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DAILY RACING FORM FORMFOUNDED Americas Turf Authority AuthorityVOLUME FOUNDED IN 1894 VOLUME L NUMBER 128 Entered as second class matter June 15 1938 SUBSCRIPTION BY MAIL MAILPer at the post office at Chicajjo 111 under the Act of March 3 1879 Per Month 650 Six Month 3750 3750Three Three Months J1875 One Year 7500 7500By Sundayby Published daily except Sunday By first class mail 450 additional per month monthBy by TRIANGLE PUBLICATIONS Inc IncKenneth By air mail 950 additional per month monthBack Kenneth Friede Publisher Back numbers 25 cents each DAILY RACING FORM Address all communications mako all remit ¬ ASSOCIATED PAPERS tances and zcnd all manuscripts to 731 Plymouth Court Chicago 5 111 343 W 26th Street New York 1 N Y DAILY RACING FORM 812 Calhoun Avenue Houston 1 Texas 731 Plymouth Court Chicago 5 111 111Telephone 50 Richmond Street East Toronto 1 Ont Telephone WABash 5050 2134 Miami Court N W Miami 37 Fla Herbert S Kamin Business Manager 1540 N Vermont Avenue Los Angeles 27 Calif Chart Index Number of first raco run in 1944 Calle Ignacio MariscalNo 23 Mexico D F Mex I was 53867