also ran Duke of War Mcs Glory Sherry Flip Danzar Full o Battle Night Raider SEVENTH RACE 58334 1 Mile Purse 1200 1200Fouryearolds Fouryearolds and upvard Claiming Ravicana 110 Pederson 990 340 280 280Ladys Ladys Son 120 Neves 270 250 250Some Some Hug 120 Lasswcll 300 300Time Time 140J Off at 432 Pacific War Time TimeAlso Also ran Repeat Call Priswcep The Whale Duke Saxon Race Track Gold Gift EIGHTH RACE 58335 1 Mile Purse 1200 1200Fouryearolds Fouryearolds and upward Claiming Cinder Maid 115 Dye 1100 570 350 350Valdina Valdina Captor 120 Gray 450 330 330Harry Harry Collins 110 Pcderson 580 580Time Time 1403 Off at 504 Pacific War Time TimeAlso Also ran Boxthorn Jr Wood Angel Bon Ivy Magnanimous Sir Valiant ValiantAttendance Attendance 4393 Total Handle 374367