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WHEELING DOWNS DOWNSFIFTH FIFTH RACE 58404 About 6 12 Furlongs Purse 500 Threeyearolds and upward Claiming Dale Day 112 Whitlock 720 360 280 280Campmeeting Campmeeting 112 Hawryliw 600 320 320Circling Circling 117 Smith 280 280Time Time 129 Off at 555 Eastern War Time TimeAlso Also ran Sun Valley Lady Timarole Merrymood Mr Goose SIXTH RACE 58405 About 6 12 Furlongs Purse 4600 Threeyearolds and upward Allowances Omyo Moon 113 Meyer 420 280 240 240King King Joy 112 Smith 380 240 240Bold Bold Miss 113 Whitlock 300 300Time Time 126 Off at 628 J Eastern War Time TimeAlso Also ran Mare Nostrum Greta J SEVENTH RACE 58406 1 116 Miles Purse 500 500Threeyearolds Threeyearolds and upward Claiming Time to Play 116 Smith 340 f 280 240 240Schley Schley Al 116 Whitlock 520 300 300Letitia Letitia 340Time S 114J Daugherty 340 Time 159 Off at 702 Eastern War Time TimeAlso Also ran Joe D Wakita Countess Bcrz Attendance 15000 Total Mutuel Handle 35821